the study of the environment and the way plants, animals and humans live together and affect each other
the type of a place that animals normally live in or plants grow in
We need a lot of _______: for cooking, drinking, bathing, transportation, watering trees, bushes and plants.
a plant that grows in fields and gardens, usually with blue flowers
an extreme lack of food in a region, causing suffering and death
Air pollution is especially serious in
the cutting down of trees in a large area, or the destruction of forests by people
Using public transport or bicycles, energy from the sun, the wind or the sea to make electricity won’t reduce air pollution.
a large tree with leaves shaped like a heart and pale yellow flowers
a large bird that eats dead animals
If you heat water to 100 C, it ...
I ... very upset if those gossips ... to be true.
Soap dissolves if you ________ it in water.
If I have to do this, I ...
If I study more, I ________ the exam.
Plants ________ if you don’t water them.
Look at the picture and name the problem.
Look at the picture and name the problem.
Dinosaurs are already
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