Do you like sports? Form 10

Додано: 12 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 331 раз
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the text with the appropriate verbs.

Last night Germany (1)_____ Spain 3:2 in their World Cup qualifying match. At half-time, the Germans _____ 2:0. But Spain _____ two goals in the second half and it looked as if they were going to _____ 2:2. But in the final minute Germany _____ the match thanks to a penalty taken by their captain. This was the second match against Germany that Spain had _____ Spain's goalkeeper who had fallen ill before.

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Запитання 2

Complete the text with the appropriate verbs.

Last night Germany _____ Spain 3:2 in their World Cup qualifying match. At half-time, the Germans (2)_____ 2:0. But Spain _____ two goals in the second half and it looked as if they were going to _____ 2:2. But in the final minute Germany _____ the match thanks to a penalty taken by their captain. This was the second match against Germany that Spain had _____ Spain's goalkeeper who had fallen ill before.

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Запитання 3

Complete the text with the appropriate verbs.

Last night Germany _____ Spain 3:2 in their World Cup qualifying match. At half-time, the Germans _____ 2:0. But Spain (3)_____ two goals in the second half and it looked as if they were going to _____ 2:2. But in the final minute Germany _____ the match thanks to a penalty taken by their captain. This was the second match against Germany that Spain had _____ Spain's goalkeeper who had fallen ill before.

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Запитання 4

Complete the text with the appropriate verbs.

Last night Germany _____ Spain 3:2 in their World Cup qualifying match. At half-time, the Germans _____ 2:0. But Spain _____ two goals in the second half and it looked as if they were going to (4)_____ 2:2. But in the final minute Germany _____ the match thanks to a penalty taken by their captain. This was the second match against Germany that Spain had _____ Spain's goalkeeper who had fallen ill before.

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Запитання 5

Complete the text with the appropriate verbs.

Last night Germany _____ Spain 3:2 in their World Cup qualifying match. At half-time, the Germans _____ 2:0. But Spain _____ two goals in the second half and it looked as if they were going to _____ 2:2. But in the final minute Germany (5)_____ the match thanks to a penalty taken by their captain. This was the second match against Germany that Spain had _____ Spain's goalkeeper who had fallen ill before.

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Запитання 6

Complete the text with the appropriate verbs.

Last night Germany _____ Spain 3:2 in their World Cup qualifying match. At half-time, the Germans _____ 2:0. But Spain _____ two goals in the second half and it looked as if they were going to _____ 2:2. But in the final minute Germany _____ the match thanks to a penalty taken by their captain. This was the second match against Germany that Spain had (6)_____ Spain's goalkeeper who had fallen ill before.

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Запитання 7

She _____ a few days on our coast this weekend. Her plane _____ on Friday.

варіанти відповідей

is going to spend, leaves

is going to spend, is leaving

is going to spend, will leave

Запитання 8

Do you believe that they _____ me? They have always been so nice.

варіанти відповідей

shall help

will help

are going to help

Запитання 9

The schoolchildren _____ kites tomorrow morning. _____ you _____ them?

варіанти відповідей

will launch, are... driving

fly, do... drive

will fly, are... driving

Запитання 10

I _____ the house now. Have you ordered the food for the party tonight? Oh, no, I forgot. I _____ it now.

варіанти відповідей

am tidying, will call

will clean, will do

am cleaning, will do

Запитання 11

Why _____ you _____ another TV set? This one seems OK.

варіанти відповідей

are... going to buy

will... buy

are... buying

Запитання 12

All the doors _____ after midnight. I have just heard it.

варіанти відповідей

are closed

will be closed


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