Діагностувальна робота № 3 What about your free time? за підручником О.Карпюк, 2023
A person who is ready to help
A person who doesn't like meeting new people.
Put in the Past Simple:
to do
Put in the Past Simple:
to listen
Put in the Past Simple:
to spend
Complete the sentence with the word below.
Spending too much time with gadgets can .......... people from the real world.
Complete the sentence with the word below.
My dad is very .............. and he doesn't feel tired at all.
Make true sentences:
sport / do / do? / what / you /
Make true sentences:
crazy / is / reading / she / about
Make true sentences:
Sunday / he / football / play / didn't / last
Make true sentences:
jumping / likes / bungee / going / he
A person who always give his/her opinion.
Створюйте онлайн-тести
для контролю знань і залучення учнів
до активної роботи у класі та вдома