Control reading 10 form (II semester)

Read the text about Two Remarkable People and do the tasks.

Keeping an eye on the health of our seas

You might be forgiven for thinking that Lewis Pugh is somewhat out of his mind, particularly since he once swam in water so cold at the North Pole that the cells in his fingers burst. The extreme swimmer then went on to almost drown while swimming in a glacial lake on Mount Everest because of the thin air, and more recently has become the first person to swim long distances across seven seas including the Mediterranean, the Red Sea and the Black Sea. His motive is crystal clear: to draw the attention of politicians and leaders to the degradation of the environment, particularly our oceans, before it is too late. Lewis would like to see the number of marine protected areas in the world increase from 3 per cent to 10 per cent in an attempt to reverse the damage caused by human activity such as overfishing, polluting and littering. During his expeditions, Lewis has witnessed this environmental destruction first-hand. He’s swum over coral reefs bleached by the increase in water temperature, and observed underwater deserts beneath the shallow waters of the Red Sea, devoid of life and strewn with plastic. Pugh believes that nature can recover if it is given space to do so, but the clock is ticking. If we don’t start looking after our seas, we may soon have an unsolvable problem on our hands.

Hula-hooping for human rights

Wasfia Nazreen first came across a hula hoop as a young girl, when she saw a foreign child who was visiting her native Bangladesh playing with one. Wasfia reluctantly stood by and watched, as in her country it was believed that girls should not play with hula hoops or ride bikes. Now Wasfia is one of the few people in the world to have climbed the Seven Summits, including Everest and Kilimanjaro, and the first to have hula-hooped on each peak. Her reason for doing so: to empower women and girls in a country which discourages them from doing sport. Wasfia has dedicated her life to supporting human rights and has witnessed numerous international humanitarian projects in her homeland to educate and train women and girls, but once too often they have been left with nothing when such projects have stopped running. Wasfia saw that Bangladesh needed to stand up for itself and so she brought together two of her passions, mountaineering and human rights, in order to try and change attitudes towards women in her country. She originally took up climbing while working on humanitarian campaigns in Tibet and Nepal, as in a coastal, primarily flat country like Bangladesh most people have never set eyes on a mountain. Her campaign seems to be doing the trick as fellow countrymen and women are sitting up and taking notice along with the rest of the world. 

Додано: 16 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 375 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the sentence and write True if the information can be found in the text, False if the information says the opposite to the text or Not given if the information cannot be found in the text.

1. Wasfia wanted to play with the foreign child's hula hoop.

варіанти відповідей



Not given

Запитання 2

According to the text write True if the information can be found in the text, False if the information says the opposite to the text or Not given if the information cannot be found in the text.

Some of Wasfia's childhood friends secretly rode bikes.

варіанти відповідей



Not given

Запитання 3

According to the text write True if the information can be found in the text, False if the information says the opposite to the text or Not given if the information cannot be found in the text.

Wasfia hula-hooped her way up each mountain.

варіанти відповідей



Not given

Запитання 4

According to the text write True if the information can be found in the text, False if the information says the opposite to the text or Not given if the information cannot be found in the text.

There has been little effort made to help girls and women in Bangladesh until now.

варіанти відповідей



Not given

Запитання 5

According to the text write True if the information can be found in the text, False if the information says the opposite to the text or Not given if the information cannot be found in the text.

The writer believes that the people of Bangladesh are proud of Wasfia's achievements. 

варіанти відповідей



Not given

Запитання 6

According to the text write True if the information can be found in the text, False if the information says the opposite to the text or Not given if the information cannot be found in the text.

Wasfia learned to climb in Bangladesh.

варіанти відповідей



Not given

Запитання 7

Choose the correct meaning of the phrase in bold CAPITALS.

If someone is OUT OF THEIR MIND, it means they're ____________.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 8

Choose the correct meaning of the phrase in bold CAPITALS.

If something is CRYSTAL CLEAR, it's __________.

варіанти відповідей

very easy to understand



Запитання 9

Choose the correct meaning of the phrase in bold CAPITALS.

If you witness something FIRST-HAND, __________.

варіанти відповідей

you touch something before you see it

you're the first person to see it

you see it yourself

Запитання 10

Choose the correct meaning of the phrase in bold CAPITALS.

If you've NEVER SET EYES ON SOMETHING, it means _______.

варіанти відповідей

you don't want to see it

you refuse to look at it

you've never seen it before

Запитання 11

Choose the correct meaning of the phrase in bold CAPITALS.

If something DOES THE TRICK, __________.

варіанти відповідей

it creates a problem

it gives people false hope

it has the effect that was needed

Запитання 12

Choose the correct meaning of the phrase in bold CAPITALS.

If people SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE, ___________.

варіанти відповідей

they show interest or surprise

they write down an important message while seated

they change their opinion about something

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