Get200 book2 unit3

Додано: 18 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 20 разів
20 запитань
Запитання 1

Although he was an excellent team player and scored a lot of goals for his favourite team, he was most proud of what he achieved on his own without the help of the others. He was particularly happy with what he'd done for poor kids in different parts of his country. He simply taught them to play football.

The heading is....

варіанти відповідей

Team successes

Individual sports achievements

Personal accomplishments

Запитання 2

If you are interested in snowboarding, you will need to find out which length and width board is best for you. Both of these factors are critical to the success of snowboarding. Shorter boards are easier to maneuver, therefore they are great if you are just learning to snowboard. As for the width, it is important to consider

foot size when choosing the board.

варіанти відповідей

A Sport or a Hobby?

Choosing Proper Equipment

Challenging Sport

Various Applications

Запитання 3

While the majority of scuba diving is recreation, there are those who do it for a living as well. They spend a lot of time in the water watching how microorganisms fit the whole underwater environment. There are also others who work in constructing underwater platforms that are often used for scientific research.

варіанти відповідей

Changing Styles

Choosing Proper Equipment

Various Applications

Challenging Sport

Запитання 4

Surfing is a sport which is extremely popular in the USA. This term is often referred to as a water sport in which the person surfing is carried along the face of a breaking ocean wave standing on a surfboard. Some people practice this as a hobby while others become professional surfers.

варіанти відповідей

Changing Styles

Benefits of Sport

Challenging Sport

A Sport or a Hobby?

Запитання 5

The first game of basketball was played in the Springfield gym in 1891. There were nine men on each team. They used a soccer ball. They put peach baskets on the gym wall. The goal or purpose of the game was to throw the ball in the basket. That is why he called the game basketball. A man with a ladder went to the basket. He

climbed the ladder and took the ball out of the basket. Luckily, only one man got the ball into the basket in the first game.

The game was called «basketball» because …

варіанти відповідей

it could be played indoors;

players put peaches in baskets;

the ball was to hit the basket;

it was played by baskets.

Запитання 6

The first game of basketball was played in the Springfield gym in 1891. There were nine men on each team. They used a soccer ball. They put peach baskets on the gym wall. The goal or purpose of the game was to throw the ball in the basket. That is why he called the game basketball. A man with a ladder went to the basket. He

climbed the ladder and took the ball out of the basket. Luckily, only one man got the ball into the basket in the first game.

The score in the first game was ...

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Запитання 7

The first game of basketball was played in the Springfield gym in 1891. There were nine men on each team. They used a soccer ball. They put peach baskets on the gym wall. The goal or purpose of the game was to throw the ball in the basket. That is why he called the game basketball. A man with a ladder went to the basket. He

climbed the ladder and took the ball out of the basket. Luckily, only one man got the ball into the basket in the first game.

The number of the players on the court didn't exceed

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nineteen .

Запитання 8

I’m writing to tell you about an interesting event organised at our school last week. The head teacher had invited one of the top football players in the country ........and talk to the students.

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to come

Запитання 9

It seemed that everyone wanted to be there, because when I arrived at the school hall, it was so full that I wondered if I’d ......... to get in. Fortunately, I did.

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be able


Запитання 10

The guy first gave a talk about his determination to achieve success and ...........important it was for him to work very hard.

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Запитання 11

After that, the students were allowed to ask him some questions. I managed to ask one, too! I asked him why ......... football and not another discipline.

варіанти відповідей

did he choose

he has chosen

he had chosen

Запитання 12

He said that he.......... loved football since he was a small boy. When the

event was over, my friends and I still talked about it a lot.

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Запитання 13

I used to wear glasses when I was at school, and so I very difficult.

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Запитання 14

I wanted to be involved ........... school sports competitions.

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Запитання 15

I loved the idea of teams competing..........each other, but being on the rugby team, for example, involved having to take ....... my glasses.

варіанти відповідей

beside, of

at, out

to, on

with, off

Запитання 16

That meant ............I couldn’t see it!

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Запитання 17

Have you ever played chess? Some say you need to be very skillful to play it well but it is quite easy to learn. It helps to develop the powers of ................

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Запитання 18

If you want to achieve............ as a chess player, the main requirement is an ability to analyze a situation .............

варіанти відповідей

succeed, effective

successful, affective

success, effectively

succeeding, affectively

Запитання 19

You need to have enough ......... as well.

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Запитання 20

Chess can also help to find various ........... to the math problems at school.

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