Fly High 3. Reading Test, II

Додано: 22 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Тест виконано: 181 раз
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Hello. My name’s Kate. I want to tell you about my dream house.

I dream about a big red house. There are three large rooms in it. One room is for me. I want a green room. The second room is for my parents. And the third room is for our guests. There is a balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom in my house.

There is a garage for our car next to the house. I want a beautiful garden too. My house is near the park. My family and I can go for a walk in the park every weekend.

1) Kate's dream  house is ________________.

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Запитання 2

Hello. My name’s Kate. I want to tell you about my dream house.

I dream about a big red house. There are three large rooms in it. One room is for me. I want a green room. The second room is for my parents. And the third room is for our guests. There is a balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom in my house.

There is a garage for our car next to the house. I want a beautiful garden too. My house is near the park. My family and I can go for a walk in the park every weekend.

2)There are ____________________ rooms in the house.

варіанти відповідей

tree big rooms

two small rooms

three small rooms

Запитання 3

Hello. My name’s Kate. I want to tell you about my dream house.

I dream about a big red house. There are three large rooms in it. One room is for me. I want a green room. The second room is for my parents. And the third room is for our guests. There is a balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom in my house.

There is a garage for our car next to the house. I want a beautiful garden too. My house is near the park. My family and I can go for a walk in the park every weekend.

3) Kate's house is near _______________.

варіанти відповідей

the river

the park

the forest

Запитання 4

Hello. My name’s Kate. I want to tell you about my dream house.

I dream about a big red house. There are three large rooms in it. One room is for me. I want a green room. The second room is for my parents. And the third room is for our guests. There is a balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom in my house.

There is a garage for our car next to the house. I want a beautiful garden too. My house is near the park. My family and I can go for a walk in the park every weekend.

4) The __________________ room is for her parents.

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Запитання 5

Hello. My name’s Kate. I want to tell you about my dream house.

I dream about a big red house. There are three large rooms in it. One room is for me. I want a green room. The second room is for my parents. And the third room is for our guests. There is a balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom in my house.

There is a garage for our car next to the house. I want a beautiful garden too. My house is near the park. My family and I can go for a walk in the park every weekend.

5) Kate and her family can ____________________ in the park evey weekend.

варіанти відповідей

ride their bikes

go for a walk

have a picnic

Запитання 6

Hello. My name’s Kate. I want to tell you about my dream house.

I dream about a big red house. There are three large rooms in it. One room is for me. I want a green room. The second room is for my parents. And the third room is for our guests. There is a balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom in my house.

There is a garage for our car next to the house. I want a beautiful garden too. My house is near the park. My family and I can go for a walk in the park every weekend.

6) There is a _____________________________ in Kate's dream house.

варіанти відповідей

a balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom

a bedroom, a living room and a bathroom

a balcony, a bedroom and a living room

Запитання 7

Hello. My name’s Kate. I want to tell you about my dream house.

I dream about a big red house. There are three large rooms in it. One room is for me. I want a green room. The second room is for my parents. And the third room is for our guests. There is a balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom in my house.

There is a garage for our car next to the house. I want a beautiful garden too. My house is near the park. My family and I can go for a walk in the park every weekend.

7) Kate dreams about a big brown house.

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Запитання 8

Hello. My name’s Kate. I want to tell you about my dream house.

I dream about a big red house. There are three large rooms in it. One room is for me. I want a green room. The second room is for my parents. And the third room is for our guests. There is a balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom in my house.

There is a garage for our car next to the house. I want a beautiful garden too. My house is near the park. My family and I can go for a walk in the park every weekend.

8) There are three large rooms in the house.

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Запитання 9

Hello. My name’s Kate. I want to tell you about my dream house.

I dream about a big red house. There are three large rooms in it. One room is for me. I want a green room. The second room is for my parents. And the third room is for our guests. There is a balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom in my house.

There is a garage for our car next to the house. I want a beautiful garden too. My house is near the park. My family and I can go for a walk in the park every weekend.

9) Kate wants a pink room.

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Запитання 10

Hello. My name’s Kate. I want to tell you about my dream house.

I dream about a big red house. There are three large rooms in it. One room is for me. I want a green room. The second room is for my parents. And the third room is for our guests. There is a balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom in my house.

There is a garage for our car next to the house. I want a beautiful garden too. My house is near the park. My family and I can go for a walk in the park every weekend.

10) Kate wants a beautiful garden too.

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Запитання 11

Hello. My name’s Kate. I want to tell you about my dream house.

I dream about a big red house. There are three large rooms in it. One room is for me. I want a green room. The second room is for my parents. And the third room is for our guests. There is a balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom in my house.

There is a garage for our car next to the house. I want a beautiful garden too. My house is near the park. My family and I can go for a walk in the park every weekend.

11) Kate’s house is near the forest.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 12

Hello. My name’s Kate. I want to tell you about my dream house.

I dream about a big red house. There are three large rooms in it. One room is for me. I want a green room. The second room is for my parents. And the third room is for our guests. There is a balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom in my house.

There is a garage for our car next to the house. I want a beautiful garden too. My house is near the park. My family and I can go for a walk in the park every weekend.

12) There is a garage next to the house.

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