Environment (9a)

Додано: 7 лютого 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Копія з тесту: Environment (p 151 ex 9)
10 запитань
Запитання 1

It is a rubbish, waste or other things we throw away.

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nuclear testing

Запитання 2

It is a thick forest in tropical parts of the world, like in Amazone area.

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Запитання 3

We have so many of them, like air, sea, and land pollution, holes in the ozone layer and so on.

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the Earth

environmental problems

Запитання 4

It is our planet

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the Earth

Запитання 5

It is the science that studies the relations of plants, people and animals to each other and to their environment

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Запитання 6

It is a very big problem of our time. If we don't protect them, they will disappear forever.

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animals in danger

environmental problems

Запитання 7

It is a process of making our environment dirty

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Запитання 8

A lot of pollution comes from the fumes they get off.

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nuclear testing

Запитання 9

They are experiments with nuclear weapons

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nuclear testing

environmental problems

Запитання 10

It can come from nuclear, solar, electrical or wind power.

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