Final test I semester

Додано: 21 грудня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 62 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct variant.

(Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді).

... is she going? - To the park.

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Запитання 2

Complete the sentence.

(Доповніть речення).

... she read magazines every day?

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Запитання 3

Make up a sentence in Past Simple.

(Скласти речення у простому минулому часі)

.We / not / ski / in / the Alps / last winter.

варіанти відповідей

We didn't skied in the Alps last winter.

We didn't ski in the Alps last winter.

We haven't ski in the Alps last winter

Запитання 4

Choose the correct answer.

(Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді)

How … pears do you need for the cake?

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Complete the sentence with the correct degree of comparison.

(Доповніть речення правильним ступенем порівняння прикметників)

My Granny bakes ... cakes than my sister.

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 the best


Запитання 6

Translate: українська кухня, смачні страви

варіанти відповідей

Ukrainian cuisine, tasty dishes

 Ukrainian kitchen, tasty food

Запитання 7

Translate: велоспорт, катання на ковзанах

варіанти відповідей

 cycling, skiing

 cycling, skating

riding a bike, skating

Запитання 8

It ‘s happened 20 years ago. An Englishman who was in France on a short visit wanted to go back to London. He had only enough money to pay for a ticket. As he knew the trip to take only two days, he decided that he could live without eating those two days. So he bought a ticket and got on the ship. When dinner-time came, he was very hungry, but he said he was not. In the evening he was even hungrier but he did not go to have supper and the waiter thought him to be seasick. The next morning the Englishman felt bad. “I will eat”, he thought to himself, “even if they throw me into the sea”. So when dinner time came, he went to the dining-room and ate everything that was on the table before him. When dinner was over, he quickly got up and went to his cabin. In the evening when the ship was not far from London, he ate his supper and said to the waiter, “Bring me the bill for my meals”. But the waiter asked: “What bill?”. “For the dinner and supper I ate.” “But you paid for your meals when you bought the ticket,” answered the waiter.

 Write “T” (true) if the statement is true or “F” (false) if it is not..

An Englishman was in France on a short visit.

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Запитання 9

It ‘s happened 20 years ago. An Englishman who was in France on a short visit wanted to go back to London. He had only enough money to pay for a ticket. As he knew the trip to take only two days, he decided that he could live without eating those two days. So he bought a ticket and got on the ship. When dinner-time came, he was very hungry, but he said he was not. In the evening he was even hungrier but he did not go to have supper and the waiter thought him to be seasick. The next morning the Englishman felt bad. “I will eat”, he thought to himself, “even if they throw me into the sea”. So when dinner time came, he went to the dining-room and ate everything that was on the table before him. When dinner was over, he quickly got up and went to his cabin. In the evening when the ship was not far from London, he ate his supper and said to the waiter, “Bring me the bill for my meals”. But the waiter asked: “What bill?”. “For the dinner and supper I ate.” “But you paid for your meals when you bought the ticket,” answered the waiter.

 Write “T” (true) if the statement is true or “F” (false) if it is not..

He did not have only enough money to pay for the ticket.

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Запитання 10

It ‘s happened 20 years ago. An Englishman who was in France on a short visit wanted to go back to London. He had only enough money to pay for a ticket. As he knew the trip to take only two days, he decided that he could live without eating those two days. So he bought a ticket and got on the ship. When dinner-time came, he was very hungry, but he said he was not. In the evening he was even hungrier but he did not go to have supper and the waiter thought him to be seasick. The next morning the Englishman felt bad. “I will eat”, he thought to himself, “even if they throw me into the sea”. So when dinner time came, he went to the dining-room and ate everything that was on the table before him. When dinner was over, he quickly got up and went to his cabin. In the evening when the ship was not far from London, he ate his supper and said to the waiter, “Bring me the bill for my meals”. But the waiter asked: “What bill?”. “For the dinner and supper I ate.” “But you paid for your meals when you bought the ticket,” answered the waiter.

Write “T” (true) if the statement is true or “F” (false) if it is not.

An Englishman didn’t know that he had already paid for all his meals when he bought a ticket.

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Запитання 11

It ‘s happened 20 years ago. An Englishman who was in France on a short visit wanted to go back to London. He had only enough money to pay for a ticket. As he knew the trip to take only two days, he decided that he could live without eating those two days. So he bought a ticket and got on the ship. When dinner-time came, he was very hungry, but he said he was not. In the evening he was even hungrier but he did not go to have supper and the waiter thought him to be seasick. The next morning the Englishman felt bad. “I will eat”, he thought to himself, “even if they throw me into the sea”. So when dinner time came, he went to the dining-room and ate everything that was on the table before him. When dinner was over, he quickly got up and went to his cabin. In the evening when the ship was not far from London, he ate his supper and said to the waiter, “Bring me the bill for my meals”. But the waiter asked: “What bill?”. “For the dinner and supper I ate.” “But you paid for your meals when you bought the ticket,” answered the waiter.

Write “T” (true) if the statement is true or “F” (false) if it is not.

He was very hungry and he told about that.

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Запитання 12

Complete the conversation.

(Доповніть розмову відповідною реплікою)

- Were you in the park yesterday?

- ... .

варіанти відповідей

Yes, І was.

No, we wasn't.

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