Choose the correct comparison: This house is _____ than the one we saw yesterday.
Complete the sentence: If I _____ a bigger apartment, I would invite all my friends for a housewarming party.
Choose the correct sentence:
Fill in the blank: If only our garden _____ larger, we could grow more vegetables.
Choose the correct option: This sofa is _____ comfortable than the one in the living room.
Complete the sentence: If they _____ their house, it wouldn’t look so old-fashioned.
Choose the sentence that correctly uses the second conditional:
Complete the sentence: I wish there _____ a swimming pool in our backyard.
Fill in the blank: This apartment is not _____ as the one we rented last year.
Choose the correct sentence:
Complete the sentence: This house is _____ in the neighborhood.
Choose the correct option: If they _____ a guest room, we could stay over more often.
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