Form 2 Reading Semester II

Додано: 9 червня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 2 клас
Тест виконано: 42 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

1.  Прочитай текст.

   It is spring. It is sunny. Max and Kate have a picnic. Max is wearing jeans, a sweater, socks and trainers. He is playing with his dog Rex. Kate is wearing jeans, jacket, socks and shoes. She is making sandwiches.

  What season is it?

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Запитання 2

1.  Прочитай текст.

  It is spring. It is sunny. Max and Kate have a picnic. Max is wearing jeans, a sweater, socks and trainers. He is playing with his dog Rex. Kate is wearing jeans, jacket, socks and shoes. She is making sandwiches.

What is the weather like?

варіанти відповідей

It is hot

It is not sunny

It is sunny

It's not rainy

Запитання 3

1.  Прочитай текст.

  It is spring. It is sunny. Max and Kate have a picnic. Max is wearing jeans, a sweater, socks and trainers. He is playing with his dog Rex. Kate is wearing jeans, jacket, socks and shoes. She is making sandwiches.

What are the children doing?

варіанти відповідей

Tom and Kate have a picnic.

Max and Kate have a test.

Max and Luke have a picnic.

Max and Kate have a picnic.

Запитання 4

1.  Прочитай текст.

  It is spring. It is sunny. Max and Kate have a picnic. Max is wearing jeans, a sweater, socks and trainers. He is playing with his dog Rex. Kate is wearing jeans, jacket, socks and shoes. She is making sandwiches.

What is Max doing?

варіанти відповідей

He is playing with his dog Rem.

He is playing with his cat Rex.

He is playing with his dog Rex

He is playing with his dog Ron.

Запитання 5

1.  Прочитай текст.

  It is spring. It is sunny. Max and Kate have a picnic. Max is wearing jeans, a sweater, socks and trainers. He is playing with his dog Rex. Kate is wearing jeans, jacket, socks and shoes. She is making sandwiches.

Який займенник не згадувався у тексті

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Запитання 6

1.  Прочитай текст.

  It is spring. It is sunny. Max and Kate have a picnic. Max is wearing jeans, a sweater, socks and trainers. He is playing with his dog Rex. Kate is wearing jeans, jacket, socks and shoes. She is making sandwiches.

What is Kate wearing?

варіанти відповідей

jeans, sweater, shoes, socks

dress, shoes, socks, jacket

socks, jeans, shoes, jacket,

jacket, jeans, sweater, shoes

Запитання 7

2. Прочитай текст.Поглянь на завдання.Подумай,обери правильну відповідь.

My name is Max. I am seven. I like books and computers.I speak English. I can ride a bike. I like chicken and rice. I don`t like eggs. I have a dog . It can jump and run. It is fun.

The boy's name is_______

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 8

2. Прочитай текст.Поглянь на завдання.Подумай,обери правильну відповідь.

My name is Max. I am seven. I like books and computers.I speak English. I can ride a bike. I like chicken and rice. I don`t like eggs. I have a dog . It can jump and run. It is fun.

How old is Max?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 9

2. Прочитай текст.Поглянь на завдання.Подумай,обери правильну відповідь.

My name is Max. I am seven. I like books and computers.I speak English. I can ride a bike. I like chicken and rice. I don`t like eggs. I have a dog . It can jump and run. It is fun.

He can ride a horse.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10

2. Прочитай текст.Поглянь на завдання.Подумай,обери правильну відповідь.

My name is Max. I am seven. I like books and computers.I speak English. I can ride a bike. I like chicken and rice. I don`t like eggs. I have a dog . It can jump and run. It is fun.

He likes_____

варіанти відповідей

eggs and rice

chicken and cakes

chicken and rice

Запитання 11

2. Прочитай текст.Поглянь на завдання.Подумай,обери правильну відповідь.

My name is Max. I am seven. I like books and computers.I speak English. I can ride a bike. I like chicken and rice. I don`t like eggs. I have a dog . It can jump and run. It is fun.

Max does not like fish.

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Запитання 12

2. Прочитай текст.Поглянь на завдання.Подумай,обери правильну відповідь.

My name is Max. I am seven. I like books and computers.I speak English. I can ride a bike. I like chicken and rice. I don`t like eggs. I have a dog . It can jump and run. It is fun.

Max has got ________

варіанти відповідей

a puppy

a kitten

a rabbit

a dog

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