Англійська мова підготовка до ДПА

Додано: 16 березня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 340 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose the best answer (A-D) to complete the sentences (1-5).

   As part of the program for the English Language Campaign, we decided to organize an elocution[1] contest. Not knowing what to do, we consulted our advisor, Mrs. Thambu, and she gave us clear instructions as well as a great deal of encouragement.

   The first thing we had to do was to send out invitations to all the schools that we thought might like to participate. We also arranged for judges and managed to get a parent member of the committee of the school Parent-Teacher-Association to donate a trophy.

    Everything went as scheduled. Surprisingly for a small town like ours, eight schools agreed to send participants. We wrote back, giving them details of time and place and the points on which the contestants would be judged and all the rules of the competi­tion.

    It was, in fact, much harder work than we bargained for. We realized that we had to remind the principal about repairing the public address system. (We did that at least a dozen times.) We also had to contact the judges a number of times as none of them would give us an answer till much nearer the date of the competition. Then, two days before the competition, one judge, who had previously said “Definitely”, told us that he had to turn us down after all: he had chicken pox. Fortunately, our advisor managed to contact an old school friend of hers who agreed to step in.

      Except for these few moments of anxiety, everything can be said to have gone well. The microphones worked beautifully, the contestants all turned up and said their piec­es (some not so beautifully!) And, finally, the winner was declared the presented with the trophy.

      Did we win the trophy? Unfortunately, we did not. Our speakers were, in fact, not even placed. But we did excel in terms of organization and initiative. At least, I think so.

They decided to...

варіанти відповідей

organize an English Language Campaign

hold a contest on speaking publicly

join an Elocution contest

organize a drama competition

Запитання 2

Read the text and choose the best answer (A-D) to complete the sentences (1-5).

   As part of the program for the English Language Campaign, we decided to organize an elocution[1] contest. Not knowing what to do, we consulted our advisor, Mrs. Thambu, and she gave us clear instructions as well as a great deal of encouragement.

   The first thing we had to do was to send out invitations to all the schools that we thought might like to participate. We also arranged for judges and managed to get a parent member of the committee of the school Parent-Teacher-Association to donate a trophy.

    Everything went as scheduled. Surprisingly for a small town like ours, eight schools agreed to send participants. We wrote back, giving them details of time and place and the points on which the contestants would be judged and all the rules of the competi­tion.

    It was, in fact, much harder work than we bargained for. We realized that we had to remind the principal about repairing the public address system. (We did that at least a dozen times.) We also had to contact the judges a number of times as none of them would give us an answer till much nearer the date of the competition. Then, two days before the competition, one judge, who had previously said “Definitely”, told us that he had to turn us down after all: he had chicken pox. Fortunately, our advisor managed to contact an old school friend of hers who agreed to step in.

      Except for these few moments of anxiety, everything can be said to have gone well. The microphones worked beautifully, the contestants all turned up and said their piec­es (some not so beautifully!) And, finally, the winner was declared the presented with the trophy.

      Did we win the trophy? Unfortunately, we did not. Our speakers were, in fact, not even placed. But we did excel in terms of organization and initiative. At least, I think so.

Mrs Thambu___

варіанти відповідей

told them what to do

did most of the work for them

warned them of the difficulties involved

did not know what to do

Запитання 3

Read the text and choose the best answer (A-D) to complete the sentences (1-5).

   As part of the program for the English Language Campaign, we decided to organize an elocution[1] contest. Not knowing what to do, we consulted our advisor, Mrs. Thambu, and she gave us clear instructions as well as a great deal of encouragement.

   The first thing we had to do was to send out invitations to all the schools that we thought might like to participate. We also arranged for judges and managed to get a parent member of the committee of the school Parent-Teacher-Association to donate a trophy.

    Everything went as scheduled. Surprisingly for a small town like ours, eight schools agreed to send participants. We wrote back, giving them details of time and place and the points on which the contestants would be judged and all the rules of the competi­tion.

    It was, in fact, much harder work than we bargained for. We realized that we had to remind the principal about repairing the public address system. (We did that at least a dozen times.) We also had to contact the judges a number of times as none of them would give us an answer till much nearer the date of the competition. Then, two days before the competition, one judge, who had previously said “Definitely”, told us that he had to turn us down after all: he had chicken pox. Fortunately, our advisor managed to contact an old school friend of hers who agreed to step in.

      Except for these few moments of anxiety, everything can be said to have gone well. The microphones worked beautifully, the contestants all turned up and said their piec­es (some not so beautifully!) And, finally, the winner was declared the presented with the trophy.

      Did we win the trophy? Unfortunately, we did not. Our speakers were, in fact, not even placed. But we did excel in terms of organization and initiative. At least, I think so.

Invitations were sent to___

варіанти відповідей

eight schools

all the schools in the town

all schools that had agreed to participate

all schools that seemed likely to be interested

Запитання 4

Read the text and choose the best answer (A-D) to complete the sentences (1-5).

   As part of the program for the English Language Campaign, we decided to organize an elocution[1] contest. Not knowing what to do, we consulted our advisor, Mrs. Thambu, and she gave us clear instructions as well as a great deal of encouragement.

   The first thing we had to do was to send out invitations to all the schools that we thought might like to participate. We also arranged for judges and managed to get a parent member of the committee of the school Parent-Teacher-Association to donate a trophy.

    Everything went as scheduled. Surprisingly for a small town like ours, eight schools agreed to send participants. We wrote back, giving them details of time and place and the points on which the contestants would be judged and all the rules of the competi­tion.

    It was, in fact, much harder work than we bargained for. We realized that we had to remind the principal about repairing the public address system. (We did that at least a dozen times.) We also had to contact the judges a number of times as none of them would give us an answer till much nearer the date of the competition. Then, two days before the competition, one judge, who had previously said “Definitely”, told us that he had to turn us down after all: he had chicken pox. Fortunately, our advisor managed to contact an old school friend of hers who agreed to step in.

      Except for these few moments of anxiety, everything can be said to have gone well. The microphones worked beautifully, the contestants all turned up and said their piec­es (some not so beautifully!) And, finally, the winner was declared the presented with the trophy.

      Did we win the trophy? Unfortunately, we did not. Our speakers were, in fact, not even placed. But we did excel in terms of organization and initiative. At least, I think so.

The trophy was____

варіанти відповідей

bought from school funds

donated by the Parent - Teacher Association

donated by the parent of one of the students

donated by the parents of the students

Запитання 5


When the Pilgrims Fathers arrived in America, there wasn't _____to meet them.

варіанти відповідей



every one

no one

Запитання 6


The next autumn ______ said," Let's cook a special dinner

варіанти відповідей




no one

Запитання 7


_______ said,"Yes" because they all wanted to have fun

варіанти відповідей




no one

Запитання 8


At first, ____ wanted to ask Native Americans for dinner, because they were afraid of them

варіанти відповідей




no one

Запитання 9


Then ____ said," We must ask them. This is their country, too.

варіанти відповідей




no one

Запитання 10


The dinner was great, and ____ had a good time.

варіанти відповідей




no one

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