"Amazing Britain"

Додано: 26 лютого
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Match the word with their definition: heritage

варіанти відповідей

to be real; to be present in a place or situation; to live;

the history, traditions and qualities that a country or society has had for many years and that are considered an important part of its character

a building or a place that is very important because of its history, and that should be preserved

a place where a building, town, etc. was, is, or will be located.

Запитання 2

Match the word with their definition: a convention

варіанти відповідей

an official agreement between countries or leaders;

a place where a building, town, etc. was, is, or will be located;

all humans, thought about as one large group; the human race;

to start an activity, especially an organized one

Запитання 3

Match the word with their definition: a site

варіанти відповідей

a building or a place that is very important because of its history, and that should be preserved;

to be real; to be present in a place or situation; to live;

to write or cut words, your name, etc. onto something;

 a place where a building, town, etc. was, is, or will be located.

Запитання 4

Match the word with their definition: mankind 

варіанти відповідей

an official agreement between countries or leaders;

to be real; to be present in a place or situation; to live;

all humans, thought about as one large group; the human race;

a place where a building, town, etc. was, is, or will be located.

Запитання 5

Match the word with their definition: a landmark

варіанти відповідей

a building or a place that is very important because of its history, and that should be preserved; 

to be real; to be present in a place or situation; to live;

to write or cut words, your name, etc. onto something;

a place where a building, town, etc. was, is, or will be located.

Запитання 6

Match the word with their definition: to inscribe

варіанти відповідей

to write or cut words, your name, etc. onto something;

to start an activity, especially an organized one;

to be real; to be present in a place or situation; to live;

an official agreement between countries or leaders;

Запитання 7

Match the word with their definition: to launch

варіанти відповідей

a building or a place that is very important because of its history, and that should be preserved;

to be real; to be present in a place or situation; to live;

to write or cut words, your name, etc. onto something;

to start an activity, especially an organized one

Запитання 8

Match the word with their definition: to exist

варіанти відповідей

a place where a building, town, etc. was, is, or will be located;

all humans, thought about as one large group; the human race;

to be real; to be present in a place or situation; to live;

to write or cut words, your name, etc. onto something.

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