The Louvre is the museum in Paris ……………… you can see the famous Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.
Last night we watched a TV programme ……………… explained the causes of the First World War.
When I was on holiday, I met a man ……………… worked for the BBC in Manchester
This is the place in New Zealand ……………… they made the film The Lord of the Rings.
Tim Berners-Lee was the scientist ……………… invented the World Wide Web in the early 1990s.
That’s the cash machine ……………… gives you money in pounds or euros.
Near where I work, there’s a gym ……………… only costs £20 per month.
He knows a restaurant near the station ……………… you can have a delicious three-course meal for only £15.
Maria’s got an aunt in the USA ……………… has been married four times!
A dictionary is a book …………… contains words and definitions.
An architect is someone …………… designs buildings.
That’s the cinema …………… they show films at midnight.
She’s the girl …………… lives next door.
How do you call a machine …………… cuts paper?
The shop …………… sold nice cards has closed down.
The restaurant …………… we met was very quiet.
The chef …………… works on Fridays isn’t here today.
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