
Додано: 23 квітня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
28 запитань
Запитання 1

In the evenings we usually ... to the cinema.

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Запитання 2

You look tired. Have a break and ...

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Запитання 3

Complete the first conditional sentence.

If I (not phone) my parents, they (be) upset.

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If I won't phone my parents, they will be upset.

If I don't phone my parents, they will be upset.

If I did not phone my parents, they be upset.

Запитання 4

Choose first conditional sentence.

If you (not shout) at me, I (not get angry).

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If you do not shout at me, I will not get angry.

If you will not shout at me, I will not get angry.

If you does not shout at me, I not get angry.

Запитання 5

which sentence has the same meaning?

I might not go to school tomorrow.

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I may not go to school tomorrow.

I will not go to school tomorrow.

I'm certain I won't go to school tomorrow.

Запитання 6

Замініть пряму мову непрямою. Використовуйте "she said" на початку речення.

"He works in a bank."

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She said that he worked in a bank.

She said his work in a bank.

He said that he worked in a bank.

Запитання 7

June said, "It is my car."

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June said that it is my car.

June said that it was my car.

June said that it is her car.

June said that it was her car.

Запитання 8

Nan said, "I have finished my homework."

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Nan said that she had finished her homework.

Nan said that she has finished her homework.

Nan said that she had finished my homework.

Nan said that she has finished my homework.

Запитання 9

He said, "I went to school yesterday."

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He said that he had gone to school the previous day.

He said that he would go to school the the following year .

He said that he had go to school the the previous day.

Запитання 10

Thomas said, "I will go to school next year."

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Thomas said that he will come to school the following year .

Thomas said that he would go to school the the following year .

Thomas said that he will went to school the following year .

Запитання 11

Andrean said, "I am typing my English composition."

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Andrean says that I am typing my English composition.

Andrean said that he was typing his composition.

Andrean said that I am typing my English composition.

Запитання 12

Andrew said, "They are getting married next week"

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Andrew said that they are getting married following week.

Andrew said that they have got married following week.

Andrew said that they were getting married following week.

Запитання 13

I say, "I like music very much."

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I say that I liked music very much.

I said that I liked music very much.

I say that I like music very much.

Запитання 14

She said, "I had already read the book".

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She said that I had already read the book.

She said that she had already read the book.

She said that she had been already read the book.

Запитання 15

He said, "I will pass Italian next year."

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He said that he would pass Italian following year.

He said that he would passed Italian following year.

He said that he pass Italian following year.

Запитання 16

"What is Mike`s address?", I asked.

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I asked what Mike`s address was.

I asked what is Mike`s address.

I asked what Mike`s address is.

Запитання 17

"The postman has already been", says Marry.

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Marry said that the postman has already been.

Marry said that the postman had already been.

Marry says that the postman has already been.

Запитання 18

Present Simple

В каких предложениях используется только Present Simple?

Смотри на форму глаголов 1-3

И на окончание слов!

(5 правильных предложений)

1. I am writing a letter right now.

2. I go to work every day.

3. They built the house in a year.

4. We usually go to the cinema on weekends.

5.She is cooking dinner.

6. We are watching a movie.

7. The sun always rises in the east.

8. They don't speak Russian.

9. He is reading a newspaper.

10. She loves reading books.

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Запитання 19

Zero Conditional

В каких предложениях используется нулевой условный тип?

(8 правильных предложений)

1. If I win the lottery, I will buy my dream house.

2. If water is heated to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.

3. If you finish work early, we can go to the park.

4. The faster you drive, the more gas you use.

5. They will go to the mountains if the weather is good.

6. If you don't eat, you will feel hungry.

7. The store will close early if there are no customers.

8. The more you study, the more you know.

9. If he studies hard, he will pass the exam.

10. If you throw a rock into the water, it will sink.

11. If I had more time, I would learn a new language.

12. The more you eat, the faster you gain weight.

13. If you don't brush your teeth regularly, you may develop cavities.

14. They would travel if they had more money.

15. If you learn from your mistakes, you become wiser.

16. If he doesn't fix his car, he won't be able to go to work.

17. She would look younger if she took care of her skin.

18. They will sleep in if they don't have morning classes.

19. They wouldn't be late if they hadn't gotten stuck in traffic.

20. I would never have said that if I knew it would hurt you.

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Запитання 20

Future Simple

В каких предложениях используется простое будущее время?

(10 правильных предложений)

1. Tomorrow I will go to the library.

2. We will go to the beach next month.

3. She will finish work by five o'clock.

4.  I have already seen this movie.

5. They have never been to Europe.

6. She has lived here since last year.

7. They won't watch this movie.

8. Will it rain?

9. I will help you with this project.

10. We have already done our homework.

11. The shops haven't opened yet.

12. She has traveled a lot around the world.

13. The store will open at 10 a.m.

14. We will probably go to the mountains for the weekend.

15. He will call you as soon as he arrives.

16. Don't worry, I lost your phone, but I've already found it.

17. They must have left already.

18. I hope the weather will be good.

19. The shops haven't opened yet.

20. There has already been a lot of snow this month.

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Запитання 21

First Conditional

В каких предложениях используется первый условный тип?

(4 правильных предложений)

1.If I finish this project on time, I will definitely get promoted.

2.The longer you sleep, the better you feel.

3.We will go skiing in the mountains if there's enough snow this weekend.

4.If you mix yellow and blue, you get green.

5.If you don't study hard, you might fail the exam.

6.The more you eat, the faster you gain weight.

7.The longer you learn a foreign language, the better you become at it.

8.If they fix the car by morning, we can go on our road trip as planned

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Запитання 22

They visited a village in ... Andes.

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Запитання 23

Have you ever seen ... Mount Fuji?

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Запитання 24

She went to ... United Kingdom to study English.

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Запитання 25

... Australia is a really enormous place.

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Запитання 26

What countries share a border with ... Norway?

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Запитання 27

... Greece gets very, very hot in the summer.

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Запитання 28

... Baffin Island is a part of Canada.

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