English Plus 2 Unit 6 Survival

Додано: 26 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 131 раз
7 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the survival verbs.

    If you are lost in the jungle, …

1  l______ a fire at night.

2  b______ a shelter.

3  k______ cool if the weather is hot.

4  p______ fruit to eat.

5  a______ dangerous plants.

варіанти відповідей

1  look

2  be

3  kite

4  pill

5  away

1  light

2  build

3  keep

4  pick

5  avoid

Запитання 2

Write the words that match the definitions.

1  This can help you when you climb a very tall tree or a mountain. r______

2  You’ll get thirsty if you don’t take this when you travel in the desert. w_____ b______

3  You can use this to start a fire. l______

4  When it’s sunny, you can use this to signal for help. m______

5  When people go camping, they sleep in this. s______ b______

варіанти відповідей

1  rope

2  water bottle

3  lighter

4  mirror

5  sleeping bag

1  rope

2  water bottle

3  light

4  map

5  sleping bag

1  roppe

2  water botle

3  lighter

4  miror

5  sleep bag

Запитання 3

Write the words that match the definitions.

6  This shows you the roads, rivers, mountains and towns in an area. m______

7  If you need to see at night, you can use this. t______

8  You can use this to cut your food. k______

9  This helps you to find north, south, east and west. c______

10  This is like a small house. You stay in it when you go camping. t______

варіанти відповідей

6  mapp

7  torcher

8  knifee

9  compass

10 tent

6  map

7  torch

8  knifee

9  compas

10 tentt

6  map

7  torch

8  knife

9  compass

10 tent

Запитання 4

Choose the correct answers (a, b or c).

1  If it ____ rain this afternoon, we’ll go to the park.

    a won’t  b doesn’t  c don’t

2  We ____ get lost if we take a map with us.

    a won’t  b don’t  c aren’t

3  If ____ Hannah, I’ll give her this birthday card.

    a I’ll see  b I see   c I saw

4  How ____ you feel if you win the competition?

    a are  b do   c will

5  Come on! We’ll miss the bus if we ____!

    a run  b won’t run  c don’t run

варіанти відповідей

1  a

2  c

3  b

4  a

5  b

1  b

2  a

3  b

4  b

5  c

1  c

2  b

3  a

4  c

5  a

Запитання 5

Choose the correct answers.

1  If you want to travel on this train, you do / should / must buy a ticket.

2  Students at that school must wear / to wear / wearing their uniforms every day.

3  Your brother is lazy. He should study / studies / studying more!

4  We shouldn’t / mustn’t / didn’t talk during exams. That’s a school rule.

5  You won’t / mustn’t / should read this book. It’s interesting.

варіанти відповідей

1  do

2  to wear

3  studies

4  didn’t

5  mustn't

1  must

2  wear

3  study

4  mustn’t

5  should

1  should

2  wearing

3  studying

4  shouldn't

5  won't

Запитання 6

Complete the sentences with should, shouldn’t, must, or mustn’t.

1  You ________ eat that plant. It’s dangerous!

2  It’s cold today. We ________ wear warm clothes.

3  All students ________ arrive in time for the exams.

4  You ________ wear that T-shirt. It’s not a very nice colour.

5  You ________ use your mobile phone in class. It isn’t allowed.

варіанти відповідей

1  mustn’t

2  should

3  must

4  shouldn’t

5  mustn’t

1  must

2  shouldn't

3  mustn't

4  should

5  must

1  should

2  mustn't

3  should

4  must

5  should

Запитання 7

Order the words to make sentences.

1  to / safety vest / need / wear / you / a


2  with / stay / remember / the group / to


3  your head / protect / important / to / it’s


4  wear / that / make / a helmet / you / sure


5  be / to / not / nervous / try


варіанти відповідей

1  You need a safety vest to wear .

2  Remember with to stay the group.

3  It’s protect important to your head.

4  Make a helmet sure that you wear .

5  Try be not to nervous.

1  You need to wear a safety vest.

2  Remember to stay with the group.

3  It’s important to protect your head.

4  Make sure that you wear a helmet.

5  Try not to be nervous.

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