End of Year Test 3RD Grade

Додано: 24 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Тест виконано: 420 разів
3 запитання
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose what they do.

Layla, Scientist

I'm a scientist. I work in a science lab. I like my job because it's exciting. I want to make new discoveries. I work in a team with other people. We meet three times a week. Next summer I'm going to go to New Delhi to visit an Indian science lab.

Brian, Firefighter

I'm a firefighter. I wear a uniform with a helmet. I love my job but sometimes it's dangerous. Every day is different. It's never boring. I like helping people and animals. Yesterday I helped a cat. It was in a tree but now it's safe.

Bertrand, Chef

I'm a chef. I love my job because I love food. The kitchen is always very busy. In the morning we prepare meat, fish, vegetables and fruit. Then we cook the food. At lunchtime the waiters and waitresses serve it.

Maria, Farmer

I'm a farmer. I like my job because I like working outside. It's quiet. I pick the fruit and vegetables from my plants. Then I must take them to the market. I work with my family.

варіанти відповідей

Layla wants to make new discoveries.

Brian picks the fruit and vegetables from his plants.

Bertrand cooks the food.

Maria likes helping people and animals.

Запитання 2

Choose correct answers to complete sentences

Layla, Scientist

I'm a scientist. I work in a science lab. I like my job because it's exciting. I want to make new discoveries. I work in a team with other people. We meet three times a week. Next summer I'm going to go to New Delhi to visit an Indian science lab.

Brian, Firefighter

I'm a firefighter. I wear a uniform with a helmet. I love my job but sometimes it's dangerous. Every day is different. It's never boring. I like helping people and animals. Yesterday I helped a cat. It was in a tree but now it's safe.

Bertrand, Chef

I'm a chef. I love my job because I love food. The kitchen is always very busy. In the morning we prepare meat, fish, vegetables and fruit. Then we cook the food. At lunchtime the waiters and waitresses serve it.

Maria, Farmer

I'm a farmer. I like my job because I like working outside. It's quiet. I pick the fruit and vegetables from my plants. Then I must take them to the market. I work with my family. 

1. Layla's job is __________.

2. Brian wears a _________.

3. Bertrand's kitchen is always _________.

4. Maria likes being _______.

5. Layla's team meet ________ times a week.

6. Yesterday Brian helped a________.

7. Bertrand prepares food in the_______.

8. Maria must travel to the _________.

варіанти відповідей









Запитання 3

Look at the picture and choose the correct answers for each gap.

In July I'm going to go to a summer camp. I'm going to (1) _______

 in a big lake and (2) __________ along a river. In the evening I'm going to

(3)_________with my dad. In August I'm going to (4) __________

 near a waterfall with my family. I always go there every year. I'm going to

(5) _______and (6) _______. It's the highest in the region! In the evening I'm going to (7) _______ with my mum.

варіанти відповідей

go camping

ride a bike

build a robot

climb a mountain

go hiking

go windsurfing

play chess

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