Match the right word to the definition.
1. A person who writes poetry ...
2. A very old story about people and events a long ago ...
3. A strong feeling for example love ...
4. A person who writes plays ...
Books and friends should be ... but good.
A lot of libraries have got ...
Match the authors and the books.
1. Lewis Carrol
2. William Shakespeare
3. Walter Scott
4. Mark Twain
5. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
These books are about events that take place in the future or in the space and usually describe strange creatures and robots
This is a story of a person's life written by another person
These books are about magical and supernatural elements that don't exist in the real world
This is a story about crimes and their investigations
This is a book about animals, fairies. magical things. It is especially loved by children.
A library is a place where you can ... books
These books give facts.
This is a book in which someone writes about his/her life.
This is a book about some facts and useful information
When you are a bookworm you...
A very complex plot is called ...
A very sad or touching book is ...
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