Reading Comprehension Test (Term I)

Додано: 7 грудня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 84 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

  When people try to find a true American game, they usually think of baseball, tennis, golf or ice hockey. That’s not correct. Baseball came from England. Tennis was born in Wales. Canada has given us ice hockey. Scotland is the birthplace of golf. Only basketball is ‘the most American’ one of all the games.

Its history started more than a century ago. One winter evening a gym teacher James Naismith was searching (шукав) a game that could be played indoors. He found two peach baskets ( кошики з-під персиків) and hung them on the wall of the gym. He thought out some rules. The ball can’t be carried. A basket is two points worth (влучання в кошик дає 2 очки). We still use these rules though we don’t play basketball with peach baskets on the walls.

Baseball is a true American game.

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Запитання 2

  When people try to find a true American game, they usually think of baseball, tennis, golf or ice hockey. That’s not correct. Baseball came from England. Tennis was born in Wales. Canada has given us ice hockey. Scotland is the birthplace of golf. Only basketball is ‘the most American’ one of all the games.

Its history started more than a century ago. One winter evening a gym teacher James Naismith was searching (шукав) a game that could be played indoors. He found two peach baskets ( кошики з-під персиків) and hung them on the wall of the gym. He thought out some rules. The ball can’t be carried. A basket is two points worth (влучання в кошик дає 2 очки). We still use these rules though we don’t play basketball with peach baskets on the walls.

There are two baskets on the basketball ground.

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Запитання 3

  When people try to find a true American game, they usually think of baseball, tennis, golf or ice hockey. That’s not correct. Baseball came from England. Tennis was born in Wales. Canada has given us ice hockey. Scotland is the birthplace of golf. Only basketball is ‘the most American’ one of all the games.

Its history started more than a century ago. One winter evening a gym teacher James Naismith was searching (шукав) a game that could be played indoors. He found two peach baskets ( кошики з-під персиків) and hung them on the wall of the gym. He thought out some rules. The ball can’t be carried. A basket is two points worth (влучання в кошик дає 2 очки). We still use these rules though we don’t play basketball with peach baskets on the walls.

We still use baskets to play basketball.

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Запитання 4

  When people try to find a true American game, they usually think of baseball, tennis, golf or ice hockey. That’s not correct. Baseball came from England. Tennis was born in Wales. Canada has given us ice hockey. Scotland is the birthplace of golf. Only basketball is ‘the most American’ one of all the games.

Its history started more than a century ago. One winter evening a gym teacher James Naismith was searching (шукав) a game that could be played indoors. He found two peach baskets ( кошики з-під персиків) and hung them on the wall of the gym. He thought out some rules. The ball can’t be carried. A basket is two points worth (влучання в кошик дає 2 очки). We still use these rules though we don’t play basketball with peach baskets on the walls.

Basketball was invented by a teacher.

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Запитання 5

  When people try to find a true American game, they usually think of baseball, tennis, golf or ice hockey. That’s not correct. Baseball came from England. Tennis was born in Wales. Canada has given us ice hockey. Scotland is the birthplace of golf. Only basketball is ‘the most American’ one of all the games.

Its history started more than a century ago. One winter evening a gym teacher James Naismith was searching (шукав) a game that could be played indoors. He found two peach baskets ( кошики з-під персиків) and hung them on the wall of the gym. He thought out some rules. The ball can’t be carried. A basket is two points worth (влучання в кошик дає 2 очки). We still use these rules though we don’t play basketball with peach baskets on the walls.

Basketball is played outdoors only.

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Запитання 6

  When people try to find a true American game, they usually think of baseball, tennis, golf or ice hockey. That’s not correct. Baseball came from England. Tennis was born in Wales. Canada has given us ice hockey. Scotland is the birthplace of golf. Only basketball is ‘the most American’ one of all the games.

Its history started more than a century ago. One winter evening a gym teacher James Naismith was searching (шукав) a game that could be played indoors. He found two peach baskets ( кошики з-під персиків) and hung them on the wall of the gym. He thought out some rules. The ball can’t be carried. A basket is two points worth (влучання в кошик дає 2 очки). We still use these rules though we don’t play basketball with peach baskets on the walls.

You must not touch the ball with your hand while you play basketball.

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Запитання 7

  When people try to find a true American game, they usually think of baseball, tennis, golf or ice hockey. That’s not correct. Baseball came from England. Tennis was born in Wales. Canada has given us ice hockey. Scotland is the birthplace of golf. Only basketball is ‘the most American’ one of all the games.

Its history started more than a century ago. One winter evening a gym teacher James Naismith was searching (шукав) a game that could be played indoors. He found two peach baskets ( кошики з-під персиків) and hung them on the wall of the gym. He thought out some rules. The ball can’t be carried. A basket is two points worth (влучання в кошик дає 2 очки). We still use these rules though we don’t play basketball with peach baskets on the walls.

Basketball is more than a ... years old.

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Запитання 8

  When people try to find a true American game, they usually think of baseball, tennis, golf or ice hockey. That’s not correct. Baseball came from England. Tennis was born in Wales. Canada has given us ice hockey. Scotland is the birthplace of golf. Only basketball is ‘the most American’ one of all the games.

Its history started more than a century ago. One winter evening a gym teacher James Naismith was searching (шукав) a game that could be played indoors. He found two peach baskets ( кошики з-під персиків) and hung them on the wall of the gym. He thought out some rules. The ball can’t be carried. A basket is two points worth (влучання в кошик дає 2 очки). We still use these rules though we don’t play basketball with peach baskets on the walls.

Golf appeared in ... .

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Запитання 9

  When people try to find a true American game, they usually think of baseball, tennis, golf or ice hockey. That’s not correct. Baseball came from England. Tennis was born in Wales. Canada has given us ice hockey. Scotland is the birthplace of golf. Only basketball is ‘the most American’ one of all the games.

Its history started more than a century ago. One winter evening a gym teacher James Naismith was searching (шукав) a game that could be played indoors. He found two peach baskets ( кошики з-під персиків) and hung them on the wall of the gym. He thought out some rules. The ball can’t be carried. A basket is two points worth (влучання в кошик дає 2 очки). We still use these rules though we don’t play basketball with peach baskets on the walls.

The ball ... be carried for a long time.

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shall not


Запитання 10

  When people try to find a true American game, they usually think of baseball, tennis, golf or ice hockey. That’s not correct. Baseball came from England. Tennis was born in Wales. Canada has given us ice hockey. Scotland is the birthplace of golf. Only basketball is ‘the most American’ one of all the games.

Its history started more than a century ago. One winter evening a gym teacher James Naismith was searching (шукав) a game that could be played indoors. He found two peach baskets ( кошики з-під персиків) and hung them on the wall of the gym. He thought out some rules. The ball can’t be carried. A basket is two points worth (влучання в кошик дає 2 очки). We still use these rules though we don’t play basketball with peach baskets on the walls.

When did basketball appear? In ...

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Запитання 11

  When people try to find a true American game, they usually think of baseball, tennis, golf or ice hockey. That’s not correct. Baseball came from England. Tennis was born in Wales. Canada has given us ice hockey. Scotland is the birthplace of golf. Only basketball is ‘the most American’ one of all the games.

Its history started more than a century ago. One winter evening a gym teacher James Naismith was searching (шукав) a game that could be played indoors. He found two peach baskets ( кошики з-під персиків) and hung them on the wall of the gym. He thought out some rules. The ball can’t be carried. A basket is two points worth (влучання в кошик дає 2 очки). We still use these rules though we don’t play basketball with peach baskets on the walls.

What did Naismith use for catching balls?

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ball catchers



Запитання 12

  When people try to find a true American game, they usually think of baseball, tennis, golf or ice hockey. That’s not correct. Baseball came from England. Tennis was born in Wales. Canada has given us ice hockey. Scotland is the birthplace of golf. Only basketball is ‘the most American’ one of all the games.

Its history started more than a century ago. One winter evening a gym teacher James Naismith was searching (шукав) a game that could be played indoors. He found two peach baskets ( кошики з-під персиків) and hung them on the wall of the gym. He thought out some rules. The ball can’t be carried. A basket is two points worth (влучання в кошик дає 2 очки). We still use these rules though we don’t play basketball with peach baskets on the walls.

What game was born in England?

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ice hockey




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