English Plus 2 Unit 7 Music

Додано: 26 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 154 рази
7 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the sentences.

1  Joe’s a big f________ of heavy metal. He loves it!

2  Kate plays the guitar in a b________ with some friends.

3  I like that song, but I don’t understand the l________. They’re in Spanish.

4  Dave’s music video had about a hundred v________ on its first day.

5  If you can play the piano, you’ll find this electronic k________ quite easy to play.

варіанти відповідей

1  fan

2  band

3  lyrics


5  keyboard

1  fen

2  bend

3  lurics

4  viewes

5  keybord

1  fann

2  band

3  lyreecs

4  wievs

5  kiyboard

Запитання 2

Complete the sentences.

6  Samba is a type of t________ music from Brazil.

7  I went to a c________ last night. There were three different bands.

8  The d________ in that rock band are really loud!

9  Everyone is buying this song. It’s going to be a h________!

10 R________ is a type of music that started in Jamaica.

варіанти відповідей

6  traditinal

7  concerrt

8  drums

9  hitt

10 Regae

6  traditional

7  concert

8  drums

9  hit

10 Reggae

6  traditionall

7  concert

8  drum

9  hits

10 Regae

Запитання 3

Complete the sentences. Use adjectives that match the nouns in the box.

confidence  energy  fame  kindness  success  talent

    Maggie often sings on TV. She’s successful.

1  Mark is very good at the piano. He’s ________.

2  Alex likes helping other people. He’s ________.

3  Everyone knows Taylor Swift. She’s ________.

4  Rebecca isn’t scared of playing in front of a big audience. She’s ________.

5  My brother cycles about five kilometres every day. He’s ________.

варіанти відповідей

1  talent

2  kind

3  famos

4  confidence

5  energetic

1  talented

2  kined

3  famce

4  confident

5  energy

1  talented

2  kind

3  famous

4  confident

5  energetic

Запитання 4

Complete with be going to.

   Eg. (our teacher / arrive) Our teacher is going to arrive soon.

1  (you / be)     ________________________ famous.

2  (we / not / watch)   ________________________ a film tonight.

3  (I / meet) ________________________ my cousin tomorrow.

4  (my parents / buy)   ________________________ a new car.

5  (Sam / not / come)  ________________________ to the party.

варіанти відповідей

1  You’re going to be …

2  We aren’t going watch …

3  I’m going to meet …

4  My parents are going buy …

5 Sam isn’t going coming …

1  You’re going to be …

2  We aren’t going to watch …

3  I’m going to meet …

4  My parents are going to buy …

5  Sam isn’t going to come …

1  You is going to be …

2  We aren’t go to watch …

3  I’m going meeting …

4  My parents are going to buy …

5 Sam isn’t going to come …

Запитання 5

Read the sentences. Choose prediction or plan.


1  I think it’ll rain this afternoon. prediction / plan

2  We’re going to have a party at my house tonight. prediction / plan

3  I think the maths exam will be difficult. prediction / plan

4  I’m going to cook dinner for my parents next Saturday. prediction / plan

5  It’s a brilliant film. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. prediction / plan

варіанти відповідей

1  prediction

2  plan

3  prediction

4  plan

5  prediction

1  plan

2  prediction

3  plan

4  prediction

5  plan

1  plan

2  prediction

3  prediction

4  plan

5  plan

Запитання 6

Write questions with be going to.

    (Tony / buy / a ticket) Is Tony going to buy a ticket?

1  (what / you / do)  _____________________________________?

2  (where / we / stay) _____________________________________?

3  (your dad / visit the UK / next week)____________________________________?

4  (your friends / play tennis / tomorrow) ______________________________?

5  (what / your grandma / cook) _________________________________?

варіанти відповідей

1  What are you going to do?

2  Where are we going to stay?

3  Is your dad going to visit the UK next week?

4  Are your friends going to play tennis tomorrow?

5  What is your grandma going to cook?

1  What is you going to do?

2  Where are we going stay?

3  Are your dad going to visit the UK next week?

4  Are your friends going to play tennis tomorrow?

5  What is your grandma going cook?

1  What are you going do?

2  Where is we going to stay?

3  Is your dad to going visit the UK next week?

4  Are your friends going play tennis tomorrow?

5  What are your grandma going to cook?

Запитання 7

Choose the correct answers (a, b or c).

A  You look busy. What are you doing?

B  There’s going to be a party at school, and I’m helping with it. I’ve got all these snacks to prepare.

A  Do you 1___ me to do that?

B  That 2___ be great.

A  3___ problem. Can I do anything 4___ to help?

B  Well, we need to move the chairs and tables. 5___ you help with that?

1  a have  b want  c like

2  a is  b would  c can

3  a Any  b Isn’t  c No

4  a else b other  c also

5  a Can  b Do  c Are

варіанти відповідей

1  c

2  b

3  c

4  a

5  b

1  b

2  b

3  c

4  a

5  a

1  a

2  b

3  c

4  b

5  a

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