Final Test (grammar)

Додано: 9 грудня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 268 разів
25 запитань
Запитання 1

He said that he seldom ______________bread.

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Запитання 2

She thought that they_________________a house the day before.

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had built

has built


Запитання 3

We thought that they ____________next day.

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would go

will go

Запитання 4

They said that he_____________TV every day.

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will watch

Запитання 5

He said that he____________his watch a week ago.

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had lost


have lost

Запитання 6

She heard that he___________a letter every day.

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Запитання 7

He ___ and checked his email.

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shut down

scroll up

logged on

logged off

Запитання 8

_____ your password to join the platform/

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put on

key in

start up

print up

Запитання 9

I waited while she ____ her computer and checked the email.

варіанти відповідей

started up

started on

zoom in

scroll up

Запитання 10

Let me ___ some documents __ while you drink your coffee.

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scroll across

print out

zoom in

pick up

Запитання 11

You have to ___ the page to find the proper information.

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print up

log in

hack into

scroll down

Запитання 12

Make sure that you ____ correctly. Don't just switch the machine off.

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log on

print out

log off

scroll up

Запитання 13

If you can't see the details, you can simply ___ the picture.

варіанти відповідей

zoom out

Zoom in

hack into

print out

Запитання 14

I need to go to theI nternet Cafe and ____ my emails.

варіанти відповідей

print out

back up

pick up.

scroll up

Запитання 15

if you don't want to lose the important information, you have to ___it ___.

варіанти відповідей

print out

back up

zoom in

log on

Запитання 16

If someone____ the computer system, they break into the system, especially in order to get secret information

варіанти відповідей

hack into

print out

back up

log in

Запитання 17

For security reason, always ___ when you leave your computer.

варіанти відповідей

log in

log on

log out

log off

Запитання 18

Tom was very upset when he undrestood that someone had ____ his computer.

варіанти відповідей

logged in

logged out

hacked into

picked up

Запитання 19

London is a ____________ of Great Britain.

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Запитання 20

It is a photo of the _____________

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Tower of London

Tower Bridge

Thames Bridge

Bridge of london

Запитання 21

The Queen lives in ___________

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Tower fo London

Buckingham Palace

Trafalgar Square

Запитання 22

The Tower of London is a __________ now.

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Запитання 23

It is a photo of the __________

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Oxford Street

Hyde Park

Trafalgar Square

Buckingham Palace

Запитання 24

_____________ is the biggest church in London.

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Buckingham Palace

Tower of London 

St. Paul’s Cathedral

British Museum

Запитання 25

Find the photo of St. Paul’s Cathedral. 

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