All Clear 6 Unit 2

Додано: 13 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 134 рази
5 запитань
Запитання 1

1 Jamie is _____________ in the river.

2 Anna is _____________ in the forest. She’s got a big tent.

3 Sue is _____________ in her bed. She’s very tired.

варіанти відповідей

1 camping 2 sleeping  3 fishing

1 fishing 2 camping 3 sleeping 

Запитання 2

1 Holly is _____________ a tree.

2 Jim is _____________ in the mountains.

3 David is _____________ a fire with the wood.

4 Kelly is _____________ eggs for lunch on the fire.

варіанти відповідей

1 climbing

2 hiking

3 cooking

4 building

1 climbing

2 building

3 hiking

4 cooking

1 climbing

2 hiking

3 building

4 cooking

Запитання 3

1 Julie is b______________ because it’s raining and there isn’t anything to do.

2 Jennifer is s______________ ! She’s got a present from her friends!

3 William looks s______________ because he doesn’t have any friends.

4 Sally is watching a horror film. She’s very s______________ !

5 Paul is w______________ about his exams. He thinks they are difficult.

6 Susie is j______________ of her sister because she is very beautiful.

варіанти відповідей

1 bored 2 surprised 3 scared 4 sad 5 worried 6 jealous

1 bored 2 surprised 3 sad 4 scared 5 worried 6 jealous

1 bored 2 scared 3 sad 4 surprised 5 worried 6 jealous

Запитання 4

1 Emily usually ____________________ (go) to the cinema on Fridays.

2 Oliver ____________________ (sit) in the classroom now.

3 Jack ____________________ (play) hockey once a week.

4 We ____________________ (work) in the garden today.

5 Emma hardly ever ____________________ (listen) to the radio.

6 I ____________________ (sleep) in a tent at the moment. 

варіанти відповідей

1 ‘s going 2 sit 3 play. 4 ‘re working 5 listens 6 ‘m sleeping

1 go 2 ‘s sitting 3 plays. 4 ‘re working 5 listens 6 ‘m sleeping

1 go 2 ‘s sitting 3 plays. 4 work 5 ‘s listening 6 ‘m sleeping

Запитання 5

1 Sally is very tired ______________ she is sleeping upstairs.

2 There are a lot of things to do here ______________ I’m bored.

3 Andrew is jealous of his sister ______________ she is camping in France.

4 Peter is swimming in the lake ______________ Jack is climbing a tree. 

варіанти відповідей

1 and 2 but 3 because 4 and

1 because 2 but 3 and 4 and

1 and 2 and 3 because 4 but

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