Читання. 10 клас. Module 4

Додано: 24 березня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 269 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the texts and choose Penny, Jack,or Diana next to the statements.

Penny, Rochester

It was lunch break and my friends and I were all hanging out. Near us was a group of girls from a few years above me. They were really popular girls who everyone wanted to be friends with. Suddenly one of the girls started waving at me and smiling. I couldn’t believe she wanted to talk to me. I waved back and walked over to her with a big smile on my face. When I arrived, she gave me a strange look and said ‘Can I help you?’ so I said, ‘...you waved at me to come over.’ She laughed and said ‘I wasn’t waving at you! I was waving at Susan!’, and at that point a girl arrived from behind me and they all started giggling. I wanted to run away and hide, but instead I just smiled and pretended I wasn’t embarrassed. I walked back to my friends feeling like such a fool.


Last year I took part in the school dance contest. I love breaking and I was really excited about performing. Every single student from school was there on that night. I was a bit nervous but I thought to myself ‘If I remember my moves, I will win this contest!’ I went onto the stage and the music started. I was sure of myself and I started to relax, so I decided to try to introduce some new and more difficult moves. For a moment, I forgot where I was and the next thing I knew, I fell off the stage in front of everyone. The music stopped and a teacher ran over to see if I was OK. I was fine, but I was so disappointed that I wasn’t paying attention to the others laughing around me. My friends made fun of me for weeks. Thankfully, in the end I saw the funny side too.

Diana, Statford

I was at the shopping centre with my friends and we were waiting to go to the cinema. Some kids from my school were there, as well as the new guy from my Science class. As we were heading towards the cinema, I decided I would try to get his attention and wave at him. He saw me and smiled. I felt great and smiled back at him, but then suddenly there was a loud bang as I walked straight into a glass door. My friends started laughing, and the new guy shouted out ‘If I were you, I’d look where I was going!’ I was so embarrassed and I was also pretty annoyed with my friends.

I didn’t like my friends’ reaction.

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Запитання 2

I was upset with myself because I didn’t do well.

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Запитання 3

I was trying to make someone notice me.

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Запитання 4

 I tried not to show how I was feeling.

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Запитання 5

  I got over my embarrassment quickly.

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