Can we live without modern gadgets?

Додано: 6 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 247 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Most of us cannot imagine that they can go for a day without the touch or use of the technology we are used to. Today, almost everything we do is dependent on technology. We have phones, iPods, and computers, just to mention a few. Technology is useful but sometimes overused and other times even misused. You may have noted how people constantly keep checking their phones for texts or emails. Others keep looking or logging in to their computers. Sometimes it is just because we have an addiction.

1.Our generation is edicted to modern gadgets

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Запитання 2

It is essential to try to have a day that is without the use of technology. The last time I was away from my cell phone or computer for more than an hour was about four years ago. Sure, when I take an exam or when I am at an event, I put my phone in my bag, but it is still within my reach. Just think about the loads of time you could have spent exploring the world and enjoying the weather, but no, ever since I have got my computer and phone I prefer to spend my free time scrolling, clicking and typing in the virtual world.

2. Young people in our days spend their free time with theier modern gadgets.

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Запитання 3

I have devoted my life to my social media, creating an online presence, and communicating with my friends and family mostly through technology. So I decided to challenge this habit of mine and go one day without technology. That morning, I woke up without my phone’s alarm. Before going to bed yesterday I was really nervous that I could miss my class, but still turned it off. I got up, took a towel and went to shower. Then I went downstairs to eat my breakfast. Next I went upstairs to get ready for school. I always have music playing when I am getting ready and it felt odd not having it on. Because Iwasn't absorbed Isaw some cool things. .

3.Life without phone is really cool.

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Запитання 4

Again on the 20 minute walk to my school, I really missed having music on. However just walking to classes not listening to music was something new to me. It gave me a chance to look at my surroundings instead of getting lost in the lyrics. In class, all my friends were too busy with their smart phones, so I nearly got mad as I couldn’t even talk to them.

4. All teenagers in our days are confined to their phones

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Запитання 5

After my classes, I went to the school cafe to get my meal. I took my lunch over to the lawn and sat by the tree. As I ate, I watched the calm skies with beautiful clouds . I saw a flock of 30 birds or so flying high above, and a butterfly landed about 40 feet away from me to scan the grass for flowers. On my journey both to and from the school yard, every single person looked me in the eyes and said “hello” to me. I usually have my headphones in and no one notices me. I found that very surprising.

5. Iwas very surprised how nice the real world is, when Iwas not using my gadget.

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Запитання 6

At this point, I still had not looked at my phone once. Honestly, I really wasn’t having the desire. I thought I would have to check my Facebook or texts. I made my way back home and fell on my bed to figure out something to do. I began to get very bored. Istarted to seek for real contact not to be alone.I wasn’t longing for communication through the Internet, but live interaction, and for those who know me well, that is something very rare and odd for this introvert. Thank God, my parents came back home by then and we had dinner together. I ended up reading a book in my bed, although I never read books just for any purpose I did lots of things that day that I normally wouldn’t.

6.You can do a lot of thing without internet and phone

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Запитання 7

But by 22:00, I gave up because I was afraid to miss something. I wasn’t able to go the whole day, but I still went about 15 hours without technology. I learned that I don’t need my phone to entertain me and that nothing can replace face-to-face communication. I also realized that I need to start hanging out more and not hiding behind the walls of my home, because the world is such a beautiful and fascinating place.

7.Young people can have great time without internet

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Запитання 8

You must not invest your life in something that is artificial and temporary. These things are short-lived and fast-changing. The simplest of things that day made me happy: the people saying “hello” to me, the nature around and the butterfly and those birds. These things are real and alive.Look around . Go a whole day without your laptop or phone. You might be surprised what it can do for you.

8.Real and alive things around you may make you feel happy

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Запитання 9

9.While chatting on line we usually use a........... to see each other's faces. 9.1. If we want to print out the information in the computer, we use........

варіанти відповідей

a)a web camera, an e-book

b)a web camera, a printer

c)headphones,, a printer

d)headphones,an e-book

Запитання 10

10.If we want to upload our printed pictures onto the computer, we use ......... 10.1 A ....... is smaller than a desktop computer and you can carry it with your hands.

варіанти відповідей

a)a scanner, a laptop

b)a scanner , a laptop

c)a monitor, tablet PC

d) a monitor, laptop

Запитання 11

11. A ....... is a device for typing letters, numbers, and symbols into the computer. 11.1 A ........... is a small object which you move with your hand to give instructions to the computer.

варіанти відповідей

a)keyboard, mouse

b)mainframe, mouse


d)mainframe, cable

Запитання 12

12.. If you click on that ........ it will take you to a new website. 10)I took a photo of our school yesterday, and sent it to you as an .............

варіанти відповідей

a)link, attachment

b)link, in-box


d)list, attachment

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