Діагностувальна робота з читання. Текст ''Chimpo’s story''

Додано: 12 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Тест виконано: 46 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Chimpo’s story

     Chimpo is a chimpanzee. He lived in Africa. He lived with his friends under two tall trees. One day he walked to the river. Suddenly he saw two men. The tall man had got some bananas, the small man had got a big cage. The tall man put five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage.

       “Hey!” he said to Chimpo. Do you want to eat the bananas?” Chimpo said “Yes!” He didn’t see the cage. Chimpo ate five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage. Suddenly the small man closed the door of the cage. Oh no! Chimpo can’t get out now. The men took Chimpo to the zoo.

        He lived there for two years. He was very sad. Chimpo didn't have any friends. One day the door of his cage opened. A new chimpanzee came inside. Hurray!

Now Chimpo has got a friend. He is happy again.


a river-річка, a cage-клітка, suddenly-раптом, inside-всередині, get out-вибратись, saw-побачив, said-сказав

Mark true or false (Познач правда чи неправда)

Chimpo lived with his family

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Запитання 2

 Chimpo’s story

     Chimpo is a chimpanzee. He lived in Africa. He lived with his friends under two tall trees. One day he walked to the river. Suddenly he saw two men. The tall man had got some bananas, the small man had got a big cage. The tall man put five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage.

       “Hey!” he said to Chimpo. Do you want to eat the bananas?” Chimpo said “Yes!” He didn’t see the cage. Chimpo ate five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage. Suddenly the small man closed the door of the cage. Oh no! Chimpo can’t get out now. The men took Chimpo to the zoo.

        He lived there for two years. He was very sad. Chimpo didn't have any friends. One day the door of his cage opened. A new chimpanzee came inside. Hurray!

Now Chimpo has got a friend. He is happy again.


a river-річка, a cage-клітка, suddenly-раптом, inside-всередині, get out-вибратись, saw-побачив, said-сказав

Mark true or false (Познач правда чи неправда)

He lived with his friends on the tree

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Запитання 3

Chimpo’s story

     Chimpo is a chimpanzee. He lived in Africa. He lived with his friends under two tall trees. One day he walked to the river. Suddenly he saw two men. The tall man had got some bananas, the small man had got a big cage. The tall man put five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage.

       “Hey!” he said to Chimpo. Do you want to eat the bananas?” Chimpo said “Yes!” He didn’t see the cage. Chimpo ate five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage. Suddenly the small man closed the door of the cage. Oh no! Chimpo can’t get out now. The men took Chimpo to the zoo.

        He lived there for two years. He was very sad. Chimpo didn't have any friends. One day the door of his cage opened. A new chimpanzee came inside. Hurray!

Now Chimpo has got a friend. He is happy again.


a river-річка, a cage-клітка, suddenly-раптом, inside-всередині, get out-вибратись, saw-побачив, said-сказав

Mark true or false (Познач правда чи неправда)

One day he walked to the park.

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Запитання 4

Chimpo’s story

     Chimpo is a chimpanzee. He lived in Africa. He lived with his friends under two tall trees. One day he walked to the river. Suddenly he saw two men. The tall man had got some bananas, the small man had got a big cage. The tall man put five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage.

       “Hey!” he said to Chimpo. Do you want to eat the bananas?” Chimpo said “Yes!” He didn’t see the cage. Chimpo ate five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage. Suddenly the small man closed the door of the cage. Oh no! Chimpo can’t get out now. The men took Chimpo to the zoo.

        He lived there for two years. He was very sad. Chimpo didn't have any friends. One day the door of his cage opened. A new chimpanzee came inside. Hurray!

Now Chimpo has got a friend. He is happy again.


a river-річка, a cage-клітка, suddenly-раптом, inside-всередині, get out-вибратись, saw-побачив, said-сказав

Mark true or false (Познач правда чи неправда)

Suddenly he saw two men.

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Запитання 5

 Chimpo’s story

     Chimpo is a chimpanzee. He lived in Africa. He lived with his friends under two tall trees. One day he walked to the river. Suddenly he saw two men. The tall man had got some bananas, the small man had got a big cage. The tall man put five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage.

       “Hey!” he said to Chimpo. Do you want to eat the bananas?” Chimpo said “Yes!” He didn’t see the cage. Chimpo ate five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage. Suddenly the small man closed the door of the cage. Oh no! Chimpo can’t get out now. The men took Chimpo to the zoo.

        He lived there for two years. He was very sad. Chimpo didn't have any friends. One day the door of his cage opened. A new chimpanzee came inside. Hurray!

Now Chimpo has got a friend. He is happy again.


a river-річка, a cage-клітка, suddenly-раптом, inside-всередині, get out-вибратись, saw-побачив, said-сказав

Mark true or false (Познач правда чи неправда)

Two men took the monkey to the zoo.

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Запитання 6

Chimpo’s story

     Chimpo is a chimpanzee. He lived in Africa. He lived with his friends under two tall trees. One day he walked to the river. Suddenly he saw two men. The tall man had got some bananas, the small man had got a big cage. The tall man put five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage.

       “Hey!” he said to Chimpo. Do you want to eat the bananas?” Chimpo said “Yes!” He didn’t see the cage. Chimpo ate five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage. Suddenly the small man closed the door of the cage. Oh no! Chimpo can’t get out now. The men took Chimpo to the zoo.

        He lived there for two years. He was very sad. Chimpo didn't have any friends. One day the door of his cage opened. A new chimpanzee came inside. Hurray!

Now Chimpo has got a friend. He is happy again.


a river-річка, a cage-клітка, suddenly-раптом, inside-всередині, get out-вибратись, saw-побачив, said-сказав

Mark true or false (Познач правда чи неправда)

He had a lot of friends there.

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Запитання 7

 Chimpo’s story

     Chimpo is a chimpanzee. He lived in Africa. He lived with his friends under two tall trees. One day he walked to the river. Suddenly he saw two men. The tall man had got some bananas, the small man had got a big cage. The tall man put five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage.

       “Hey!” he said to Chimpo. Do you want to eat the bananas?” Chimpo said “Yes!” He didn’t see the cage. Chimpo ate five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage. Suddenly the small man closed the door of the cage. Oh no! Chimpo can’t get out now. The men took Chimpo to the zoo.

        He lived there for two years. He was very sad. Chimpo didn't have any friends. One day the door of his cage opened. A new chimpanzee came inside. Hurray!

Now Chimpo has got a friend. He is happy again.


a river-річка, a cage-клітка, suddenly-раптом, inside-всередині, get out-вибратись, saw-побачив, said-сказав

Fill in the missing words (Заповніть пропущені слова)

Chimpo lived in__________.

варіанти відповідей



the zoo

Запитання 8

 Chimpo’s story

     Chimpo is a chimpanzee. He lived in Africa. He lived with his friends under two tall trees. One day he walked to the river. Suddenly he saw two men. The tall man had got some bananas, the small man had got a big cage. The tall man put five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage.

       “Hey!” he said to Chimpo. Do you want to eat the bananas?” Chimpo said “Yes!” He didn’t see the cage. Chimpo ate five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage. Suddenly the small man closed the door of the cage. Oh no! Chimpo can’t get out now. The men took Chimpo to the zoo.

        He lived there for two years. He was very sad. Chimpo didn't have any friends. One day the door of his cage opened. A new chimpanzee came inside. Hurray!

Now Chimpo has got a friend. He is happy again.


a river-річка, a cage-клітка, suddenly-раптом, inside-всередині, get out-вибратись, saw-побачив, said-сказав

Fill in the missing words (Заповніть пропущені слова)

The __________ man had got some bananas.

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Запитання 9

Chimpo’s story

     Chimpo is a chimpanzee. He lived in Africa. He lived with his friends under two tall trees. One day he walked to the river. Suddenly he saw two men. The tall man had got some bananas, the small man had got a big cage. The tall man put five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage.

       “Hey!” he said to Chimpo. Do you want to eat the bananas?” Chimpo said “Yes!” He didn’t see the cage. Chimpo ate five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage. Suddenly the small man closed the door of the cage. Oh no! Chimpo can’t get out now. The men took Chimpo to the zoo.

        He lived there for two years. He was very sad. Chimpo didn't have any friends. One day the door of his cage opened. A new chimpanzee came inside. Hurray!

Now Chimpo has got a friend. He is happy again.


a river-річка, a cage-клітка, suddenly-раптом, inside-всередині, get out-вибратись, saw-побачив, said-сказав

Fill in the missing words (Заповніть пропущені слова)

The __________ man had got a cage.

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Запитання 10


Chimpo’s story

     Chimpo is a chimpanzee. He lived in Africa. He lived with his friends under two tall trees. One day he walked to the river. Suddenly he saw two men. The tall man had got some bananas, the small man had got a big cage. The tall man put five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage.

       “Hey!” he said to Chimpo. Do you want to eat the bananas?” Chimpo said “Yes!” He didn’t see the cage. Chimpo ate five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage. Suddenly the small man closed the door of the cage. Oh no! Chimpo can’t get out now. The men took Chimpo to the zoo.

        He lived there for two years. He was very sad. Chimpo didn't have any friends. One day the door of his cage opened. A new chimpanzee came inside. Hurray!

Now Chimpo has got a friend. He is happy again.


a river-річка, a cage-клітка, suddenly-раптом, inside-всередині, get out-вибратись, saw-побачив, said-сказав

Fill in the missing words (Заповніть пропущені слова)

Chimpo__________ a cage.

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didn't see

Запитання 11

Chimpo’s story

     Chimpo is a chimpanzee. He lived in Africa. He lived with his friends under two tall trees. One day he walked to the river. Suddenly he saw two men. The tall man had got some bananas, the small man had got a big cage. The tall man put five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage.

       “Hey!” he said to Chimpo. Do you want to eat the bananas?” Chimpo said “Yes!” He didn’t see the cage. Chimpo ate five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage. Suddenly the small man closed the door of the cage. Oh no! Chimpo can’t get out now. The men took Chimpo to the zoo.

        He lived there for two years. He was very sad. Chimpo didn't have any friends. One day the door of his cage opened. A new chimpanzee came inside. Hurray!

Now Chimpo has got a friend. He is happy again.


a river-річка, a cage-клітка, suddenly-раптом, inside-всередині, get out-вибратись, saw-побачив, said-сказав

Fill in the missing words (Заповніть пропущені слова)

He wanted to eat__________.

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Запитання 12

Chimpo is a chimpanzee. He lived in Africa. He lived with his friends under two tall trees. One day he walked to the river. Suddenly he saw two men. The tall man had got some bananas, the small man had got a big cage. The tall man put five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage.

       “Hey!” he said to Chimpo. Do you want to eat the bananas?” Chimpo said “Yes!” He didn’t see the cage. Chimpo ate five bananas near the cage and three bananas inside the cage. Suddenly the small man closed the door of the cage. Oh no! Chimpo can’t get out now. The men took Chimpo to the zoo.

        He lived there for two years. He was very sad. Now he hasn’t got any friends. One day the door of his cage opened. A new chimpanzee came inside. Hurray!

Now Chimpo has got a friend. He is happy again.


a river-річка, a cage-клітка, suddenly-раптом, inside-всередині, get out-вибратись,saw-побачив,said-сказав

Fill in the missing words (Заповніть пропущені слова)

One day a __________ chimpanzee came into the cage.

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