Cardiff is the capital of ...
Where does Cardiff lie?
Who first occupied this place where the modern Cardiff stand?
What does the New Theatre perform?
The first thing that tourist can see is ...
Choose wonderful sights of the city.
What is the best jewel in Cardiff's crown?
People in the capital of Wales speak _________ official languages
Nowadays Cardiff is known for its
Cardiff is quite a young town.
What drink can you taste in Cardiff?
Translate into English:
Чудовий, неокласичний, білокам'яний архітектурний ансамбль Громадського центру, Національного музею - прекрасні визначні пам'ятки міста.
Nowadays Cardiff leads a __________ life.
National Museum of Cardiff is __________ biggest museum of impressionist paintings.
The growth of the city stopped because of _________
When did Cardiff become a centre of export trade in coal?
What building contains a world-class collection of impressionist paintings?
Translate into Ukrainian:
thriving cultural life
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