
Додано: 21 квітня
Предмет: Технології, 1 клас
48 запитань
Запитання 1

What is the most effective way to drain the air tank?

варіанти відповідей

Drain the tanks until they are empty and close the drain value.

Fully open the drain valves and leave them open

Crack the drain valve for a quick air pressure discharge

Drain the tanks until they are half empty

Запитання 2

A normal brake application will give you an accurate feel as to whether the brakes are properly adjusted.

варіанти відповідей




All are correct

Запитання 3

Pulling the park control valve (Yellow Button) on the tractor trailer unit will

варіанти відповідей

Apply both the tractor trailer spring park brakes

Trailer spring park brakes only

Tractor spring park brakes only

All are correct

Запитання 4

Air tanks must be drained regularly because

варіанти відповідей

Tanks will overheat

Tanks filled up with too much of pressure

Moisture and contamination collect

Air pressure will pump more quickly

Запитання 5

When adjusting the manual slack adjuster which of the following will confirm that the adjustin is being turned correctly

варіанти відповідей

The S-cam shaft will rotate clockwise

The push rod will pull out of the chamber

The S-cam shaft will rotate counter-clockwise

The S-cam will rotate the same way as if a broke application was made

Запитання 6

Brake chambers create great application force if

варіанти відповідей

The diaphragm surface area is increased, and air pressure is increased

The diaphragm surface area is decreased, and the air pressure is increased

The diaphragm surface area is increased/ decreased, and the air pressure is increased/decreased

All are correct

Запитання 7

When a spring park brake chamber has been disabled by caging bolt

варіанти відповідей

The spring brakes will still apply

The service break will not apply

The service break will not release

The spring park brakes will not apply

Запитання 8

When air loss from air brakes system exceeds the prescribed limits

варіанти відповідей

The vehicle cannot drive on any highway or road

The vehicle must be driven to the nearest service station

The vehicle must be driven on secondary roads

The vehicle must be driven slowly on highway

Запитання 9

When an air brake air supply is out of adjustment

варіанти відповідей

It must be corrected at the next time the vehicle is serviced

It must be corrected before entering an inspection station

It must be corrected at the next annual inspection

The vehicle must not be driven or operated on any road or highway

Запитання 10

Air tanks must be drained at

варіанти відповідей




During an oil change

Запитання 11

When the trailer couplers or glad hands are cross connected

варіанти відповідей

The trailer s release and function directly

The trailer spring park brakes will not release

Trailer service brakes will function correctly

All are correct

Запитання 12

A red trailer supply line failure of an operating Tractor Training Unit with spring park brakes released with result in

варіанти відповідей

The application of trailer spring park brakes

The application of both Trailer and Spring park brakes

The application of tractor service brakes

The application of tractor spring park brakes

Запитання 13

When a trailer's service brakes fail to apply, the trailer spring park brakes can be applied using the:

варіанти відповідей

Trailer hand valve

Brake pedal

Trailer protection valve

Trailer supply valves

Запитання 14

Vehicle with an air brake system must have air pressure gauge that indicate the air pressure level in:

варіанти відповідей

Both service tanks

The air compressor

The air pressure governor

The Brake chambers

Запитання 15

An antilock braking system (ABS) failure is recognized by:

варіанти відповідей

A warning light on the dash that comes on or the light near and rear of the left side of the trailer staying on when the brakes are applied

Warning light on the dash going out or the right near the rear of the left side of the trailer turns of when the brakes are applied

Brakes feeling spongy

Hazard light automatically on

Запитання 16

To test air pressure, build up time, the engine should be running at:

варіанти відповідей

1200 RPM

1500 RPM

1000 RPM

1800 RPM

Запитання 17

The main purpose of an air compressor is to:

варіанти відповідей

Pressurize the brake fluid

Generate heat to stop heavy vehicles

To build air pressure in the tank

All are correct

Запитання 18

Air pressure is used to:

варіанти відповідей

Release service and apply spring Park brakes

Release service and release spring park brakes

Release spring Park brakes and apply service brakes

All are correct

Запитання 19

The primary service brake circuit is located:

варіанти відповідей

At least one per axle group

On the Drive axle only

On the passenger axle only

All are correct

Запитання 20

When inspecting the brake chamber, the driver must check for:

варіанти відповідей

Color coding of the brake chambers

Air leaks, cracks, and non-manufactured holes

Contaminated brake linings

Air leaks, cracks and manufactured holes

Запитання 21

Below Air pressure warning device is activated at:

варіанти відповідей

80 psi

40 psi

25 psi

60 psi

Запитання 22

Spring park brakes can be mechanically caged:

варіанти відповідей

When hauling liquids

To allow the vehicle to be towed or during the brake service

To drive to a repair facility

To prevent tire damage

Запитання 23

When inspecting brake drums and rotators, the driver must watch for:

варіанти відповідей


Broken or cracked brake drums or rotators

Brake drums or rotators that are properly greased

Clean the brake drums

Запитання 24

If an air failure occurs, the driver must:

варіанти відповідей

Hold a steady application of service brakes until it stops

Apply the trailer hand valve, pull over and stop

Apply Emergency brakes

All are correct

Запитання 25

Brake system stops vehicle by creating __________ between the lining and brake drum

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 26

Brake chamber push rod forces is determined by:

варіанти відповідей

Brakes that are out of adjustments

Compressed air entering the air tanks

Compressed air entering the brake chamber

Moisture entering the air tanks

Запитання 27

If there is a total loss of air pressure in either the primary or secondary service circuits:

варіанти відповідей

Only the tractor spring park brakes will apply

Spring park brakes will not apply

Both the tractor and trailer spring park brakes will apply

Only the trailer spring park brakes will apply

Запитання 28

The park control valve is normally:

варіанти відповідей

A toggle type valve located in the same position in all vehicle

Located in the same position in all air brake vehicle

A push/pull type valve located near the driver

All are correct

Запитання 29

An Antilock braking system (ABS) uses dash warning lights indicate:

варіанти відповідей

Pressure of the brake application

When the ABS is not working properly

Number of times that the wheels spin


Запитання 30

When a low pressure warning device is activated, the driver must:

варіанти відповідей

Come to a safe stop as soon as possible

Drain the moisture out of the supply truck

Replace the warning device

Drive the vehicle until brakes come on automatically

Запитання 31

To prevent the vehicle from moving during an air brake inspection, the driver should use:

варіанти відповідей

The Trailer service brake hand valve

The service brakes

Wheel chokes and blocks

The brake pedal

Запитання 32

The foot valve in an air brake system is used to :

варіанти відповідей

Apply Tractor brakes only

Apply vehicle service brakes

Apply trailer brakes only

All are correct

Запитання 33

33. To check the air pressure in a vehicle's air system, a driver must:

варіанти відповідей

Wait for the governor cut out

Make a full brake application

Operate the engine at fast idle

Read the gauges in dash

Запитання 34

Compressor build up time from 50 psi to 90 psi (345 to 621kpa) should not exceed:

варіанти відповідей

3 min

60 sec

40 sec

5 min

Запитання 35

Maximum air leakage for the power unit with one trailer unit with spring park brakes released and the service brake applied is:

варіанти відповідей

2 Psi per 2 min per service tank gauge

8 Psi per 2 min per service tank gauge

6 Psi per 2 min per service tank gauge

4 psi per 2 min per service tank gauge

Запитання 36

When the brake pedal is pressed, air brakes apply:

варіанти відповідей

Immediate like the Hydraulic brakes

More slowly than hydraulic brakes, air pressure needs to travel in system

Immediate when the pedal is pressed

All are correct

Запитання 37

Which tank should be drained first:

варіанти відповідей

Primary tank

Trailer tank

Supply tank

Secondary tank

Запитання 38

The part inside spring park brakes that can be hazardous is the:

варіанти відповідей

Medium coil spring

Small coil Spring

Return spring

Large coil spring

Запитання 39

The appropriate time to do the air brake system pre-trip inspection:

варіанти відповідей




Only when something is wrong during the drive

Запитання 40

Driving a vehicle with an air brake system that is below the normal operating air pressure range is:

варіанти відповідей

Safe on downhill

Safe on short tie

Not safe at any time

Safe on Highways

Запитання 41

When measuring the applied push rod stroke, air pressure must be between:

варіанти відповідей

60 to 120 Psi (414 to 828 kPa)

100 to 135 Psi (690 to 932 kPa)

100 to 120 Psi (690 to 828 kPa)

90 to 100 Psi (621 to 690 kPa)

Запитання 42

To maintain the adjustments of automatic slack adjuster, the driver should:

варіанти відповідей

Adjust them manually with a proper wrench

Apply a full-service brake application with the spring park brakes applied

Apply a full-service application with the spring park brakes released and the brakes are coal throughout the day

Apply a full-service brake application with the spring brakes released and once during the Pretrip inspection

Запитання 43

When using the applied stroke method of inspecting the S-cam brakes, air pressure must be:

варіанти відповідей

90 to 100 Psi (621 to 690 kPa)

100 to 130 Psi (690 to 897 kPa)

60 to 120 Psi (414 to 828 kPa)

100 to 120 Psi (690 to 828 kPa)

Запитання 44

Each air brake chamber style type and size have a specific:

варіанти відповідей

Adjustment limit

Mounting position


Push rod direction

Запитання 45

The force of services brake application depends on the brake chamber diaphragm and a:

варіанти відповідей

Service application air pressure on the diaphragm

Atmosphere air pressure

Park system air pressure

Supply tank air pressure

Запитання 46

When red line is connected it

варіанти відповідей

Release spring brakes

Emergency break

Supply air to reservoir

Supply air to service breaks

Запитання 47

The function of air compressor is:

варіанти відповідей

Ans. Take air from atmosphere and compress it.



Запитання 48

When you are driving in hill area descending then

варіанти відповідей

Put in low gear and follow speed limit

Put in low gear and reduce speed

Apply steady brakes on when going downwards to control speed

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