Reclame + Reading

Додано: 19 грудня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 50 разів
13 запитань
Запитання 1

What is the advertisement about?

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Garment collection offer

Tenancy agreement

Fast food restaurant

Online purchase

Properties for sale

Sport services


Handicraft art

Запитання 2

What is the advertisement about?

варіанти відповідей

Garment collection offer

Tenancy agreement

Fast food restaurant

Online purchase

Properties for sale

Sport services


Handicraft art

Запитання 3

What is the advertisement about?

варіанти відповідей

Garment collection offer

Tenancy agreement

Fast food restaurant

Online purchase

Properties for sale

Sport services


Handicraft art

Запитання 4

What is the advertisement about?

варіанти відповідей

Garment collection offer

Tenancy agreement

Fast food restaurant

Online purchase

Properties for sale

Sport services


Handicraft art

Запитання 5

What is the advertisement about?

варіанти відповідей

Garment collection offer

Tenancy agreement

Fast food restaurant

Online purchase

Properties for sale

Sport services


Handicraft art

Запитання 6

What is the advertisement about?

варіанти відповідей

Garment collection offer

Tenancy agreement

Fast food restaurant

Online purchase

Properties for sale

Sport services


Handicraft art

Запитання 7

Work through the text and answer the questions.

Advertising quickly conquered the world, becoming the locomotive not only of the industrial and post-industrial, but also of the digital period. At the verbal and non-verbal level, it keeps information about the cultural diversity of countries and peoples, forming the socio-cultural space of a modern person. The interdependence of advertising and culture can be traced in many aspects. 

Experts believe that advertising originated with culture, since people began to exchange manufactured products. "The original term "reclaim" means civility, as well as culture, the ability of the population to be a society, not a crowd."

We have analyzed various interpretations of the concept of "advertising", which created the necessary basis for methodological research of this socio-cultural phenomenon, to give our own idea of its specifics.

The dynamics of the socio-cultural function of advertising has an ambivalent character, on the one hand it manipulates public consciousness and creates illusions, and on the other hand it educates, enlightens, promoting humanistic ideals and universal values. 

A. Verigin, speaking about advertising more than a century ago, objectively noted the following: "Depending on what exactly advertising carries, what arouses attention, what exactly it preaches, the question of its benefits or harm can be decided. In one case, it can be a boon, and in another a disaster, like any other instrument of civilization."

Turning to the problem of the destructive influence of advertising on society, experts talk about the creation of negative stereotypes and models of social actions that contribute to the differentiation of society and the increase of conflicts in it. That thinking is standardized with the help of advertising, virtual values are created, which depersonalizes people.

They point to the desire for possession reflected in advertising, which "blurs" the rules of ethics and promotes the development of a person's worldview, which elevates such material goods as: materialism, commercialism, the cult of pleasure and entertainment to the rank of universal, a desire to escape responsibility, selfishness and others.

How was the advertisement formed?

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With interaction with neighboring countries

The Invention of Writing

With the arrival of a commodity-type farm

With coinage

Запитання 8

The WRONG purpose of creating ads:

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Promote the competitiveness of advertising in any way

Changing the perception of product properties by consumers and persuading buyers to purchase a specific product

Notifications about special offers and promotions of the manufacturer

Making a profit

Запитання 9

Name the general information, but not the fact:

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Child actors who appear in advertisements for children's products are usually older than their target audience. Advertisers deliberately shoot older children, so that they act as role models for younger kids

The experience of many advertising strategies shows that a creative idea can create a world-famous brand, make an unknown campaign known, and help make money

The release of Dove's "Evolution of Beauty" commercial became the first viral sensation in the history of modern advertising — in just one night, more than a million users watched a video exposing the behind-the-scenes life of the fashion industry

To make the food in the advertisement look more appetizing, unnatural food is used during filming. For example, bubbles in drinks are created by adding detergent diluted with water to a glass; ice cubes make them acrylic so that they do not melt during filming; food is watered with a special transparent glue to seem tasty

Запитання 10

Advertising quickly conquered the world, becoming the locomotive not only of the industrial and post-industrial, but also of the digital period. At the verbal and non-verbal level, it keeps information about the cultural diversity of countries and peoples, forming the socio-cultural space of a modern person. The interdependence of advertising and culture can be traced in many aspects.

Experts believe that advertising originated with culture, since people began to exchange manufactured products. "The original term "reclaim" means civility, as well as culture, the ability of the population to be a society, not a crowd." We have analyzed various interpretations of the concept of "advertising", which created the necessary basis for methodological research of this socio-cultural phenomenon, to give our own idea of its specifics. The dynamics of the socio-cultural function of advertising has an ambivalent character, on the one hand it manipulates public consciousness and creates illusions, and on the other hand it educates, enlightens, promoting humanistic ideals and universal values.

A. Verigin, speaking about advertising more than a century ago, objectively noted the following: "Depending on what exactly advertising carries, what arouses attention, what exactly it preaches, the question of its benefits or harm can be decided. In one case, it can be a boon, and in another a disaster, like any other instrument of civilization."

Turning to the problem of the destructive influence of advertising on society, experts talk about the creation of negative stereotypes and models of social actions that contribute to the differentiation of society and the increase of conflicts in it. That thinking is standardized with the help of advertising, virtual values are created, which depersonalizes people. They point to the desire for possession reflected in advertising, which "blurs" the rules of ethics and promotes the development of a person's worldview, which elevates such material goods as: materialism, commercialism, the cult of pleasure and entertainment to the rank of universal, a desire to escape responsibility, selfishness and others.

Advertising manipulates people and doesn't always carry a semantic load –

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Запитання 11

Advertisement is considered as a special tool of marketing used to spark the interest of people in a certain product. Generally, it fulfills some functions. First of all, it should attract clients’ interest to something. Then, it serves as a product’s reminder to maintain interest. Besides, this is a good way to familiarize the buyers with the new offerings, companies and brands.

Many different types of advertisement have appeared with the mass media development. They can be varied depending on the purpose and be commercial, political, social, etc. Usually, advertisement could be found on TV, radio and in newspapers and be outdoor and indoor according to its location.

As other mass media, the advertisement has both pros and cons. Undoubtedly, it helps to increase sales and can give clients a run-down on the latest products and services. However, this marketing tool is uncontrolled and it is everywhere nowadays.

The role of advertisement is enormous in human life, and looks beyond just an economic role. Moreover, it helps us be aware of a world news, innovations, technological progress and development of other life parts.

Advertising has more pros than cons –

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Запитання 12

Where is the marketing trick-neediness?

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The Mars company believed that the main character of the movie "Alien" is very ugly. Because of this, the owners banned the exploitation of M&M's candies in this movie. Instead, the creators took Reese's Pieces candies, after which, their sales rose by 65%

A well-known commercial about the Marlboro cowboy was released in 1955. At the very beginning, the role of the main male image was played by different characters: a master of arms, a captain and an athlete. But the cowboy has mastered the greatest commercial success. All the actors who played the role of Marlborough eventually died of lung cancer. Thus, the brand earned the nickname "Cowboy Killer"

The Apple Macintosh commercial, shot by Ridley Scott, was shown only once during the Super Bowl. But nevertheless, the advertising influenced the whole subsequent one. It was the first example of "event marketing", which demonstrated that the promotion of a product is more important than the product itself

Запитання 13

Agitation, convergence, truth, veiling, accents, promotion, disclosure – related to the term:

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Media zombification

Business card

Communication with the world

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