Choose the correct variant
Choose the correct variant
Choose the correct variant
Choose the correct variant
It's a _____
It's a _____
It's a _____
Translate into English: залізничий вокзал
Translate into English: автовокзал
Fill in AT or IN
He was ______ the library yesterday.
Fill in AT or IN
They were ______ school five days ago.
Fill in AT or IN
I was ______ the cinema last year.
Fill in AT or IN
Were you ______ the train station last week?
Fill in AT or IN
She wasn’t ______ the restaurant last Sunday.
Translate into English: минулого місяця
Translate into English: вчора
Translate into English: три дні тому
Give the correct answer.
Were you at the swimming pool yesterday evening?
Give the correct answer.
Were they at the cinema yesterday at 4 o’clock?
Give the correct answer.
Was he in the park yesterday morning?
Give the correct answer.
Were your friends at the circus last week?
Fill in WAS or WERE
I ...... in the music room yesterday at 11 o'clock.
Fill in WAS or WERE
Nick ...... in the playground yesterday at 12 o'clock.
Fill in WAS or WERE
My parents ..... in the gym yesterday at 10 o'clock.
Read the text and answer the questions.
Yesterday, my friend and I weren't at school. We weren't in the park. Were we at the circus? Yes, we were! It was wonderful! The clowns were funny, and the animals were lovely. We weren't bored for a second. Were you at the circus yesterday too?
Where were the children yesterday?
Read the text and answer the questions.
Yesterday, my friend and I weren't at school. We weren't in the park. Were we at the circus? Yes, we were! It was wonderful! The clowns were funny, and the animals were lovely. We weren't bored for a second. Were you at the circus yesterday too?
Were they bored at the circus?
Read the text and answer the questions.
Yesterday, my friend and I weren't at school. We weren't in the park. Were we at the circus? Yes, we were! It was wonderful! The clowns were funny, and the animals were lovely. We weren't bored for a second. Were you at the circus yesterday too?
Was the friend alone?
Read the text and answer the questions.
Yesterday, my friend and I weren't at school. We weren't in the park. Were we at the circus? Yes, we were! It was wonderful! The clowns were funny, and the animals were lovely. We weren't bored for a second. Were you at the circus yesterday too?
Were the clowns funny?
Unscramble the sentence
was/He/ the/playground/in/at/yesterday/o'clock/10
Unscramble the sentence
park/ in/ was/ the/ he/morning/yesterday?
Unscramble the sentence
the/cinema/at/They/not/last/o'clock/were/at/10/ Saturday
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