Focus 3 Unit 5 Test

Додано: 20 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
20 запитань
Запитання 1

She had a lot of problems to deal ______

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Запитання 2

We're going to the restaurant and I'm sure it will have been worth waiting _____.

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Запитання 3

The storm is something that will take a long time for the town to recover ______.

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Запитання 4

Have you ever considered changing your career and becoming ___ firefighter?

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Запитання 5

Water pollution will probably still be _____ important problem in twenty years' time.

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Запитання 6

Sometimes even ____ wild animals need our help to survive winter.

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Запитання 7

The population of ____ UK is over 63 million people.

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Запитання 8

We were all surprised when John, _____ had never been interested in the environment, suddenly decided to become a Greenpeace activist.

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Запитання 9

It has just turned out that professor Wellington, _______ theories have often been ignored, is right after all.

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Запитання 10

Our group _________ (consists) of a number of experts who are passionate about the environment. 

варіанти відповідей

is make up

is made up

is made from

is make from

Запитання 11

3 Read the text. For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.


Pollution in many of the world’s cities is becoming a major health problem. One of the worst affected is Beijing, the capital of China. Air quality was dangerously low on fifty-eight days last year. The winter months are especially bad. This is the time of year when more coal is burned to heat people’s homes. There is also less wind to blow the smog away. At this time of year, pollution levels are sometimes twenty times higher than the WHO (World Health Organization) considers safe. This causes illnesses and on the worst days old people and children are advised to stay indoors. Visibility is sometimes so bad that motorways have to close because of the danger of accidents.

In early 2014, some newspapers and websites showed a frightening vision of the future. On a smoggy morning, residents of Beijing watched the sunrise. However, as the real one was hidden, they had to do this on giant TV screens. The smog was so thick that the real sunrise was completely invisible. While this might seem shocking, the film of the sunrise was nothing unusual. The screens show adverts all the time. The one that the people were watching that morning was for a holiday company. The same advert is shown quite often, whatever the weather. Either the photographer was lucky or he knew exactly how the image would look and waited until he got the photo he wanted. Although the news reporting was inaccurate, it might have done something to raise awareness of how bad the problem has become. Politicians, too, have finally decided that something must be done to reduce pollution levels.

The first idea is to reduce the amount of coal that people use. Factories will also be moved to areas further away from cities. Another target is older, more polluting cars. The worst offenders will be banned. In their place, greener and cleaner forms of transport will be encouraged.

Will these changes help? The Chinese know from experience that it is possible to improve air quality very quickly if necessary. Before the 2008 Olympic Games, pollution in Beijing was reduced greatly. As well as reducing traffic levels and closing factories, other methods to reduce pollution were used. These included pouring water onto roads to reduce the amount of dust flying in the air. To help with this, scientists were even able to make clouds drop more rain. Since then, things have got worse rather than better but, at last, the government seems to be determined to do something about the problem. For the people of Beijing and other large cities this will make a huge difference to their lives.

Winter in Beijing _______

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can be a particularly dangerous time for drivers.

sees very strong winds.

has pollution levels twenty times worse than the rest of China.

has at least fifty-eight days of dangerous levels of air pollution.

Запитання 12

Read the text. For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.


Pollution in many of the world’s cities is becoming a major health problem. One of the worst affected is Beijing, the capital of China. Air quality was dangerously low on fifty-eight days last year. The winter months are especially bad. This is the time of year when more coal is burned to heat people’s homes. There is also less wind to blow the smog away. At this time of year, pollution levels are sometimes twenty times higher than the WHO (World Health Organization) considers safe. This causes illnesses and on the worst days old people and children are advised to stay indoors. Visibility is sometimes so bad that motorways have to close because of the danger of accidents.

In early 2014, some newspapers and websites showed a frightening vision of the future. On a smoggy morning, residents of Beijing watched the sunrise. However, as the real one was hidden, they had to do this on giant TV screens. The smog was so thick that the real sunrise was completely invisible. While this might seem shocking, the film of the sunrise was nothing unusual. The screens show adverts all the time. The one that the people were watching that morning was for a holiday company. The same advert is shown quite often, whatever the weather. Either the photographer was lucky or he knew exactly how the image would look and waited until he got the photo he wanted. Although the news reporting was inaccurate, it might have done something to raise awareness of how bad the problem has become. Politicians, too, have finally decided that something must be done to reduce pollution levels.

The first idea is to reduce the amount of coal that people use. Factories will also be moved to areas further away from cities. Another target is older, more polluting cars. The worst offenders will be banned. In their place, greener and cleaner forms of transport will be encouraged.

Will these changes help? The Chinese know from experience that it is possible to improve air quality very quickly if necessary. Before the 2008 Olympic Games, pollution in Beijing was reduced greatly. As well as reducing traffic levels and closing factories, other methods to reduce pollution were used. These included pouring water onto roads to reduce the amount of dust flying in the air. To help with this, scientists were even able to make clouds drop more rain. Since then, things have got worse rather than better but, at last, the government seems to be determined to do something about the problem. For the people of Beijing and other large cities this will make a huge difference to their lives.

In Beijing, people were photographed watching the sunrise on TV screens because _____

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the advert is regularly shown around the city.

        it’s better than the real sunrise.

   it’s traditional to watch the sunrise in Beijing.

   they were employed by a photographer.

Запитання 13

Read the text. For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.


Pollution in many of the world’s cities is becoming a major health problem. One of the worst affected is Beijing, the capital of China. Air quality was dangerously low on fifty-eight days last year. The winter months are especially bad. This is the time of year when more coal is burned to heat people’s homes. There is also less wind to blow the smog away. At this time of year, pollution levels are sometimes twenty times higher than the WHO (World Health Organization) considers safe. This causes illnesses and on the worst days old people and children are advised to stay indoors. Visibility is sometimes so bad that motorways have to close because of the danger of accidents.

In early 2014, some newspapers and websites showed a frightening vision of the future. On a smoggy morning, residents of Beijing watched the sunrise. However, as the real one was hidden, they had to do this on giant TV screens. The smog was so thick that the real sunrise was completely invisible. While this might seem shocking, the film of the sunrise was nothing unusual. The screens show adverts all the time. The one that the people were watching that morning was for a holiday company. The same advert is shown quite often, whatever the weather. Either the photographer was lucky or he knew exactly how the image would look and waited until he got the photo he wanted. Although the news reporting was inaccurate, it might have done something to raise awareness of how bad the problem has become. Politicians, too, have finally decided that something must be done to reduce pollution levels.

The first idea is to reduce the amount of coal that people use. Factories will also be moved to areas further away from cities. Another target is older, more polluting cars. The worst offenders will be banned. In their place, greener and cleaner forms of transport will be encouraged.

Will these changes help? The Chinese know from experience that it is possible to improve air quality very quickly if necessary. Before the 2008 Olympic Games, pollution in Beijing was reduced greatly. As well as reducing traffic levels and closing factories, other methods to reduce pollution were used. These included pouring water onto roads to reduce the amount of dust flying in the air. To help with this, scientists were even able to make clouds drop more rain. Since then, things have got worse rather than better but, at last, the government seems to be determined to do something about the problem. For the people of Beijing and other large cities this will make a huge difference to their lives.

What does the government plan to do to reduce pollution levels?

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Increase the number of cycle lanes in the city

   Stop people from using coal to heat their houses

   Build new, greener factories to replace the old ones

        Remove the most polluting cars from the roads

Запитання 14

Read the text. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.


Pollution in many of the world’s cities is becoming a major health problem. One of the worst affected is Beijing, the capital of China. Air quality was dangerously low on fifty-eight days last year. The winter months are especially bad. This is the time of year when more coal is burned to heat people’s homes. There is also less wind to blow the smog away. At this time of year, pollution levels are sometimes twenty times higher than the WHO (World Health Organization) considers safe. This causes illnesses and on the worst days old people and children are advised to stay indoors. Visibility is sometimes so bad that motorways have to close because of the danger of accidents.

In early 2014, some newspapers and websites showed a frightening vision of the future. On a smoggy morning, residents of Beijing watched the sunrise. However, as the real one was hidden, they had to do this on giant TV screens. The smog was so thick that the real sunrise was completely invisible. While this might seem shocking, the film of the sunrise was nothing unusual. The screens show adverts all the time. The one that the people were watching that morning was for a holiday company. The same advert is shown quite often, whatever the weather. Either the photographer was lucky or he knew exactly how the image would look and waited until he got the photo he wanted. Although the news reporting was inaccurate, it might have done something to raise awareness of how bad the problem has become. Politicians, too, have finally decided that something must be done to reduce pollution levels.

The first idea is to reduce the amount of coal that people use. Factories will also be moved to areas further away from cities. Another target is older, more polluting cars. The worst offenders will be banned. In their place, greener and cleaner forms of transport will be encouraged.

Will these changes help? The Chinese know from experience that it is possible to improve air quality very quickly if necessary. Before the 2008 Olympic Games, pollution in Beijing was reduced greatly. As well as reducing traffic levels and closing factories, other methods to reduce pollution were used. These included pouring water onto roads to reduce the amount of dust flying in the air. To help with this, scientists were even able to make clouds drop more rain. Since then, things have got worse rather than better but, at last, the government seems to be determined to do something about the problem. For the people of Beijing and other large cities this will make a huge difference to their lives.

Since the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games _____________

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   people realise there are ways to reduce air pollution.

     air quality has got a lot better.

  scientists have been controlling the amount of rain falling.

 the biggest problem has been dust on the roads. 

Запитання 15

Be careful, the ocean _____________ is very strong and it could pull you under the water.

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Запитання 16

   If temperatures continue to rise, many types of plants will ___________________ (disappear) in the near future.

варіанти відповідей

die from

die out

die of

die on

Запитання 17

I’m amazed that you are able to ____________ _______________ (not wake up) such a violent storm. It was extremely loud! 

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sleep through

die out

come in

come out

Запитання 18

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Do not change the order of the words. Use up to six words.

When I opened the drawer, I (come / old / book)_________________________ with beautiful pictures of exotic birds.

варіанти відповідей

came out an old book

came an old book across

came across an old book

come up with an old book

Запитання 19

Experts expect global warming to __________ ________ (warm) the earth by several degrees in the next fifty years. 

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heat over

heat up

heat on

Запитання 20

Many people complain that _____ public transport is getting more and more expensive every year

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