підготовка до ДПА Reading and Use of English

Додано: 13 березня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 351 раз
10 запитань
Запитання 1


   Native Americans are peoples who occupied North America before the arrival of the Europeans in the 15th century. They have long been known as Indians because of the      belief prevalent at the time of Columbus that the Americas were the outer reaches of  the Indies (hence the name ‘East Indies’). Most scholars agree that Native Americans      came into the Western Hemisphere from Asia via the Bering Strait in a series of migrations. From Alaska they spread east and south.

  The several waves of migration are said to account for the many native linguistic families while the common origin is used to explain the physical characteristics that Native Americans have in common (though with considerable variation): Mongoloid features, coarse, straight black hair, dark eyes, sparse body hair, and a skin colour ranging from yellow-brown to reddish brown. Many scholars accept evidence of Native American existence in the Americas more than 25,000 years ago. In pre-Columbian times (prior to 1492) the Native American population of the area north of Mexico is estimated to have been between one and two million.

  There is no part of the world with as many distinctly different native languages as the Western Hemisphere. Although most of the Native American languages that were         spoken at the time of the European arrival in the New World in the late 15th century have become extinct, many of them are still in use today.

. After migrating across the Bering Strait to Alaska, the Native Americans   _______      east and south.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 2


   Native Americans are peoples who occupied North America before the arrival of the Europeans in the 15th century. They have long been known as Indians because of the      belief prevalent at the time of Columbus that the Americas were the outer reaches of  the Indies (hence the name ‘East Indies’). Most scholars agree that Native Americans      came into the Western Hemisphere from Asia via the Bering Strait in a series of migrations. From Alaska they spread east and south.

  The several waves of migration are said to account for the many native linguistic families while the common origin is used to explain the physical characteristics that Native Americans have in common (though with considerable variation): Mongoloid features, coarse, straight black hair, dark eyes, sparse body hair, and a skin colour ranging from yellow-brown to reddish brown. Many scholars accept evidence of Native American existence in the Americas more than 25,000 years ago. In pre-Columbian times (prior to 1492) the Native American population of the area north of Mexico is estimated to have been between one and two million.

  There is no part of the world with as many distinctly different native languages as the Western Hemisphere. Although most of the Native American languages that were    spoken at the time of the European arrival in the New World in the late 15th century have become extinct, many of them are still in use today.

All of the following statements about Native Americans are true EXCEPT for the fact that...

варіанти відповідей

their languages are extremely diverse.

they have a common appearance.

they arrived in the Americas prior to the year 1500.

most of the Native American languages are still spoken today.

Запитання 3


   Native Americans are peoples who occupied North America before the arrival of the Europeans in the 15th century. They have long been known as Indians because of the      belief prevalent at the time of Columbus that the Americas were the outer reaches of  the Indies (hence the name ‘East Indies’). Most scholars agree that Native Americans      came into the Western Hemisphere from Asia via the Bering Strait in a series of migrations. From Alaska they spread east and south.

  The several waves of migration are said to account for the many native linguistic families while the common origin is used to explain the physical characteristics that Native Americans have in common (though with considerable variation): Mongoloid features, coarse, straight black hair, dark eyes, sparse body hair, and a skin colour ranging from yellow-brown to reddish brown. Many scholars accept evidence of Native American existence in the Americas more than 25,000 years ago. In pre-Columbian times (prior to 1492) the Native American population of the area north of Mexico is estimated to have been between one and two million.

  There is no part of the world with as many distinctly different native languages as the Western Hemisphere. Although most of the Native American languages that were    spoken at the time of the European arrival in the New World in the late 15th century have become extinct, many of them are still in use today.

Why were the Americas called the ‘East Indies’ by Columbus?

варіанти відповідей

It was thought that the Americas were actually part of the Indies.     

According to Columbus, the Native Americans looked like Indians from India. 

The East Indies are located in the Pacific Ocean.

The land and resources of the New World were very similar to that of the Indies.

Запитання 4

.Why do Native Americans look so similar, yet speak so many different distinct languages?

варіанти відповідей

They were trying to establish new societies in the New World.

Each tribe invented a new language before arriving in Alaska.

Migrants crossed the Bering Strait at the same time and then spread over the continent.

They all migrated from Asia, but at different times.

Запитання 5

. Kate gave  ______for her birthday.

варіанти відповідей

her little sister a doll            

a doll    her little sister        

  to her little  sister a doll 

a doll  for her little sister

Запитання 6

My cousin ____  on the ice and broke his leg.

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did fell

Запитання 7

. Is that dress        _______?

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Запитання 8

. She’s worked here _______ five years.

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Запитання 9

Are you     ______ get up soon?

A) will       B) be    C)  go to     D) going to

варіанти відповідей



go to

going to

Запитання 10

My brother wants ________  an actor.

варіанти відповідей



to become

for becoming

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