Conditional 2

Додано: 30 листопада 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 836 разів
15 запитань
Запитання 1

If we ........ a yacht, we .................. the seven seas.

варіанти відповідей

were / will boat

had / would swim

had / would sail

have / wouldn't see

Запитання 2

She ....................a year in the USA if it .................. to get a green card.

варіанти відповідей

would spend / were easier

would have / was easier

will have / wouldn't be harder

wouldn't spend / were easy

Запитання 3

If I ..................better, I ........................ to the cinema with you. 

варіанти відповідей

was / would come

feel / wouldn't go

fell / would go

felt / would go

Запитання 4

If you .......... a better job, we .......... to buy a new car.

варіанти відповідей

have / could

had / 'd be able

had / could

had / would be

Запитання 5

 I ................ someone famous if I ............... a movie star.

варіанти відповідей

wouldn't marry / was

'd marry / were

would marry / be

will marry / was

Запитання 6

We .................... late again if we ................. a new car.

варіанти відповідей

wouldn't be / bought 

wouldn't / bought

would / buy

wouldn't / didn't buy

Запитання 7

You .................. weight if you ............... .

варіанти відповідей

would put on / ate more

wouldn't lose / ate less

would lose / ate less

wouldn't put on / more

Запитання 8

I ................. all my friends if I ............a house by the beach.

варіанти відповідей

wouldn't invite / had

would invite / had

will / had

wouldn't invite / have

Запитання 9

I .................. my friends up in my yacht if they .............

 to spend their holidays on my island.

варіанти відповідей

would pick / didn't want

wouldn't pick / wanted

would bring / wanted

would pick / wanted

Запитання 10

If my friends' holidays ..............., I ................... on my lonely island. I don't like being alone.

варіанти відповідей

were over / would feel very excited

were over / would feel very lonely

weren't over / would feel very lonely

were over / would feel happy

Запитання 11

I ....................... on a trip around the world if I .......... the lottery.

варіанти відповідей

would have / didn't won

wouldn't go / won

would go / won

Запитання 12

If these walls ................... thicker, we .................. the neighbors.

варіанти відповідей

were / wouldn't hear

weren't / would hear

weren't / see

were / would look at

Запитання 13

As a recent graduate, I was actively looking for job opportunities. After applying for various positions and going through interviews, I got a call from a well-known company. While waiting for their decision, I wondered how their offer would fit into my career plans.

варіанти відповідей

If they offered me the job, I would accept it right away

I would immediately accept the job if it was offered to me.

If they offered me the job, I would not accept it immediately.

If I were offered a job, I would certainly accept it without hesitation

Запитання 14

They are aware of the possible consequences and decide to refrain from interfering in the past. So, ......

варіанти відповідей

If they found a time machine, they wouldn't change the past, knowing it could have consequences.

If they discovered a time machine, they would change the past, thinking it would make things better.

If they found a time machine, they would alter the past, believing it would improve the situation.

If they found a time machine, they would change the past, thinking it would make things better.

Запитання 15

We _________ enjoy the concert if we ___________________ .

варіанти відповідей

can / were able to get front-row seats

would / had to stand in line for a long time to get food or drinks

would be able to / bought tickets in advance

couldn't / had a clear view of the stage

would / cheered loudly for the band and showed our appreciation

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