Diagnostic Test (Listening) SJ2

Додано: 5 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 2 клас
Тест виконано: 195 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Tick the correct sentence(Познач правильне речення).

варіанти відповідей

The elephant is a very big animal.

The elephant is a very tall animal.

Запитання 2

Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Tick the correct sentence(Познач правильне речення).

варіанти відповідей

The elephant has got long nose.

The elephant has got long horns.

Запитання 3

Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Tick the correct sentence(Познач правильне речення).

варіанти відповідей

Tim likes monkeys.

Tim likes elephants.

Запитання 4

Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Tick the correct sentence(Познач правильне речення).

варіанти відповідей

The elephant can't climb.

The elephant can't swim.

Запитання 5

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Tick the correct sentence(Познач правильне речення).

варіанти відповідей

Pam likes monkeys.

Pam likes giraffes.

Запитання 6

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Tick the correct sentence(Познач правильне речення).

варіанти відповідей

The giraffe can run.

The giraffe cab jump.

Запитання 7

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Tick the correct sentence(Познач правильне речення).

варіанти відповідей

The giraffe has got two horns.

The giraffe has got two teeth.

Запитання 8

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Tick the correct sentence(Познач правильне речення).

варіанти відповідей

The giraffe is a very big animal.

The giraffe is a very tall animal.

Запитання 9

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

Tick the correct sentence(Познач правильне речення).

варіанти відповідей

Kate likes monkeys.

Kate likes giraffes.

Запитання 10

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

Tick the correct sentence(Познач правильне речення).

варіанти відповідей

The monkey can't swim.

The monkey can't fly.

Запитання 11

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

Tick the correct sentence(Познач правильне речення).

варіанти відповідей

The monkey is a big animal.

The monkey is a funny animal.

Запитання 12

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

Tick the correct sentence(Познач правильне речення).

варіанти відповідей

The monkey has got long legs

The monkey has got a long tail.

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