Biscuit and pancakes recipes

Додано: 12 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 207 разів
13 запитань
Запитання 1

Here is a recipe for some biscuits. Put the instructions for the biscuit recipe (1-6) in the correct order. 

Step 1

варіанти відповідей

1. Mix the dough until smooth.

2.    Before you start, turn the oven on to 220°.

3.    When the biscuits are cool, share them with your friends. Enjoy! .

4.    When it is nice and smooth stir in the cereal and raisins and leave it in the fridge for about half an hour.

5.    Place the shapes in a baking tin and bake them in the oven for 12-15 minutes.

6.    Put the flour into a bowl and pour in the honey, eggs and milk and mix everything together well with a spoon.

Запитання 2

Here is a recipe for some biscuits. Put the instructions for the biscuit recipe (1-6) in the correct order. 

Step 2

варіанти відповідей

1.    Mix the dough until smooth.

2.    Before you start, turn the oven on to 220°.

3.    When the biscuits are cool, share them with your friends. Enjoy! .

4.    When it is nice and smooth stir in the cereal and raisins and leave it in the fridge for about half an hour.

5.    Place the shapes in a baking tin and bake them in the oven for 12-15 minutes.

6.    Put the flour into a bowl and pour in the honey, eggs and milk and mix everything together well with a spoon.

Запитання 3

Here is a recipe for some biscuits. Put the instructions for the biscuit recipe (1-6) in the correct order. 

Step 3

варіанти відповідей

1.    Mix the dough until smooth.

2.    Before you start, turn the oven on to 220°.

3.    When the biscuits are cool, share them with your friends. Enjoy! .

4.    When it is nice and smooth stir in the cereal and raisins and leave it in the fridge for about half an hour.

5.    Place the shapes in a baking tin and bake them in the oven for 12-15 minutes.

6.    Put the flour into a bowl and pour in the honey, eggs and milk and mix everything together well with a spoon.

Запитання 4

Here is a recipe for some biscuits. Put the instructions for the biscuit recipe (1-6) in the correct order. 

Step 4

варіанти відповідей

1.    Mix the dough until smooth.

2.    Before you start, turn the oven on to 220°. ...

3.    When the biscuits are cool, share them with your friends. Enjoy!

4.    When it is nice and smooth stir in the cereal and raisins and leave it in the fridge for about half an hour.

5.    Place the shapes in a baking tin and bake them in the oven for 12-15 minutes.

6.    Put the flour into a bowl and pour in the honey, eggs and milk and mix everything together well with a spoon.

Запитання 5

Here is a recipe for some biscuits. Put the instructions for the biscuit recipe (1-6) in the correct order. 

Step 5

варіанти відповідей

1.    Mix the dough until smooth.

2.    Before you start, turn the oven on to 220°. ...

3.    When the biscuits are cool, share them with your friends. Enjoy!

4.    When it is nice and smooth stir in the cereal and raisins and leave it in the fridge for about half an hour.

5.    Place the shapes in a baking tin and bake them in the oven for 12-15 minutes.

6.    Put the flour into a bowl and pour in the honey, eggs and milk and mix everything together well with a spoon.

Запитання 6

Here is a recipe for some biscuits. Put the instructions for the biscuit recipe (1-6) in the correct order. 

Step 6

варіанти відповідей

1.    Mix the dough until smooth.

2.    Before you start, turn the oven on to 220°.

3.    When the biscuits are cool, share them with your friends. Enjoy!

4.    When it is nice and smooth stir in the cereal and raisins and leave it in the fridge for about half an hour.

5.    Place the shapes in a baking tin and bake them in the oven for 12-15 minutes.

6.    Put the flour into a bowl and pour in the honey, eggs and milk and mix everything together well with a spoon.

Запитання 7

Here is a recipe for some pancakes. Put the instructions for the pancakes recipe (1-7 ) in the correct order. 

Step 1.

варіанти відповідей

1. Combine wet and dry ingredients and mix until just combined.

2. Pancakes freeze and reheat wonderfully for quick meals later on.

3. Whisk together the dry ingredients: white whole flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

4. Cook the pancakes on a hot frying pan.

5. In another bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients: eggs, apple sauce, milk, honey, and vanilla.

6. You`ll know the pancakes are ready to cook on the second side when bubbles form on the top, and the first side is lightly golden brown.

7. Whisk the melted butter into the wet ingredients.

Запитання 8

Here is a recipe for some pancakes. Put the instructions for the pancakes recipe (1-7 ) in the correct order. 

Step 2.

варіанти відповідей

1. Combine wet and dry ingredients and mix until just combined.

2. Pancakes freeze and reheat wonderfully for quick meals later on.

3. Whisk together the dry ingredients: white whole flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

4. Cook the pancakes on a hot frying pan.

5. In another bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients: eggs, apple sauce, milk, honey, and vanilla.

6. You`ll know the pancakes are ready to cook on the second side when bubbles form on the top, and the first side is lightly golden brown.

7. Whisk the melted butter into the wet ingredients.

Запитання 9

Here is a recipe for some pancakes. Put the instructions for the pancakes recipe (1-7 ) in the correct order. 

Step 3.

варіанти відповідей

1. Combine wet and dry ingredients and mix until just combined.

2. Pancakes freeze and reheat wonderfully for quick meals later on.

3. Whisk together the dry ingredients: white whole flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

4. Cook the pancakes on a hot frying pan.

5. In another bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients: eggs, apple sauce, milk, honey, and vanilla.

6. You`ll know the pancakes are ready to cook on the second side when bubbles form on the top, and the first side is lightly golden brown.

7. Whisk the melted butter into the wet ingredients.

Запитання 10

Here is a recipe for some pancakes. Put the instructions for the pancakes recipe (1-7 ) in the correct order. 

Step 4.

варіанти відповідей

1. Combine wet and dry ingredients and mix until just combined.

2. Pancakes freeze and reheat wonderfully for quick meals later on.

3. Whisk together the dry ingredients: white whole flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

4. Cook the pancakes on a hot frying pan.

5. In another bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients: eggs, apple sauce, milk, honey, and vanilla.

6. You`ll know the pancakes are ready to cook on the second side when bubbles form on the top, and the first side is lightly golden brown.

7. Whisk the melted butter into the wet ingredients.

Запитання 11

Here is a recipe for some pancakes. Put the instructions for the pancakes recipe (1-7 ) in the correct order. 

Step 5.

варіанти відповідей

1. Combine wet and dry ingredients and mix until just combined.

2. Pancakes freeze and reheat wonderfully for quick meals later on.

3. Whisk together the dry ingredients: white whole flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt..

4. Cook the pancakes on a hot frying pan.

5. In another bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients: eggs, apple sauce, milk, honey, and vanilla.

6. You`ll know the pancakes are ready to cook on the second side when bubbles form on the top, and the first side is lightly golden brown.

7. Whisk the melted butter into the wet ingredients

Запитання 12

Here is a recipe for some pancakes. Put the instructions for the pancakes recipe (1-7 ) in the correct order. 

Step 6.

варіанти відповідей

1.  Combine wet and dry ingredients and mix until just combined.

2. Pancakes freeze and reheat wonderfully for quick meals later on.

3. Whisk together the dry ingredients: white whole flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

4. Cook the pancakes on a hot frying pan.

5. In another bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients: eggs, apple sauce, milk, honey, and vanilla.

6. You`ll know the pancakes are ready to cook on the second side when bubbles form on the top, and the first side is lightly golden brown.

7. Whisk the melted butter into the wet ingredients.

Запитання 13

Here is a recipe for some pancakes. Put the instructions for the pancakes recipe (1-7 ) in the correct order. 

Step 7.

варіанти відповідей

1.  Combine wet and dry ingredients and mix until just combined.

2. Pancakes freeze and reheat wonderfully for quick meals later on.

3. Whisk together the dry ingredients: white whole flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

4. Cook the pancakes on a hot frying pan.

5. In another bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients: eggs, apple sauce, milk, honey, and vanilla.

6. You`ll know the pancakes are ready to cook on the second side when bubbles form on the top, and the first side is lightly golden brown.

7.  Whisk the melted butter into the wet ingredients.

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