Додано: 13 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
24 запитання
Запитання 1

A Laconic Answer

The Lacons lived in that part of Southern Greece which was called Laconia. Those people were very brave. They loved their Motherland and defended it from all the enemies. Everybody knew that their life was very simple. They tried to follow the laws of their country and never spoke long. "The shorter, the better," was their rule. "Never use more words than you need," was another rule. Nowadays, as you probably know a very short answer is often called a laconic answer, because the Lacons usually gave such short answers.

In Northern Greece there was a land called Macedonia. King Philip ruled there. He was not very clever and he was not very brave, but he wanted to become the king of all Greece. One day, he gathered a great army and soon he became the master of Greece. Only Laconia was not conquered. Then King Philip wrote a letter and sent it to the courageous Lacons. The letter said: "If I win the battle with your army, I will become your king and ruin your great city. If I become your ruler, I will make your people slaves".

 A few days later an answer was brought back to him. King Philip found only one word in it. The word was very short, and that was "If".

1. Where was Laconia situated?

варіанти відповідей

in Northern Greece                     

in Western Greece                    

 in Southern Greece                 

in Eastern Greece

Запитання 2

A Laconic Answer

The Lacons lived in that part of Southern Greece which was called Laconia. Those people were very brave. They loved their Motherland and defended it from all the enemies. Everybody knew that their life was very simple. They tried to follow the laws of their country and never spoke long. "The shorter, the better," was their rule. "Never use more words than you need," was another rule. Nowadays, as you probably know a very short answer is often called a laconic answer, because the Lacons usually gave such short answers.

In Northern Greece there was a land called Macedonia. King Philip ruled there. He was not very clever and he was not very brave, but he wanted to become the king of all Greece. One day, he gathered a great army and soon he became the master of Greece. Only Laconia was not conquered. Then King Philip wrote a letter and sent it to the courageous Lacons. The letter said: "If I win the battle with your army, I will become your king and ruin your great city. If I become your ruler, I will make your people slaves".

 A few days later an answer was brought back to him. King Philip found only one word in it. The word was very short, and that was "If".

2. What kind of the people lived there?

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Запитання 3

A Laconic Answer

The Lacons lived in that part of Southern Greece which was called Laconia. Those people were very brave. They loved their Motherland and defended it from all the enemies. Everybody knew that their life was very simple. They tried to follow the laws of their country and never spoke long. "The shorter, the better," was their rule. "Never use more words than you need," was another rule. Nowadays, as you probably know a very short answer is often called a laconic answer, because the Lacons usually gave such short answers.

In Northern Greece there was a land called Macedonia. King Philip ruled there. He was not very clever and he was not very brave, but he wanted to become the king of all Greece. One day, he gathered a great army and soon he became the master of Greece. Only Laconia was not conquered. Then King Philip wrote a letter and sent it to the courageous Lacons. The letter said: "If I win the battle with your army, I will become your king and ruin your great city. If I become your ruler, I will make your people slaves".

 A few days later an answer was brought back to him. King Philip found only one word in it. The word was very short, and that was "If".

3. What were the rules of the people who lived in Laconia?

варіанти відповідей

not to speak to strangers                

not to speak much

not to speak loud                            

not to speak at all

Запитання 4

A Laconic Answer

The Lacons lived in that part of Southern Greece which was called Laconia. Those people were very brave. They loved their Motherland and defended it from all the enemies. Everybody knew that their life was very simple. They tried to follow the laws of their country and never spoke long. "The shorter, the better," was their rule. "Never use more words than you need," was another rule. Nowadays, as you probably know a very short answer is often called a laconic answer, because the Lacons usually gave such short answers.

In Northern Greece there was a land called Macedonia. King Philip ruled there. He was not very clever and he was not very brave, but he wanted to become the king of all Greece. One day, he gathered a great army and soon he became the master of Greece. Only Laconia was not conquered. Then King Philip wrote a letter and sent it to the courageous Lacons. The letter said: "If I win the battle with your army, I will become your king and ruin your great city. If I become your ruler, I will make your people slaves".

 A few days later an answer was brought back to him. King Philip found only one word in it. The word was very short, and that was "If".

4. What kind of life did the Lacons have?

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Запитання 5

A Laconic Answer

The Lacons lived in that part of Southern Greece which was called Laconia. Those people were very brave. They loved their Motherland and defended it from all the enemies. Everybody knew that their life was very simple. They tried to follow the laws of their country and never spoke long. "The shorter, the better," was their rule. "Never use more words than you need," was another rule. Nowadays, as you probably know a very short answer is often called a laconic answer, because the Lacons usually gave such short answers.

In Northern Greece there was a land called Macedonia. King Philip ruled there. He was not very clever and he was not very brave, but he wanted to become the king of all Greece. One day, he gathered a great army and soon he became the master of Greece. Only Laconia was not conquered. Then King Philip wrote a letter and sent it to the courageous Lacons. The letter said: "If I win the battle with your army, I will become your king and ruin your great city. If I become your ruler, I will make your people slaves".

 A few days later an answer was brought back to him. King Philip found only one word in it. The word was very short, and that was "If".

 5. Who ruled Macedonia at that time?

варіанти відповідей

King Philip                                     

King Richard                                

Queen Elisabeth

King George

Запитання 6

A Laconic Answer

The Lacons lived in that part of Southern Greece which was called Laconia. Those people were very brave. They loved their Motherland and defended it from all the enemies. Everybody knew that their life was very simple. They tried to follow the laws of their country and never spoke long. "The shorter, the better," was their rule. "Never use more words than you need," was another rule. Nowadays, as you probably know a very short answer is often called a laconic answer, because the Lacons usually gave such short answers.

In Northern Greece there was a land called Macedonia. King Philip ruled there. He was not very clever and he was not very brave, but he wanted to become the king of all Greece. One day, he gathered a great army and soon he became the master of Greece. Only Laconia was not conquered. Then King Philip wrote a letter and sent it to the courageous Lacons. The letter said: "If I win the battle with your army, I will become your king and ruin your great city. If I become your ruler, I will make your people slaves".

 A few days later an answer was brought back to him. King Philip found only one word in it. The word was very short, and that was "If".

 6. King Philip wanted …

варіанти відповідей

to visit Laconia.                                

to surprise people of Laconia.         

to become the king of all Greece

to write a letter to the Lacons

Запитання 7

A Laconic Answer

The Lacons lived in that part of Southern Greece which was called Laconia. Those people were very brave. They loved their Motherland and defended it from all the enemies. Everybody knew that their life was very simple. They tried to follow the laws of their country and never spoke long. "The shorter, the better," was their rule. "Never use more words than you need," was another rule. Nowadays, as you probably know a very short answer is often called a laconic answer, because the Lacons usually gave such short answers.

In Northern Greece there was a land called Macedonia. King Philip ruled there. He was not very clever and he was not very brave, but he wanted to become the king of all Greece. One day, he gathered a great army and soon he became the master of Greece. Only Laconia was not conquered. Then King Philip wrote a letter and sent it to the courageous Lacons. The letter said: "If I win the battle with your army, I will become your king and ruin your great city. If I become your ruler, I will make your people slaves".

 A few days later an answer was brought back to him. King Philip found only one word in it. The word was very short, and that was "If".

7.  His letter said: “If I win the battle with your army, I will become your king and…

варіанти відповідей

build a big castle                              

destroy your great city

teach you how to be talkative

make you my soldiers               

Запитання 8

A Laconic Answer

The Lacons lived in that part of Southern Greece which was called Laconia. Those people were very brave. They loved their Motherland and defended it from all the enemies. Everybody knew that their life was very simple. They tried to follow the laws of their country and never spoke long. "The shorter, the better," was their rule. "Never use more words than you need," was another rule. Nowadays, as you probably know a very short answer is often called a laconic answer, because the Lacons usually gave such short answers.

In Northern Greece there was a land called Macedonia. King Philip ruled there. He was not very clever and he was not very brave, but he wanted to become the king of all Greece. One day, he gathered a great army and soon he became the master of Greece. Only Laconia was not conquered. Then King Philip wrote a letter and sent it to the courageous Lacons. The letter said: "If I win the battle with your army, I will become your king and ruin your great city. If I become your ruler, I will make your people slaves".

 A few days later an answer was brought back to him. King Philip found only one word in it. The word was very short, and that was "If".

8. What answer did he get?

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Go away


You're welcome

Запитання 9

Steve isn't very... in boxing. He doesn't like aggressive sport.

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Запитання 10

All my life I've been really...of spiders.

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Запитання 11

I love watching this athlete. She is never...about losing a competition.

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Запитання 12

Ants are ... insects that live in large groups.

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Запитання 13

Shakespeare's plays are funny and interesting. They are ... .

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Запитання 14

Dinosaurs were ... animals.

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Запитання 15

My friend’s lucky. She works in a bank and …a lot of money.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 16

She wore a lovely, long dress and…shoes to the party.

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Запитання 17

 We live in the city centre and our house…have a big garden.

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Запитання 18

Cathy…a game on her computer at the moment.

варіанти відповідей


is playing


Запитання 19

How…time have we got to do this exercise?

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Запитання 20

 Tom got the…marks in the class for his homework.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 21

Which train…for when I saw you on the platform on Sunday?

варіанти відповідей

did you wait

are you waiting

were you waiting

Запитання 22

My father has been a pilot…twenty years and he still loves his job.

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Запитання 23

 I really enjoy…new languages and I’d like to learn Italian soon.

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to learn


Запитання 24

That’s the office…my dad works.

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