dream job

Додано: 16 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 56 разів
7 запитань
Запитання 1

As children, we were all probably asked the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Now, no one seems to ask children this question anymore. Yet, by asking a child this question, we give the child a sense of hope for his own future and prompt them to think about their career expectations in adulthood. A child’s answer to this question can serve as a starting point for a discussion about the diversity of occupations open to any boy or girl.

1.When a child is asked a question about his future he .....

варіанти відповідей

a)may think about his future career

b)may discuss this question with his parents

c)doen't pay attention to it

Запитання 2

I guess I have always wanted to be a tour guide. Since I was little I’ve liked to travel, meet new people and talk.

2.I guess I have always wanted to be..

варіанти відповідей

a) a teacher

b) an engineer

c) a tour guide

Запитання 3

What I knew for sure was that to be a good tour guide, you need to know at least one foreign language. English is especially required. You need to be talkative, which also means that you have to be very sociable. You need to know geography quite well and, what’s not less important, history, which I’ve always found very interesting. As in any other modern job, tour guides need to have a clear understanding of how to do simple tasks on the computer and how to deal with lists and papers, because this job also includes organising.

3. To be a good tour guide you need....

варіанти відповідей

a)to know one foreign language

b)to be sociable

c)to know geography

d)to know history

e)to know computer

f)to know paper work

g)to be well organized

h)to know eeverything well

Запитання 4

What I like most about this job is the fact that it has more good than bad sides. If you are a tour guide, you can travel around the world and see so many magnificent things all around the globe. It brings excitement and a sense of fulfilment. Being in contact with people is something I find great. Making new friends can always take you somewhere else.

4.If you are a tour guide you can....

варіанти відповідей

a)travel around the world

b)see many beautiful places

c)make new friends

d)do many useful objects

Запитання 5

The bad side of this job is responsibility, I think. It’s down to you to organize a good holiday time and make sure that people are in a good mood and get positive emotions. So, before choosing your future job, think about it and weigh all pros and cons!

5.If you are a tour guide you must know..

варіанти відповідей

a)how to organize a holiday time

b)how to keep people in good mood

c)how to give people positive emotions

d)weigh all pros and cons

Запитання 6

My mum has always said that I was born for this job. As I am growing older I can see that she was right. One day, I would like to go and see all the places on Earth and say that I have been everywhere! I want to learn new languages, experience more, get to know more people and just enjoy my life more with having the job, which I am cut out for.

6.One day I would like to....

варіанти відповідей

a)go and see all the places of the world

b)to learn new language

c)to get to know more people

d)to enjoy life

e)to be cut out for my job

Запитання 7

6. The author recommends to consider all the pluses and minuses before choosing new career.

варіанти відповідей



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