focus 2 unit 3

Додано: 16 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 543 рази
16 запитань
Запитання 1

І.Complete the sentences with just, already or yet.

   I don’t want to go on holiday to Rome again.

We’ve ___________ been there twice this year!

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Запитання 2

    X: Oh, is that Jason’s voice?

     Y: Yes, I think he has____________ arrived.

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Запитання 3

      Have you been to the Young Art Museum   ____________?

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Запитання 4

   She’s just fifteen years old and she’s

     ___________ won two awards.

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Запитання 5

      Jason, you haven’t shown us your photos    _____________.     

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Запитання 6

1.Choose the correct option to complete the text.

David Hockney’s modern art


David Hockney is a famous artist from the UK. His works are in art 1_____ and museums around the world. In a recent 2_____ at the Royal Academy of Arts, he showed why he still has such a reputation. Hockney is 3_____ to retire but he continues to develop interesting ways of creating art. This time, rather than creating a traditional oil 4_____, he used a tablet computer in addition to traditional techniques.

His works clearly show his emotional connection to the countryside. The wonderful huge 5_____ of Yorkshire really attract your attention as they show the change of the seasons, from the bright greens of spring to the whiteness of winter.

David Hockney’s house is in Los Angeles but he regularly returns to Yorkshire to paint. This year he has 6_____ visited it twice.

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Запитання 7

2.Choose the correct option to complete the text.

David Hockney’s modern art


David Hockney is a famous artist from the UK. His works are in art 1_____ and museums around the world. In a recent 2_____ at the Royal Academy of Arts, he showed why he still has such a reputation. Hockney is 3_____ to retire but he continues to develop interesting ways of creating art. This time, rather than creating a traditional oil 4_____, he used a tablet computer in addition to traditional techniques.

His works clearly show his emotional connection to the countryside. The wonderful huge 5_____ of Yorkshire really attract your attention as they show the change of the seasons, from the bright greens of spring to the whiteness of winter.

David Hockney’s house is in Los Angeles but he regularly returns to Yorkshire to paint. This year he has 6_____ visited it twice.

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Запитання 8

3.Choose the correct option to complete the text.

David Hockney’s modern art


David Hockney is a famous artist from the UK. His works are in art 1_____ and museums around the world. In a recent 2_____ at the Royal Academy of Arts, he showed why he still has such a reputation. Hockney is 3_____ to retire but he continues to develop interesting ways of creating art. This time, rather than creating a traditional oil 4_____, he used a tablet computer in addition to traditional techniques.

His works clearly show his emotional connection to the countryside. The wonderful huge 5_____ of Yorkshire really attract your attention as they show the change of the seasons, from the bright greens of spring to the whiteness of winter.

David Hockney’s house is in Los Angeles but he regularly returns to Yorkshire to paint. This year he has 6_____ visited it twice.

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too old         

old enough

older than

Запитання 9

4.Choose the correct option to complete the text.

David Hockney’s modern art


David Hockney is a famous artist from the UK. His works are in art 1_____ and museums around the world. In a recent 2_____ at the Royal Academy of Arts, he showed why he still has such a reputation. Hockney is 3_____ to retire but he continues to develop interesting ways of creating art. This time, rather than creating a traditional oil 4_____, he used a tablet computer in addition to traditional techniques.

His works clearly show his emotional connection to the countryside. The wonderful huge 5_____ of Yorkshire really attract your attention as they show the change of the seasons, from the bright greens of spring to the whiteness of winter.

David Hockney’s house is in Los Angeles but he regularly returns to Yorkshire to paint. This year he has 6_____ visited it twice.

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Запитання 10

5.Choose the correct option to complete the text.

David Hockney’s modern art


David Hockney is a famous artist from the UK. His works are in art 1_____ and museums around the world. In a recent 2_____ at the Royal Academy of Arts, he showed why he still has such a reputation. Hockney is 3_____ to retire but he continues to develop interesting ways of creating art. This time, rather than creating a traditional oil 4_____, he used a tablet computer in addition to traditional techniques.

His works clearly show his emotional connection to the countryside. The wonderful huge 5_____ of Yorkshire really attract your attention as they show the change of the seasons, from the bright greens of spring to the whiteness of winter.

David Hockney’s house is in Los Angeles but he regularly returns to Yorkshire to paint. This year he has 6_____ visited it twice.

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street art

Запитання 11

6.Choose the correct option to complete the text.

David Hockney’s modern art


David Hockney is a famous artist from the UK. His works are in art 1_____ and museums around the world. In a recent 2_____ at the Royal Academy of Arts, he showed why he still has such a reputation. Hockney is 3_____ to retire but he continues to develop interesting ways of creating art. This time, rather than creating a traditional oil 4_____, he used a tablet computer in addition to traditional techniques.

His works clearly show his emotional connection to the countryside. The wonderful huge 5_____ of Yorkshire really attract your attention as they show the change of the seasons, from the bright greens of spring to the whiteness of winter.

David Hockney’s house is in Los Angeles but he regularly returns to Yorkshire to paint. This year he has 6_____ visited it twice.

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Запитання 12

Choose the correct option.

X: The thriller we watched last night was _____.

Y: Yes, it was really exciting.

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Запитання 13

Choose the correct option.

X: Which novel is better: ‘Prague in Spring’ or ‘Dark Night’?

Y: ‘Prague in Spring’ is better. It’s _____ ‘Dark Night’.

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as interesting as       

more interesting than

the most interesting of

Запитання 14

Choose the correct option.

    X: Is this Lady Gaga’s first _____?

     Y: No, her first CD was ‘The Fame’ in 2008.

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Запитання 15

Choose the correct option.

X: Why are the girl’s eyes closed in the photo?

     Y: _____.

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She looks very young.             



She's probably tired

In my opinion, she's boring.

Запитання 16

Choose the correct option.

X: Would you like to buy any of John Green’s novels?

     Y: No, thanks. I’ve _____ read all his books two or three times.

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