Great Britain is divided into four countries.
Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Wales.
The dragon is the symbol of Northern Ireland.
London stands on the deep river Thames.
Cardiff is not the capital of Scotland.
Which country will hold this flag?
Which of these symbols is Welsh?
Which city does this attraction belong to?
Which of these attractions belong to UK?
Choose the correct passive form.
1. The city ....... in the 18th century.
Choose the correct passive form.
2. The school principal ....... about it and he called the police.
Ukraine covers an area of ... square kilometres.
Ukraine borders on ... .
The highest peak (mountain) in Ukraine is ... .
... is often called "Little Paris". The city was founded by Prince Danylo of Halych.
In Lviv over 80 beautiful domes and towers of sacral buildings are opened to your eye from ...
The book/ write/ in 1986.
English and French ........... at our school.
Complete the sentence
St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv … in the 11th century.
Complete the sentence
The Mona Lisa … by Leonardo da Vinci
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