Complete sentences use the Past Perfect :
He ..... a false call to the fire station
Complete sentences use the Past Perfect :
He ..... too fast near a school
Complete sentences use the Past Perfect :
He ..... into their house and he ..... their property
Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple, the Past Continuous and the Past Perfect:
1. When he crashed the car,
a. he ....... at 160 kph
b. he...... six bottles of beer
c. an ambulance ....... and ...... him to hospital
Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple, the Past Continuous and the Past Perfect:
2. When the judge returned to the courtroom,
a. everyone immediately ..... up
b. she ...... her decision
c. the journalists ....... their reports
Complete the sentence with the words
When I was a little kid, I used to believe that....
1. ......... were very strong people who picked up shops
Complete the sentence with the words
When I was a little kid, I used to believe that....
2. ....... were people who stole burgers
Complete the sentence with the words
When I was a little kid, I used to believe that....
3. ...... were people who hit you on the head with a mug
Complete the paragraph with phrases from the box
In this picture I'm scoring the winning goal of the match. It was a fantastic moment. Before any big game, I __1_____very nervous so I had a routine to help me relax. For about a week before, I __2__ anything except train and think about the match - I ___3___ my wife mad! On the day before the match, I ___4___ about anything but the game and I ____5___ very quiet. I __6__ the stadium on my own - I think it helped me to see the space and imagine the game. Then, when we were waiting in the dressing room before the match, I ___7__ to the other players but I would know what to expect so I __8__ a bit more confident. Of course, the minute I ran onto the pitch, I __9__ all about my nerves.
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