Control Reading Text "First Thankgiving"

Додано: 22 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 99 разів
13 запитань
Запитання 1

In 1620 a group of people, called the Pilgrims, left England and went to the New World. English king called them criminals for their religion, and they had to go far away to live there peacefully. So they got into the ship 'Mayflower' and went to North America. They landed in Massachusetts, the land famous for its cold climate.

The winter was very cold and the Pilgrims had a very difficult time. But soon they met new friends, Native Americans. They taught the Pilgrims to hunt and grow plants for food.

When the Pilgrims gathered their first harvest, they wanted to thank their new friends and made a big festival. This festival lasted three days. In the middle of the 19th century many people celebrated Thanksgiving. In 1863 President Lincoln made the last Thuresday in November the date of official celebration of Thanksgiving.

Mark the word used in the text.

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Запитання 2

In 1620 a group of people, called the Pilgrims, left England and went to the New World. English king called them criminals for their religion, and they had to go far away to live there peacefully. So they got into the ship 'Mayflower' and went to North America. They landed in Massachusetts, the land famous for its cold climate.

The winter was very cold and the Pilgrims had a very difficult time. But soon they met new friends, Native Americans. They taught the Pilgrims to hunt and grow plants for food.

When the Pilgrims gathered their first harvest, they wanted to thank their new friends and made a big festival. This festival lasted three days. In the middle of the 19th century many people celebrated Thanksgiving. In 1863 President Lincoln made the last Thuresday in November the date of official celebration of Thanksgiving.

Mark the word used in the text.

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Запитання 3

In 1620 a group of people, called the Pilgrims, left England and went to the New World. English king called them criminals for their religion, and they had to go far away to live there peacefully. So they got into the ship 'Mayflower' and went to North America. They landed in Massachusetts, the land famous for its cold climate.

The winter was very cold and the Pilgrims had a very difficult time. But soon they met new friends, Native Americans. They taught the Pilgrims to hunt and grow plants for food.

When the Pilgrims gathered their first harvest, they wanted to thank their new friends and made a big festival. This festival lasted three days. In the middle of the 19th century many people celebrated Thanksgiving. In 1863 President Lincoln made the last Thuresday in November the date of official celebration of Thanksgiving.

Mark the word used in the text.

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Запитання 4

In 1620 a group of people, called the Pilgrims, left England and went to the New World. English king called them criminals for their religion, and they had to go far away to live there peacefully. So they got into the ship 'Mayflower' and went to North America. They landed in Massachusetts, the land famous for its cold climate.

The winter was very cold and the Pilgrims had a very difficult time. But soon they met new friends, Native Americans. They taught the Pilgrims to hunt and grow plants for food.

When the Pilgrims gathered their first harvest, they wanted to thank their new friends and made a big festival. This festival lasted three days. In the middle of the 19th century many people celebrated Thanksgiving. In 1863 President Lincoln made the last Thuresday in November the date of official celebration of Thanksgiving.

Mark the word used in the text.

варіанти відповідей

to teach

to answer

to start

to stop

Запитання 5

In 1620 a group of people, called the Pilgrims, left England and went to the New World. English king called them criminals for their religion, and they had to go far away to live there peacefully. So they got into the ship 'Mayflower' and went to North America. They landed in Massachusetts, the land famous for its cold climate.

The winter was very cold and the Pilgrims had a very difficult time. But soon they met new friends, Native Americans. They taught the Pilgrims to hunt and grow plants for food.

When the Pilgrims gathered their first harvest, they wanted to thank their new friends and made a big festival. This festival lasted three days. In the middle of the 19th century many people celebrated Thanksgiving. In 1863 President Lincoln made the last Thuresday in November the date of official celebration of Thanksgiving.

Decide whether the statement is true or false.

Lincoln was the first Pilgrim.

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Запитання 6

In 1620 a group of people, called the Pilgrims, left England and went to the New World. English king called them criminals for their religion, and they had to go far away to live there peacefully. So they got into the ship 'Mayflower' and went to North America. They landed in Massachusetts, the land famous for its cold climate.

The winter was very cold and the Pilgrims had a very difficult time. But soon they met new friends, Native Americans. They taught the Pilgrims to hunt and grow plants for food.

When the Pilgrims gathered their first harvest, they wanted to thank their new friends and made a big festival. This festival lasted three days. In the middle of the 19th century many people celebrated Thanksgiving. In 1863 President Lincoln made the last Thuresday in November the date of official celebration of Thanksgiving.

Decide whether the statement is true or false.

The Pilgrims left Great Britain in the 18th century.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

In 1620 a group of people, called the Pilgrims, left England and went to the New World. English king called them criminals for their religion, and they had to go far away to live there peacefully. So they got into the ship 'Mayflower' and went to North America. They landed in Massachusetts, the land famous for its cold climate.

The winter was very cold and the Pilgrims had a very difficult time. But soon they met new friends, Native Americans. They taught the Pilgrims to hunt and grow plants for food.

When the Pilgrims gathered their first harvest, they wanted to thank their new friends and made a big festival. This festival lasted three days. In the middle of the 19th century many people celebrated Thanksgiving. In 1863 President Lincoln made the last Thuresday in November the date of official celebration of Thanksgiving.

Decide whether the statement is true or false.

The Pilgrims came to North America in 1620.

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Запитання 8

In 1620 a group of people, called the Pilgrims, left England and went to the New World. English king called them criminals for their religion, and they had to go far away to live there peacefully. So they got into the ship 'Mayflower' and went to North America. They landed in Massachusetts, the land famous for its cold climate.

The winter was very cold and the Pilgrims had a very difficult time. But soon they met new friends, Native Americans. They taught the Pilgrims to hunt and grow plants for food.

When the Pilgrims gathered their first harvest, they wanted to thank their new friends and made a big festival. This festival lasted three days. In the middle of the 19th century many people celebrated Thanksgiving. In 1863 President Lincoln made the last Thuresday in November the date of official celebration of Thanksgiving.

Decide whether the statement is true or false.

The Native Americans told them jow to hunt.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

In 1620 a group of people, called the Pilgrims, left England and went to the New World. English king called them criminals for their religion, and they had to go far away to live there peacefully. So they got into the ship 'Mayflower' and went to North America. They landed in Massachusetts, the land famous for its cold climate.

The winter was very cold and the Pilgrims had a very difficult time. But soon they met new friends, Native Americans. They taught the Pilgrims to hunt and grow plants for food.

When the Pilgrims gathered their first harvest, they wanted to thank their new friends and made a big festival. This festival lasted three days. In the middle of the 19th century many people celebrated Thanksgiving. In 1863 President Lincoln made the last Thuresday in November the date of official celebration of Thanksgiving.

Put the sentences in the correct chronological order according to the story.

a) The last Thursday in November became Thanksgiving Day.

b) The Pilgrims got into the ship.

c) The Native Americans helped the Pilgrims.

d) They landed in Massachusetts.

варіанти відповідей

b, d, a, c

b, a, c, d

b, d, c, a

d, b, c, a,

Запитання 10

In 1620 a group of people, called the Pilgrims, left England and went to the New World. English king called them criminals for their religion, and they had to go far away to live there peacefully. So they got into the ship 'Mayflower' and went to North America. They landed in Massachusetts, the land famous for its cold climate.

The winter was very cold and the Pilgrims had a very difficult time. But soon they met new friends, Native Americans. They taught the Pilgrims to hunt and grow plants for food.

When the Pilgrims gathered their first harvest, they wanted to thank their new friends and made a big festival. This festival lasted three days. In the middle of the 19th century many people celebrated Thanksgiving. In 1863 President Lincoln made the last Thuresday in November the date of official celebration of Thanksgiving.

Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence.

The people who came on 'Mayflower' were called ... .

варіанти відповідей


the Pilgrims

the Native Americans

the Mayflowers

Запитання 11

In 1620 a group of people, called the Pilgrims, left England and went to the New World. English king called them criminals for their religion, and they had to go far away to live there peacefully. So they got into the ship 'Mayflower' and went to North America. They landed in Massachusetts, the land famous for its cold climate.

The winter was very cold and the Pilgrims had a very difficult time. But soon they met new friends, Native Americans. They taught the Pilgrims to hunt and grow plants for food.

When the Pilgrims gathered their first harvest, they wanted to thank their new friends and made a big festival. This festival lasted three days. In the middle of the 19th century many people celebrated Thanksgiving. In 1863 President Lincoln made the last Thuresday in November the date of official celebration of Thanksgiving.

Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence.

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in ....

варіанти відповідей




the middle of the 18th century

Запитання 12

In 1620 a group of people, called the Pilgrims, left England and went to the New World. English king called them criminals for their religion, and they had to go far away to live there peacefully. So they got into the ship 'Mayflower' and went to North America. They landed in Massachusetts, the land famous for its cold climate.

The winter was very cold and the Pilgrims had a very difficult time. But soon they met new friends, Native Americans. They taught the Pilgrims to hunt and grow plants for food.

When the Pilgrims gathered their first harvest, they wanted to thank their new friends and made a big festival. This festival lasted three days. In the middle of the 19th century many people celebrated Thanksgiving. In 1863 President Lincoln made the last Thuresday in November the date of official celebration of Thanksgiving.

Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence.

The Pilgrims made a festival soon after their first ... .

варіанти відповідей


president's declaration


meeting with Native Americans

Запитання 13

In 1620 a group of people, called the Pilgrims, left England and went to the New World. English king called them criminals for their religion, and they had to go far away to live there peacefully. So they got into the ship 'Mayflower' and went to North America. They landed in Massachusetts, the land famous for its cold climate.

The winter was very cold and the Pilgrims had a very difficult time. But soon they met new friends, Native Americans. They taught the Pilgrims to hunt and grow plants for food.

When the Pilgrims gathered their first harvest, they wanted to thank their new friends and made a big festival. This festival lasted three days. In the middle of the 19th century many people celebrated Thanksgiving. In 1863 President Lincoln made the last Thuresday in November the date of official celebration of Thanksgiving.

Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence.

The Pilgrims made a big ....

варіанти відповідей




hall for festivals

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