Додано: 2 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 191 раз
5 запитань
Запитання 1

St. Levi’s High School This school is really positive and believes in student independence. There aren’t many rules and students enjoy much more freedom than in other schools. For instance, lessons are optional if you have already studied that topic in a previous course. You don’t have to come to school in the morning if you have no lessons, and you needn’t go to assembly if you prefer to do private study in the library. But there are some obligations too. Students have to wear school uniforms and they must wear a tie, even for sport. Students don’t have to study 12 subjects if they don’t want to but they must study at least 9 and do lots of homework for each subject every week. They must show their eagerness to learn otherwise they will have to go back and repeat the year. As the result, some weaker students have already approached their forties

1.Students at St.Levis High School have to.... 

варіанти відповідей

a) come to school in the morning

b)do your private study

c)wear school uniform

d)wear a tie

e)study 12 subjects

f)study 9 subjects

g)do lots of homework

h)to repeat the school year if you don't study well

Запитання 2

Bobby Dilan School This school has a reputation for teaching the toughest students on the planet! They’re as hard as nails. The reason is that every morning the students have to get out of bed at 7:00 and run ten miles. Then they go for breakfast, which is cearels and fruit. After breakfast they have two hours to comlete their homework. Next they have to go to class, where the teachers train students instead of giving knowledge, and always keep a tight hand over them. The teachers constantly shout at the students, but the children mustn’t answer back or ask any questions. Then, they have to play rugby for two hours, and at 8:00pm, after dinner, they must go to bed where they can’t talk or even read a book. It’s quite a tough school, but the good news is that they don’t have to wear a uniform. 

At Bobby Dilan School students have to....

варіанти відповідей

a)get up at 7.00

b)run 10 miles

c)eat cearels and fruit

d)train every day

e)ask questions

f)play rugby for two hours

g)go to bed at 8.00p.m.

h)read after supper

Запитання 3

 Star Track Secondary School This school is where Bill Gates went. The school is very proud of this fact, so they are now a national IT school, where students have to do all their work over the Internet. So, they even don’t have to leave home for school. They must be online from 8:00 until 12:00, and from 1:00 to 4:00 and get in touch with their robot teachers via Skype connection. They don’t have to come to the school building, but if their computer has a virus, they need to buy a new computer or their education might suffer and they can fall behind with their studies. Although, they only have to study three subjects, Information Technology, Computer Science and Computers in Society. In reality, these three compose the same subject, and thank to it students don’t have to do more than one homework every night. The big rule is that students must not download any films or music from the Internet.

At Star Track Secondary School school students have to.....

варіанти відповідей

a)do all work over the internet

b)leave home for school

c)be on line at certain periods

d)be in touch with their robots teachers

e)come to the school building

f)buy a new computer if they have virus

g)study many subjects

h)three subjects

Запитання 4

Institute Mahatma Gandhi This school is a very lively and enjoyable place. Students want to stay in the school when they are 18 and don’t want to enter the university, because they love their school so much. The reason for its popularity is very simple. Students do have to come to school, but when they are there they don’t have to study grammar, or read boring stories by old writers who are well-known but boring, they also don’t have to listen to the teachers talking and talking all days. They only learn what they want to and when they want to. They are always given challenging, but realistic tasks, stimulating interest and encouraging feedback. However the students have to keep silence when the teacher is talking, even if they are not interested.

4.At the Institute Mahatma Gandhi students have to...

варіанти відповідей

a)come to school

b)study grammar

c)read boring stories

d)listen to the teachers talking

e)study what they want

f)be given challenging questions

g)keep silence when the teacher is talking

h)be given realistic tasks, stimulating interests

Запитання 5

5.Star Track Secondary School Star Track Secondary School

варіанти відповідей



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