You can stay in a.... when you come to another town.
You can borrow books from the ... .
A building where you can keep your money.
A place where you can buy stamps and post letters.
You can buy a cup of coffee and cakes or sandwiches there.
You can look at famous paintings and other works of art there.
A place where you can rest, play or walk your dog.
A place where you can catch a bus.
A place where you can see many types of animals in cages.
A building with a stage in it, on which plays, shows, and other performances take place.
Where can we hear it?
“Can I have a pizza, please?”
Where can we hear it?
“Can I have a room for two nights, please?”
What does this sign mean?
What does this sign mean?
A girl is going ... the bridge.
Bethy! Look at the ...!
The cat is ... the buildings.
Our house is _____ the school.
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