Someone stole my bicycle, ___ my parents gave me for my birthday.
Their coach, ____ also plays in the local team, has taught us lots.
There is a house in our town ____ is 400 years old.
Senior's a cafe shop ____ you can buy huge ice cream!
The people who go at the same school as you are your _______
Someone who is the opposite of a friend is _____
The rain is _____ worse - it's pouring down!
It can be hard to ____ friends at a new school.
Mike ____ (come) into town with us today if he ____ (not have) some HW to do.
_______________ (you / buy) a new phone if you _______________ (can) afford it?
I _______________ (not buy) that skateboard if I _______________ (be) you. It’s not worth the money.
Olha _______________ (not be) so tired if she _______________ (not have) so much work.
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