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One of the oldest forms of poetry is a special kind of narrative poem known as the …
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The first ballads were songs made up by bards and minstrels who travelled from town to town, …
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The language of the early ballads is …
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The laws were always hard on the … and favoured the …
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Sherwood Forest is …
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One of the oldest forms of poetry is a special kind of narrative poem known as the novel.
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Ballads are concerned with sharp conflicts and deep human emotion.
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The minstrels who composed the early ballads used to be highly educated people.
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The language of the early ballads is fairly complicated.
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It was not until the middle of the 1800s that scholars began to write down the early ballads in the forms we read them today.
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In what country did King Lear live:
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The king's eldest daughter was called:
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Which of the daughters Lear was disinherited:
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How did the father-king divide the inheritance:
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How many daughters does King Lear have?
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What does King Lear die of ?
Who is he?
Who is he?
Who is he?
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Family tragedy made Robin go to …. .
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