Here is a recipe for some biscuits. Put the instructions for the biscuit recipe (1-6) in the correct order.
Step 1
Here is a recipe for some biscuits. Put the instructions for the biscuit recipe (1-6) in the correct order.
Step 2
Here is a recipe for some biscuits. Put the instructions for the biscuit recipe (1-6) in the correct order.
Step 3
Here is a recipe for some biscuits. Put the instructions for the biscuit recipe (1-6) in the correct order.
Step 4
Here is a recipe for some biscuits. Put the instructions for the biscuit recipe (1-6) in the correct order.
Step 5
Here is a recipe for some biscuits. Put the instructions for the biscuit recipe (1-6) in the correct order.
Step 6
Here is a recipe for some pancakes. Put the instructions for the pancakes recipe (1-7 ) in the correct order.
Step 1.
Here is a recipe for some pancakes. Put the instructions for the pancakes recipe (1-7 ) in the correct order.
Step 2.
Here is a recipe for some pancakes. Put the instructions for the pancakes recipe (1-7 ) in the correct order.
Step 3.
Here is a recipe for some pancakes. Put the instructions for the pancakes recipe (1-7 ) in the correct order.
Step 4.
Here is a recipe for some pancakes. Put the instructions for the pancakes recipe (1-7 ) in the correct order.
Step 5.
Here is a recipe for some pancakes. Put the instructions for the pancakes recipe (1-7 ) in the correct order.
Step 6.
Here is a recipe for some pancakes. Put the instructions for the pancakes recipe (1-7 ) in the correct order.
Step 7.
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