Facts about New Zealand

Додано: 14 червня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 2 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

What do Maori call New Zealand?

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Blue Cloud

White country

Запитання 2

Who was the first to reach New Zealand? And when did he do it?

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James Cook did it in 1642.

It was Abel Tasman in 1634.

Abel Tasman was the first discoverer in 1642.

Запитання 3

How did the Dutchman name the country?

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Staten Landt

White cloud

Nova Zealandia

Запитання 4

When did Captain James Cook come to the island?

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in 1769

in 1632

in 1752

Запитання 5

What are the names of the largest islands of New Zealand?

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Northern and Southern islands

Stewart Island

Islands of the Pacific Ocean

Запитання 6

How many people live in New Zealand?

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63 000 000

4 000 000

40 000 000

Запитання 7

What is the largest city in New Zealand?

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Запитання 8

What is the name of the biggest lake?

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Запитання 9

What kind of animal is this in the picture?

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Kiwi, a flightless bird


Kea, а bird that is not afraid of the cold

Запитання 10

 Weta is 

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a New Zealand reptile

the largest insect in New Zealand

a bird that lives only in New Zealand

Запитання 11

 How long does a tuatara live?

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50 years

100-200 years

400 years

Запитання 12

 What extreme type of entertainment is popular in New Zealand?

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Parachute jumps

Surfing on big waves

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