1. Camping is one of the ____ features in Ukrainian Scouting.
2. St. George is the Patron of Plast. Ukrainian scouts ___ Saint George to be the Patron of Plast because he possessed the qualities which were highly valued by the Ukrainian knights.
3. He ____ for the highest ideal - freedom.
4. St. George unites all the ideals upon which three main duties of every Plastun ____.
5. He represents everything that is good. Greeting for Cubs and Brownies is "Get Ready!" with ____ of the right hand to shoulders height.
6. The two fingers ____ the love for God and Ukraine.
7. It means ____ in body and mind to do your duty.
8. Greeting for the Youth and other scouts ____ "Skob!" with raisingthe right hand with three fingers.
9. All scouts shake hands with the left hand. The greeting "Skob!" ____ from the name of a huge white-tailed eagle which lives amidst cliffs.
10. Plast ____ this eagle as the symbol of their organization.
11. The first letters of Ukrainian stand for "Strength" (Syla), Beauty, Carefulness and Quickness. Strength of the soul ____ by the leaf of the oak-tree.
12.Beauty of the soul is represented by the fruit of the snowball-tree. Careful ____ is represented by a poisonous mushroom. Quickness is represented by a lightning.
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