
Додано: 11 грудня 2023
13 запитань
Запитання 1

Перегляньте відео та вставьте слово у назву пісні "…song".

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Jingle bells



Last christmas

Запитання 2

Listen and write down the name of the song

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Let It Snow!

Jingle bells

 I Wish You A Merry Christmas

Happy New Year

Запитання 3

Listen and write down the name of the song

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Last Christmas

Jingle bells

We wish you a merry Christmas!

Запитання 4

Listen and write down the name of the song

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Last Christmas

Happy New Year

Jingle bells

We wish you a merry Christmas!

Запитання 5

Listen and write down the name of the song

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The Christmas song

Last Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas!

Happy New Year

Запитання 6

Last Christmas, I ___ you my heart

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Запитання 7

But the very next day you ___ it away

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Запитання 8

This year, to save me from ___

Iʼll give it to someone special

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Запитання 9

Hello! I’m Max. I’m 8. I live with my family in Kyiv. I have a mother, a father and a sister. I like holidays. My favourite holiday is a New Year’s Day. I always have many presents on this day. We go to the shop and my parents buy me my dream. This year my dream is a mobile phone. I don’t believe in Santa Claus but my little sister believes in Santa Claus. She is only 4. I think only little children believe in Santa Claus but everyone likes a New Year’s Day.

1.    Max lives with his family in London ?

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Запитання 10

Hello! I’m Max. I’m 8. I live with my family in Kyiv. I have a mother, a father and a sister. I like holidays. My favourite holiday is a New Year’s Day. I always have many presents on this day. We go to the shop and my parents buy me my dream. This year my dream is a mobile phone. I don’t believe in Santa Claus but my little sister believes in Santa Claus. She is only 4. I think only little children believe in Santa Claus but everyone likes a New Year’s Day.

2.    He likes holidays ?

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Запитання 11

Hello! I’m Max. I’m 8. I live with my family in Kyiv. I have a mother, a father and a sister. I like holidays. My favourite holiday is a New Year’s Day. I always have many presents on this day. We go to the shop and my parents buy me my dream. This year my dream is a mobile phone. I don’t believe in Santa Claus but my little sister believes in Santa Claus. She is only 4. I think only little children believe in Santa Claus but everyone likes a New Year’s Day.

3.    His dream is a mobile phone.

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Запитання 12

 Hello! I’m Max. I’m 8. I live with my family in Kyiv. I have a mother, a father and a sister. I like holidays. My favourite holiday is a New Year’s Day. I always have many presents on this day. We go to the shop and my parents buy me my dream. This year my dream is a mobile phone. I don’t believe in Santa Claus but my little sister believes in Santa Claus. She is only 4. I think only little children believe in Santa Claus but everyone likes a New Year’s Day.


4.    Max doesn’t believe in Santa Claus.

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Запитання 13

Hello! I’m Max. I’m 8. I live with my family in Kyiv. I have a mother, a father and a sister. I like holidays. My favourite holiday is a New Year’s Day. I always have many presents on this day. We go to the shop and my parents buy me my dream. This year my dream is a mobile phone. I don’t believe in Santa Claus but my little sister believes in Santa Claus. She is only 4. I think only little children believe in Santa Claus but everyone likes a New Year’s Day.

5.    His little sister believes in Santa Claus.

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