10-A Reading

Додано: 2 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 352 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Easter Island is a small triangle of rock situated in the Pacific Ocean. It’s about 2,000 miles  (1) the nearest city. Easter Island is  (2) for its statues. Hundreds of these huge, stone faces can be  (3) all over the island. Who (4) them? How (5)

they move these giant pieces of rock? What happened (6)

the people who lived  there? Studies show that people (7)

 arrived on the island about 1600 years ago. They had a very advanced culture. They made many objects and they had their (8)

written language. However, the number of people on the island grew and grew (9)

 it reached about 10,000 people. Soon there were too many people and there wasn`t (10)

food to eat. A terrible war started and (11)

of the statues were broken. When western explorers (12)

 the island on Easter Day in 1722, the huge rock statues were the only sign that a great society had once lived there.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 2

Easter Island is a small triangle of rock situated in the Pacific Ocean. It’s about 2,000 miles  (1) the nearest city. Easter Island is  (2) for its statues. Hundreds of these huge, stone faces can be  (3) all over the island. Who (4) them? How (5)

they move these giant pieces of rock? What happened (6)

the people who lived  there? Studies show that people (7)

 arrived on the island about 1600 years ago. They had a very advanced culture. They made many objects and they had their (8)

written language. However, the number of people on the island grew and grew (9)

 it reached about 10,000 people. Soon there were too many people and there wasn`t (10)

food to eat. A terrible war started and (11)

of the statues were broken. When western explorers (12)

 the island on Easter Day in 1722, the huge rock statues were the only sign that a great society had once lived there.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 3

Easter Island is a small triangle of rock situated in the Pacific Ocean. It’s about 2,000 miles (1) the nearest city. Easter Island is (2) for its statues. Hundreds of these huge, stone faces can be (3) all over the island. Who (4) them? How (5)

they move these giant pieces of rock? What happened (6)

the people who lived there? Studies show that people (7)

 arrived on the island about 1600 years ago. They had a very advanced culture. They made many objects and they had their (8)

written language. However, the number of people on the island grew and grew (9)

 it reached about 10,000 people. Soon there were too many people and there wasn`t (10)

food to eat. A terrible war started and (11)

of the statues were broken. When western explorers (12)

 the island on Easter Day in 1722, the huge rock statues were the only sign that a great society had once lived there.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 4

Easter Island is a small triangle of rock situated in the Pacific Ocean. It’s about 2,000 miles (1) the nearest city. Easter Island is (2) for its statues. Hundreds of these huge, stone faces can be (3) all over the island. Who (4) them? How (5)

they move these giant pieces of rock? What happened (6)

the people who lived there? Studies show that people (7)

 arrived on the island about 1600 years ago. They had a very advanced culture. They made many objects and they had their (8)

written language. However, the number of people on the island grew and grew (9)

 it reached about 10,000 people. Soon there were too many people and there wasn`t (10)

food to eat. A terrible war started and (11)

of the statues were broken. When western explorers (12)

 the island on Easter Day in 1722, the huge rock statues were the only sign that a great society had once lived there.

варіанти відповідей



did make

has made

Запитання 5

    Easter Island is a small triangle of rock situated in the Pacific Ocean. It’s about 2,000 miles  (1) the nearest city. Easter Island is  (2) for its statues. Hundreds of these huge, stone faces can be  (3) all over the island. Who (4) them? How (5)

they move these giant pieces of rock? What happened (6)

the people who lived  there? Studies show that people (7)

 arrived on the island about 1600 years ago. They had a very advanced culture. They made many objects and they had their (8)

written language. However, the number of people on the island grew and grew (9)

 it reached about 10,000 people. Soon there were too many people and there wasn`t (10)

food to eat. A terrible war started and (11)

of the statues were broken. When western explorers (12)

 the island on Easter Day in 1722, the huge rock statues were the only sign that a great society had once lived there.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 6

Easter Island is a small triangle of rock situated in the Pacific Ocean. It’s about 2,000 miles (1) the nearest city. Easter Island is (2) for its statues. Hundreds of these huge, stone faces can be (3) all over the island. Who (4) them? How (5)

they move these giant pieces of rock? What happened (6)

the people who lived there? Studies show that people (7)

 arrived on the island about 1600 years ago. They had a very advanced culture. They made many objects and they had their (8)

written language. However, the number of people on the island grew and grew (9)

 it reached about 10,000 people. Soon there were too many people and there wasn`t (10)

food to eat. A terrible war started and (11)

of the statues were broken. When western explorers (12)

 the island on Easter Day in 1722, the huge rock statues were the only sign that a great society had once lived there.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 7

Easter Island is a small triangle of rock situated in the Pacific Ocean. It’s about 2,000 miles (1) the nearest city. Easter Island is (2) for its statues. Hundreds of these huge, stone faces can be (3) all over the island. Who (4) them? How (5)

they move these giant pieces of rock? What happened (6)

the people who lived there? Studies show that people (7)

 arrived on the island about 1600 years ago. They had a very advanced culture. They made many objects and they had their (8) written language. However, the number of people on the island grew and grew (9)  it reached about 10,000 people. Soon there were too many people and there wasn`t (10) food to eat. A terrible war started and (11) of the statues were broken. When western explorers (12)

 the island on Easter Day in 1722, the huge rock statues were the only sign that a great society had once lived there.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 8

    Easter Island is a small triangle of rock situated in the Pacific Ocean. It’s about 2,000 miles  (1) the nearest city. Easter Island is  (2) for its statues. Hundreds of these huge, stone faces can be  (3) all over the island. Who (4) them? How (5)

they move these giant pieces of rock? What happened (6)

the people who lived  there? Studies show that people (7)

 arrived on the island about 1600 years ago. They had a very advanced culture. They made many objects and they had their (8)

written language. However, the number of people on the island grew and grew (9)

 it reached about 10,000 people. Soon there were too many people and there wasn`t (10)

food to eat. A terrible war started and (11)

of the statues were broken. When western explorers (12)

 the island on Easter Day in 1722, the huge rock statues were the only sign that a great society had once lived there.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 9

    Easter Island is a small triangle of rock situated in the Pacific Ocean. It’s about 2,000 miles  (1) the nearest city. Easter Island is  (2) for its statues. Hundreds of these huge, stone faces can be  (3) all over the island. Who (4) them? How (5)

they move these giant pieces of rock? What happened (6)

the people who lived  there? Studies show that people (7)

 arrived on the island about 1600 years ago. They had a very advanced culture. They made many objects and they had their (8)

written language. However, the number of people on the island grew and grew (9)

 it reached about 10,000 people. Soon there were too many people and there wasn`t (10)

food to eat. A terrible war started and (11)

of the statues were broken. When western explorers (12)

 the island on Easter Day in 1722, the huge rock statues were the only sign that a great society had once lived there.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 10

    Easter Island is a small triangle of rock situated in the Pacific Ocean. It’s about 2,000 miles  (1) the nearest city. Easter Island is  (2) for its statues. Hundreds of these huge, stone faces can be  (3) all over the island. Who (4) them? How (5)

they move these giant pieces of rock? What happened (6)

the people who lived  there? Studies show that people (7)

 arrived on the island about 1600 years ago. They had a very advanced culture. They made many objects and they had their (8)

written language. However, the number of people on the island grew and grew (9)

 it reached about 10,000 people. Soon there were too many people and there wasn`t (10)

food to eat. A terrible war started and (11)

of the statues were broken. When western explorers (12)

 the island on Easter Day in 1722, the huge rock statues were the only sign that a great society had once lived there.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 11

    Easter Island is a small triangle of rock situated in the Pacific Ocean. It’s about 2,000 miles  (1) the nearest city. Easter Island is  (2) for its statues. Hundreds of these huge, stone faces can be  (3) all over the island. Who (4) them? How (5)

they move these giant pieces of rock? What happened (6)

the people who lived  there? Studies show that people (7)

 arrived on the island about 1600 years ago. They had a very advanced culture. They made many objects and they had their (8)

written language. However, the number of people on the island grew and grew (9)

 it reached about 10,000 people. Soon there were too many people and there wasn`t (10)

food to eat. A terrible war started and (11)

of the statues were broken. When western explorers (12)

 the island on Easter Day in 1722, the huge rock statues were the only sign that a great society had once lived there.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 12

    Easter Island is a small triangle of rock situated in the Pacific Ocean. It’s about 2,000 miles  (1) the nearest city. Easter Island is  (2) for its statues. Hundreds of these huge, stone faces can be  (3) all over the island. Who (4) them? How (5)

they move these giant pieces of rock? What happened (6)

the people who lived  there? Studies show that people (7)

 arrived on the island about 1600 years ago. They had a very advanced culture. They made many objects and they had their (8)

written language. However, the number of people on the island grew and grew (9)

 it reached about 10,000 people. Soon there were too many people and there wasn`t (10)

food to eat. A terrible war started and (11)

of the statues were broken. When western explorers (12)

 the island on Easter Day in 1722, the huge rock statues were the only sign that a great society had once lived there.

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