B1 Preliminary for Schools

Додано: 29 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 89 разів
15 запитань
Запитання 1

Why has Sara sent an email?

варіанти відповідей

A to accept Lily’s invitation

B to ask Lily to go camping

C to make an apology to Lily

Запитання 2

What does it say? Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

варіанти відповідей

A There will only be two types of music at the festival

B Some performances at the festival cost more than others.

C Tickets are cheaper if you buy them before the festival.

Запитання 3

What should Lucy do?

варіанти відповідей

A get the bus to the football match with Emma

B ask Sam if he wants to come to the football match

C meet Emma and Sam at the stadium at 5 o’clock

Запитання 4

What does it say? Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

варіанти відповідей

A Guests should bring some food and drink.

B Guests must dress up as a type of animal.

C Guests might win something if they wear a costume.

Запитання 5

Why has Jenna left a note for Marcus?

варіанти відповідей

A to remind him about an arrangement

B to invite him to the cinema

C to suggest a film which they could see

Запитання 6

What do we learn about the hotel?

варіанти відповідей

A Guests will have to swim down to get to it.

B Its lights will shine into the sea so guests can see the fish.

C It will only have a small number of rooms.

D Fish and other sea creatures will be scared of it.

Запитання 7

What might guests find strange about staying at the hotel?

варіанти відповідей

A swimming from their rooms into the ocean

B having ocean life in their room

C enjoying a meal of freshly caught fish

D being unable to hear the ocean

Запитання 8

What is the best thing about the hotel, according to the designers?

варіанти відповідей

A It won’t cost much to build.

B It won’t use much electricity

C It won’t cause any damage to the environment.

D Fish and other sea creatures won’t come very close to it.

Запитання 9

Planet Ocean’s moving hotel will

варіанти відповідей

A rarely move from one site to another.

B travel between various countries.

C be similar to a type of cruise ship.

D remain close to the coast of each continent.

Запитання 10

What might a guest in this hotel say?

варіанти відповідей

A It’s very expensive, but the facilities are quite basic and the windows are too small to see outside.

B It’s great to stay in such a beautiful hotel that is also good for the planet.

C Seeing the fish up close is amazing, but it’s a shame that the hotel disturbs sea life.

D It’s a great idea, and I love the fact that it can move around and travel to different locations.

Запитання 11

George wants a holiday with a big group of friends. They are into sports and want

to do different things every day. He doesn’t like boats, and some in the group have

young children

варіанти відповідей

A Golden Sands Beach Club

There’s lots to do at the Golden Sands Beach Club in Mallorca. It’s a holiday you can afford. Enjoy wonderful beaches and swimming in the Mediterranean or take trips to nearby villages! Then enjoy shows and make friends at the social activities in the evening. All meals and drinks are included in the price!

B Making waves

Our learn-to-sail holiday in Greece will teach you all the basics of sailing. You’ll be busy but will still have time to enjoy the silence of the open sea. We stop at a small harbour every night where you can enjoy local food in small restaurants, before sleeping on your boat. Price includes accommodation but not food.

C Forest camp

Get away from it all at Welldale Forest. Stay on a local working farm or in cabins in the forest. Join in farm life or explore the many paths through the forest with our friendly guides. For those who prefer to relax, you can just enjoy time on your own listening to the sounds of the forest.

D Culture shock

Get away from the usual tourist destinations and visit India. On this tour, you’ll visit seven cities, see the famous Taj Mahal and enjoy time at a beach resort. You’ll stay with families and experience daily life with them. A full programme of cultural events includes some amazing dance shows!

E Seaview Hotel

Enjoy a week at this wonderful, small, luxury hotel in Spain. The price includes all

food and drinks, and the facilities include a swimming pool, tennis courts and a

restaurant. We organise trips to plays and concerts in the evenings. There’s also a

beach where you can sit quietly and relax or read!

F Hotel on the sea

Enjoy two weeks of luxury on this cruise around the Mediterranean visiting seven popular destinations. Relax in the sunshine by the ship’s swimming pool. You won’t get bored, as there are cinemas, tennis courts and a theatre on board, plus plenty of social activities in the evening.

G Active fun

Looking for an active holiday? This wonderful busy holiday resort offers tennis, swimming, golf and lots more. There’s something for everyone. Lessons are available, so you can learn something new, whether you’re 5 years old or 55! Fun for all the family! Price includes accommodation and breakfast

H On foot

Do you love walking? Try this walking tour in the mountains of Italy. Each day, you will walk with an experienced guide as part of a group of walkers, then spend the night as guests of local people. It’s a great way to see some beautiful countryside and make new friends.

Запитання 12

Ana loves to be near the sea. She wants to visit different places, but she also wants

to keep away from holiday resorts. She enjoys being active and learning new skills.

варіанти відповідей

A Golden Sands Beach Club

There’s lots to do at the Golden Sands Beach Club in Mallorca. It’s a holiday you can afford. Enjoy wonderful beaches and swimming in the Mediterranean or take trips to nearby villages! Then enjoy shows and make friends at the social activities in the evening. All meals and drinks are included in the price!

B Making waves

Our learn-to-sail holiday in Greece will teach you all the basics of sailing. You’ll be busy but will still have time to enjoy the silence of the open sea. We stop at a small harbour every night where you can enjoy local food in small restaurants, before sleeping on your boat. Price includes accommodation but not food.

C Forest camp

Get away from it all at Welldale Forest. Stay on a local working farm or in cabins in the forest. Join in farm life or explore the many paths through the forest with our friendly guides. For those who prefer to relax, you can just enjoy time on your own listening to the sounds of the forest.

D Culture shock

Get away from the usual tourist destinations and visit India. On this tour, you’ll visit seven cities, see the famous Taj Mahal and enjoy time at a beach resort. You’ll stay with families and experience daily life with them. A full programme of cultural events includes some amazing dance shows!

E Seaview Hotel

Enjoy a week at this wonderful, small, luxury hotel in Spain. The price includes all

food and drinks, and the facilities include a swimming pool, tennis courts and a

restaurant. We organise trips to plays and concerts in the evenings. There’s also a

beach where you can sit quietly and relax or read!

F Hotel on the sea

Enjoy two weeks of luxury on this cruise around the Mediterranean visiting seven popular destinations. Relax in the sunshine by the ship’s swimming pool. You won’t get bored, as there are cinemas, tennis courts and a theatre on board, plus plenty of social activities in the evening.

G Active fun

Looking for an active holiday? This wonderful busy holiday resort offers tennis, swimming, golf and lots more. There’s something for everyone. Lessons are available, so you can learn something new, whether you’re 5 years old or 55! Fun for all the family! Price includes accommodation and breakfast

H On foot

Do you love walking? Try this walking tour in the mountains of Italy. Each day, you will walk with an experienced guide as part of a group of walkers, then spend the night as guests of local people. It’s a great way to see some beautiful countryside and make new friends.

Запитання 13

Harry just wants to relax and have fun by the sea. He loves going out and wants to

meet other people. He wants a cheap hotel and would prefer to pay for everything


варіанти відповідей

A Golden Sands Beach Club

There’s lots to do at the Golden Sands Beach Club in Mallorca. It’s a holiday you can afford. Enjoy wonderful beaches and swimming in the Mediterranean or take trips to nearby villages! Then enjoy shows and make friends at the social activities in the evening. All meals and drinks are included in the price!

B Making waves

Our learn-to-sail holiday in Greece will teach you all the basics of sailing. You’ll be busy but will still have time to enjoy the silence of the open sea. We stop at a small harbour every night where you can enjoy local food in small restaurants, before sleeping on your boat. Price includes accommodation but not food.

C Forest camp

Get away from it all at Welldale Forest. Stay on a local working farm or in cabins in the forest. Join in farm life or explore the many paths through the forest with our friendly guides. For those who prefer to relax, you can just enjoy time on your own listening to the sounds of the forest.

D Culture shock

Get away from the usual tourist destinations and visit India. On this tour, you’ll visit seven cities, see the famous Taj Mahal and enjoy time at a beach resort. You’ll stay with families and experience daily life with them. A full programme of cultural events includes some amazing dance shows!

E Seaview Hotel

Enjoy a week at this wonderful, small, luxury hotel in Spain. The price includes all

food and drinks, and the facilities include a swimming pool, tennis courts and a

restaurant. We organise trips to plays and concerts in the evenings. There’s also a

beach where you can sit quietly and relax or read!

F Hotel on the sea

Enjoy two weeks of luxury on this cruise around the Mediterranean visiting seven popular destinations. Relax in the sunshine by the ship’s swimming pool. You won’t get bored, as there are cinemas, tennis courts and a theatre on board, plus plenty of social activities in the evening.

G Active fun

Looking for an active holiday? This wonderful busy holiday resort offers tennis, swimming, golf and lots more. There’s something for everyone. Lessons are available, so you can learn something new, whether you’re 5 years old or 55! Fun for all the family! Price includes accommodation and breakfast

H On foot

Do you love walking? Try this walking tour in the mountains of Italy. Each day, you will walk with an experienced guide as part of a group of walkers, then spend the night as guests of local people. It’s a great way to see some beautiful countryside and make new friends.

Запитання 14

Jess wants to travel abroad and learn about a different way of life. She wants to

stay with local people, not in hotels. She would also like to see some performances.

варіанти відповідей

A Golden Sands Beach Club

There’s lots to do at the Golden Sands Beach Club in Mallorca. It’s a holiday you can afford. Enjoy wonderful beaches and swimming in the Mediterranean or take trips to nearby villages! Then enjoy shows and make friends at the social activities in the evening. All meals and drinks are included in the price!

B Making waves

Our learn-to-sail holiday in Greece will teach you all the basics of sailing. You’ll be busy but will still have time to enjoy the silence of the open sea. We stop at a small harbour every night where you can enjoy local food in small restaurants, before sleeping on your boat. Price includes accommodation but not food.

C Forest camp

Get away from it all at Welldale Forest. Stay on a local working farm or in cabins in the forest. Join in farm life or explore the many paths through the forest with our friendly guides. For those who prefer to relax, you can just enjoy time on your own listening to the sounds of the forest.

D Culture shock

Get away from the usual tourist destinations and visit India. On this tour, you’ll visit seven cities, see the famous Taj Mahal and enjoy time at a beach resort. You’ll stay with families and experience daily life with them. A full programme of cultural events includes some amazing dance shows!

E Seaview Hotel

Enjoy a week at this wonderful, small, luxury hotel in Spain. The price includes all

food and drinks, and the facilities include a swimming pool, tennis courts and a

restaurant. We organise trips to plays and concerts in the evenings. There’s also a

beach where you can sit quietly and relax or read!

F Hotel on the sea

Enjoy two weeks of luxury on this cruise around the Mediterranean visiting seven popular destinations. Relax in the sunshine by the ship’s swimming pool. You won’t get bored, as there are cinemas, tennis courts and a theatre on board, plus plenty of social activities in the evening.

G Active fun

Looking for an active holiday? This wonderful busy holiday resort offers tennis, swimming, golf and lots more. There’s something for everyone. Lessons are available, so you can learn something new, whether you’re 5 years old or 55! Fun for all the family! Price includes accommodation and breakfast

H On foot

Do you love walking? Try this walking tour in the mountains of Italy. Each day, you will walk with an experienced guide as part of a group of walkers, then spend the night as guests of local people. It’s a great way to see some beautiful countryside and make new friends.

Запитання 15

Greg doesn’t like crowded beaches and wants a peaceful holiday where there aren’t many people. He enjoys walking in the countryside and is happy to spend some time alone with a good book

варіанти відповідей

A Golden Sands Beach Club

There’s lots to do at the Golden Sands Beach Club in Mallorca. It’s a holiday you can afford. Enjoy wonderful beaches and swimming in the Mediterranean or take trips to nearby villages! Then enjoy shows and make friends at the social activities in the evening. All meals and drinks are included in the price!

B Making waves

Our learn-to-sail holiday in Greece will teach you all the basics of sailing. You’ll be busy but will still have time to enjoy the silence of the open sea. We stop at a small harbour every night where you can enjoy local food in small restaurants, before sleeping on your boat. Price includes accommodation but not food.

C Forest camp

Get away from it all at Welldale Forest. Stay on a local working farm or in cabins in the forest. Join in farm life or explore the many paths through the forest with our friendly guides. For those who prefer to relax, you can just enjoy time on your own listening to the sounds of the forest.

D Culture shock

Get away from the usual tourist destinations and visit India. On this tour, you’ll visit seven cities, see the famous Taj Mahal and enjoy time at a beach resort. You’ll stay with families and experience daily life with them. A full programme of cultural events includes some amazing dance shows!

E Seaview Hotel

Enjoy a week at this wonderful, small, luxury hotel in Spain. The price includes all

food and drinks, and the facilities include a swimming pool, tennis courts and a

restaurant. We organise trips to plays and concerts in the evenings. There’s also a

beach where you can sit quietly and relax or read!

F Hotel on the sea

Enjoy two weeks of luxury on this cruise around the Mediterranean visiting seven popular destinations. Relax in the sunshine by the ship’s swimming pool. You won’t get bored, as there are cinemas, tennis courts and a theatre on board, plus plenty of social activities in the evening.

G Active fun

Looking for an active holiday? This wonderful busy holiday resort offers tennis, swimming, golf and lots more. There’s something for everyone. Lessons are available, so you can learn something new, whether you’re 5 years old or 55! Fun for all the family! Price includes accommodation and breakfast

H On foot

Do you love walking? Try this walking tour in the mountains of Italy. Each day, you will walk with an experienced guide as part of a group of walkers, then spend the night as guests of local people. It’s a great way to see some beautiful countryside and make new friends.

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