Choose the career

Додано: 4 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 41 раз
20 запитань
Запитання 1

A job that is from 9 to 5, five days a week is called a       job.

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Запитання 2

My dad only works four mornings every week – he has a                         

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part-time job

lost his job


Запитання 3

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

Having a job gives you financial ...

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Запитання 4

Read the text and tick only TRUE sentences.

Choosing a profession is very difficult. Your choice should depend on your character, intellect, abilities and talent.

Do you think someone can be a good teacher if he/she doesn’t love children?

Do you think someone can be a good vet if he/ she doesn’t like ani­mals?

Can a musician or singer make a success if they don’t have a good ear for music? Can an actor or dancer become famous if they have no special talent?

You can never be a respectable judge if you are not just and honest.

Only those who are brave, can become sailors.

Only people who have creative minds can be successful business­men.

The profession of a doctor requires special education and long training. A doctor must be very responsible because they deal with the most pre­cious thing that people have — their health.

There are a lot of interesting and noble professions, and many roads are opened before you. But remember most pro­fessions are available only to educated people. So if you want to be a professional you have to enter an institute or university. It is difficult and you have to study hard. It is not easy, because only those who have a strong will, can study hard. Try to build your character, develop the strength of will and your dreams will come true.

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1 Your choice should depend only on your talent.

2 A musician or singer can make a success if they have a good ear for music.

3 Someone can be a good vet if he/ she doesn’t like ani­mals.

4 An actor or dancer can become famous if they have special talent.

5 Only those who are brave, can become sailors.

6 The profession of a doctor does not requires special education and long training.

Запитання 5

The person you work with is your…

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Запитання 6

The person in charge of a business is informally known as the...

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Запитання 7

The person who would service your car is

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a mechanic

an engineer

a technician


Запитання 8

A worker who makes and repairs, especially the wooden parts of buildings and other structures of wood.

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a carpenter   

a bricklayer

a secretary

a plumber

Запитання 9

Steven Spielberg ....... over twenty films.

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has directed

has been directing

have been directing

Запитання 10

The children are drawing. They (draw) since they came home. 

варіанти відповідей

have drawn

has drawn

have been drawing

has been drawing

Запитання 11

Any activity for which a person has necessary qualification and training

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Запитання 12

An occupation which requires mainly intellectual work and a long period of higher education at university

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Запитання 13

An occupation which need a high level of manual skills

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Запитання 14

A company's employee who checks and keeps its money records

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Запитання 15

I ...... you for ages.

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haven't seen

haven't been seeing

didn't see

Запитання 16

Read the text and choose the subjects mentioned.

I am a music student at Central College.I study computers.I work as a school football coach and I teach the piano to children.Ican speak three languages:English, Spanish and Japanese.I can drive,but I don't have a car.I have classes during the week,but I can work in the afternoon after 4.00 p.m. I can work from 9 till 5 at the weekend. In my free time, I like playing music. I like sports and travel, too.

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name and age


university classes


favourite singers



friends' job

Запитання 17

How many

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do you have

have you had

have you been having

Запитання 18

Sam has been looking for a job... he left university.

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how long


Запитання 19

We use.... to talk about the results and completed actions or events that are connected with the present

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Past Simple

Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Запитання 20

Peter ...(to find) a good job.

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has found

has find

have been finding

has been finding

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