All Clear 6 Unit 9

Додано: 14 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 300 разів
4 запитання
Запитання 1

How to play Trivial Pursuit:

1 First, ________ the dice and find out which number from one to six you get.

2 If you get four, for example, _______the squares: one, two, three and four.

3 Then, __________ your counter four spaces.

4 If you __________ on a green square, answer a green question.

5 You shouldn’t _______by reading the answer on the back of the card. Be honest!

6 If you don’t know the answer, you should ______– just think of a possible answer.

7 If the questions are difficult, don’t ________. Keep trying!

8 The person who answers lots of questions correctly wins the game. The other players _________ the game, unfortunately!

варіанти відповідей

1move 2 count 3roll 4 land 5 cheat 6 guess 7 give up 8 lose 

1 roll 2 count 3 move 4 land 5 cheat 6 guess 7 give up 8 lose 

1 roll 2 count 3 move 4 land 5 lose  6 guess 7 give up 8 cheat

Запитання 2

2. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form 1 Sam ______________(work) in an office every day.

2 Joanne _______________(play) tennis right now.

3 Tom _________________ (stay) at a campsite this week.

4 Andrew never _______________ (get up) before eight o’clock.

5 At the moment, Olive _____________(sit) outside. 

варіанти відповідей

1 works 2 ‘s playing 3 ‘s staying 4 gets up 5 ‘s sitting 

1 works 2 play 3 ‘s staying 4 gets up 5 ‘s sitting 

1 working 2 ‘s playing 3 ‘s staying 4 gets up 5 ‘s sitting 

1 works 2 ‘s playing 3 ‘s staying 4 get up 5 ‘s sitting 

Запитання 3

3.Complete the sentences with the correct past simple or past continuous form 1 Dan __________ football on the beach yesterday when he fell and broke his arm.

2 Sally got up, had a quick shower, then _________ to school.

3 Joe ________a photo of a rhino while we were travelling across Africa.

4 Harriet went to the party last night but she ______________ early.

5 While he ____________________ at the campsite, Jim met Fiona.

варіанти відповідей

1 played 2 run 3 took 4 left 5 was staying 

1 was playing 2 run 3 took 4 left 5 was staying 

1 was playing 2 run 3 was taking 4 left 5 was staying 

1 was playing 2 running 3 took 4 left 5 was staying 

Запитання 4

4.Complete the sentences with the correct future form of the verb in brackets.

1 I am _______________________(visit) my grandmother tomorrow afternoon.

2 We’re going __________________________ (have) a picnic by the sea.

3 I’ll ___________________________ (phone) you later.

4 Andy won’t _________________________ (go) to the party.

5 Sue isn’t _____________________ (stay) at a campsite next weekend.

6 Penny will ______________________________ (organize) the party.

7 They aren’t going ___________________________(help) us. 

варіанти відповідей

1 to visit 2 to have 3 phone 4 go 5 staying 6 organize 7 to help 

1 visiting 2 having 3 phone 4 go 5 staying 6 organize 7 to help 

1 visiting 2 to have 3 phone 4 going 5 staying 6 organize 7 to help 

1 visiting 2 to have 3 phone 4 go 5 staying 6 organize 7 to help 

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